Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suffered a stunning defeat on Thursday after he failed to meet a midnight deadline to form a new government, casting a cloud over his future as prime minister and thrusting Israel into the chaos of a new election.
People need to realise there's right wing jews who support European nationalists and Trump (e.g Netanyahoo) and then there's the leftist cultural marxist jews like Soros (Who is banned from israel)
Blake Gutierrez
This, some of the anti-semitism here is cringey as fuck. I guess we all went through that stage. You just finished watching TGSNT or Europa: The Final Battle, you've just been listening to Xurious in your car and you think ever Jew is your enemy and forget the Nuance.
But it's cringey. Anti-semitism is a tactic to recruit for the right, for our side, not to keep as a permanant unjustifiable hatred. It's cringe
Bibi is our man The hasidic jews are our guys and most jews in Israel are more conservative than most of Europe right now
Aiden Hall
no theatrics, just a straight up failure to recognize the two parties that clashed and wouldn't sit together in his coalition he had other avenues to pursue given enough time but he was sure he could convince them.
Kayden Wood
Agreed. For the people who don't know even Israel has retarded leftists like crazy Green Parties and shit who want to flood it with Africans and South Asian illegals and grant them citizenship. Jews aren't some monolithic group. Sure there's anti white leftists jews but there's also pro european jewish nationalists who understand that an alliance between Judeo-Christian people particularly against the rise of islam is in both our interests.
Some of the top youtube personalities in this fight are probably jewish. Think Dr Steve Turley for example. Pretty sure he's a jewish christian.
Angel Price
We just need to forgive and forget the U.S.S Liberty, Bank of International Settlements and Internal Hague Tribunal, right? Those rightwing, anti-feminist, anti-degeneracy Jews will forget the 109, 359 and their Talmudic commandments on dealing with goyim, right?
>Thinking neocons are good. >Still is a MIGA retard in 2019 Yeah no Newsflash Republicans have always wanted more immigration for low wagecucking.The only reason Republicans are against and Democrats for Open Borders is the Left-Right meme. P.S.Everytime I see a Coalburner on facebook she's a Devout Christian Conservative from Texas/Florida.
Joshua Walker
Firstly the U.S.S Liberty is a problem between the USA and Israel. Nothing to do with Jews as a whole. As if other countries haven't done shit like that to each other, including european ones. Russia has assassinated plenty of people in european countries and occupied Ukraine but I don't see you whining about that. Oh let me guess, Russia is secretly run by Jews?
Secondly the talmud is a collection of rabbis opinions on shit. Regular jews don;t even read it. There's crazy jews just like there's crazy christian preachers in america. Grow up.