Christ threads on Jow Forums
>talk about Christ
Pagan threads on Jow Forums
>talk about Christ
Why do people pretend Christ isn’t important to them?
Christ threads on Jow Forums
>talk about Christ
Pagan threads on Jow Forums
>talk about Christ
Why do people pretend Christ isn’t important to them?
You know, it's christians coming to pagan threads. Yesterday there were like 2 to 3 consecutive pagan hate threads.
You must control your butthurt, mutt.
I will admit,pagan hate threads are wierd as fuck.
But that is only because pagans threads existing at all is wierd as fuck.
Pagans don't even exist, just flailing and desperate atheists.
>Pagans don't even exist
Many pagan religions make more sense than christianity. Gnosticism makes more sense than christianity, a cucumber dipped in shit placed in a temple decorated with pigeons and watermelons makes more sense than christianity
I want to talk about geometry and the Monad but you niggers never stop flooding Jow Forums with myths about a Jew turning water into cold Coors lite.
>Pagans don't even exist, just flailing and desperate atheists.
Most people have heathen beliefs.
Most people historically had heathen beliefs.
The crusaders were mostly illiterate, and held heathen beliefs.
>if I say that t is true, then it is
Oh yeah big guy? Then if I say it is true then it is.
Oh shit nigger, we are at an impasse.
>most people
Shit argument for two reasons:
Most people are Christian and of those that are not most are theists.
The fact that you would even pretend mot people have “heathen” beliefs jut shows you are either desperately retarded or jut uninformed.
>Most people are Christian
Who hold heathen beliefs and keep heathen practices. Most Christian's are also Mexicans or black. Stay in denial.
>most people who say they are Christian aren’t
>this somehow reflects on Christians
Are you retarded? Or are you merely pretending?
It is not mockery for the sake of mockery, we've all read the bible, we all have read how Jesus promised to come before all who were standing there died, he was to come with the rewards of heaven and hell and with judgement.
He didn't.
So yes, your religion, as we all know, is a LARP, pagans however do believe their religion. So do gnostics, as they see this as a confirmation that Jesus was the gnostic one, since the bible fails the prophecy.
>>most people who say they are Christian aren’t
>>this somehow reflects on Christians
More like it reflects on humans in general.
But it does reflect on your own ignorance and stupidity. I bet you unironically looked on all those illerate crusaders as the paragons of virtue and faith. Really fucking funny, Juan.
Right so I have been in these threads for years.
Every single Christian and Pagan needs to listen to this podcast.
It is from Radio Aryan. If you don't seriously question what's going on after this podcast, you are just dense.
You have done little more than express your lack of literacy.
I’m not sure how familiar with books you are, but it is not uncommon to be confused when your u pick a random page and begin reading.
Typically book readers start on the first page and end on the last.
Sorry user, can't take that website seriously
It seems like you have failed to provide an argument,
That sucks.
I am actually, quite fond on reading, and buy about 10+ books monthly, and devour them as fast as possible. The bible was one of such books.
>Get fucking BTFO
>"N-not an argument"
Stay salty retard.
Tell me, how high was the literacy rate during the crusades. Not high enough to keep your heroes from being heathens burning in hell.
I buy 7 billion books a month beaus I read so fast.
Perhaps you would like to remain on point instead of measuring disks?
(But if you would like to measure dicks make it very clear, because otherwise will get banned).
Up to you. It is literally going through methodically the oldest pagan writings that we have from Northern Europe. Believe what you think you know or listen to what the Druids told us out of their own mouths.
Why not just read things for yourself?
While I don’t want to minimize my appreciation, you can’t actually believe this counts as a response, right?
I mean, you probably do, I just hope an atheist who isn’t actively atrophying will chime in since clearly you are only a few days from death.
>I buy 7 billion books
Show receipt
>boasts that most people are christian
>refuses to accept most those people are mexicans
>practicing pagan traditions
Pure cope and seeth is all I see from you.
Generally when people ask how new one is they mean in reference to this site. Or the internet. Or being alive in general.
I’m not even sure how to ask how new you are.
Oh I have. I'm spoonfeeding Jow Forums because it's the same lame arguments in every thread.
These writings are from before Rome came to Britain. When was Odin first mentioned in history ? Tacitus's late 1st-century work Germania.
These writings are from before that and they clearly explain what they actually believed and who they were.
Oh wow, if Mexicans practice my traditions I guess I’ll just stop believing in Christ.
Oh... wait... the absolute worst Mexicans are pagans.
Should I vote for Hillary or not? 4 chan is hard!
I really take very seriously my literacy, and no christian LARPer is going to come and just tell me: user, you need to read more books, I read enough books, thank you, and I know the bible inside out.
Jesus failed, case closed.
>the absolute worst Mexicans are pagans
They are Christians, actually.
Just like Europeans do the same thing Mexicans do. You don't think European Christians practice pagan traditions or preserve pagan beliefs? Do you even know anything about the Renaissance??
It's almost adorable how stupid you are.
Enjoy your kinship with Mexicans though, they are your brothers.
>Gnosticism makes more sense than christianity
(((Gnosticism))) is Christianity for faggots... larping as Platonism/Pythagorian/Egyptian Scooby Doo mysteries.
Fucking lying sack of shit. The Celtic tribes and the Germanic tribes had NO WRITTEN LANGUAGE back then. Runes only came in use for the Germanic tribes in like 150 AD. That is why all the Germanic and Celtic languages are written in Latin script. Writings before Roman contact could not exist. Writings post Roman contact were written by Romans who would vilify their enemies.
Nope you are wrong
Thank you.
It’s nice to know someone is retarded enough to think making up some shit means it is real. Doubly so since it is someone who would also like to deny such.
Consider not posting forever.
>Why do people pretend Christ isn’t important to them?
They don't. Subvertions are important in the life of people. You can't fight degeneracy without thinking about it.
>they don't exist because the rabbi told me so
Most Christians aren't even practicing.
>he doesnt know who Tacitus is
I.. mean... it's quite literally IN my library I posted. You could at least read it before responding.
>The Celtic tribes and the Germanic tribes had NO WRITTEN LANGUAGE
t. Christkike
>Everyone was converted peacefully bro, we totally aren't like Islam
No I am factually correct. There are no indigenous scripts, other than the late invention of the Runic alphabet, among the Germanic and Celtic peoples. They do not fucking exist. Also nothing of value was ever written in runes so these peoples had no literary corpus. These writings you pilpul about are fabricated.
Did I say they wrote in Ogham ?
Nope. Your assumption..
Did I say they wrote in an indigenous script ? Nope
Once again, your assumption.
Do your brain some good and listen to the podcast and download the books yourself. it's pretty simple. If the podcast is wrong, more ammunition for you.
but it's not.
>I'll take "historical psyops" for $1000 please, Alex
He's been pushed since before we've been alive anons. A lot can happen in 5 years, let alone 2000.
>most Christians aren’t practicing
Give me even 1/8th of a reason I should give a shit without completely disintegrating your only hope of discussion.
A swastika and a hashtag right there, nice!
>No I am factually correct. There are no indigenous scripts
See how the jew worshiper lies
Also the crusades were useless against not Europeans.
The biggest obstacles to Pisslam were Pagan Mongols and Vlad Tepes that contrary to the (((official version))) wasn't a kike worshipper. His politics made jews lose a lot of money.
>Platonism/Pythagorian/Egyptian Scooby Doo mysteries.
True patrician spirituality. Gnostics can fuck off. Sometimes I wonder how advanced would society be if Pythagoras held so many people's hearts as Jesus, but alas, as was always known, such a practice is only for the nobility of the mind and spirit.
There is proof of pre-Roman Celtic universities.
Do you think maybe, just maybe they could write in other languages ? What do you think ?
There is proof but you have to open your mind and listen to the proof in order to refute it.
REEEEEEEEEEEing isn't proof.
Why should a kike worshipper give a shit about any logic.
How many christkikes pray to his jewish gods and go to church on average?
>what if we. Just obsessed over triangles instead of actually improving shit
Wow, based. I bet you hate black triangles.
>he doesnt know about Pythagoras
Yikes. Read a book kiddo.
I don’t know what is more depressing, your response or the possibility that you thought it was a valid one.
>making up some shit
Matthew 24:34
Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.
Matthew 10:23
Truly I tell you, you will not reach all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.
Matthew 16:28
Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom."
Matthew 23:36
Truly I tell you, all these things will come upon this generation.
As you can see folks, it is a jew posing as a christian whom forwards you to christogenea
Pythagoras gave birth to the word "philo sophia"
He effectively began Western tradition.
He started the system which would later become the University system of Europe, the studies of Trivium and Quadrivium.
He brought highly advanced mathematics into Italy and Greece.
And began our traditions of astronomy, and music theory.
Plato's works were the doctrines of Pythagoreanism condensed, with other inspirations.
Neoplatonism, being a rightful successor, carried this on through the Renaissance, and gave birth to the advancement of Europe.
This is why Kepler believed himself to be Pythagoras reborn.
Pythagoras is incredibly important to European improvement.
He was more than just the "Pythagorean theorem." To claim that he was makes it evident you have never read Plato, or any classic works for that matter.
In the preface to Euclid's Elements, John Dee had wrote,
>To the Unfained Lovers of Truth
>'Divine Plato, the great Master of many worthy Philosophers'.
Read a book Juan.
Wow, what a kike.
I could say more, but it is apprentnyour have a game plan I would rather post into
Pythagoras is the founder of European culture in the Western Mediterranean sphere.
Benjamin Farrington, Greek Science: Its Meaning for Us
g. I do not know of any other man who has been as influential as he was in the sphere of thought. I say this because what appears as Platonism is, when analyzed, found to be in essence Pythagoreanism. The whole conception of an eternal world, revealed to the intellect but not to the senses, is derived from him. But for him, Christians would not have thought of Christ as the Word; but for him, theologians would not have sought logical proofs of God and immortality.
Bertrand Russell, in A History of Western Philosophy
The concept of a harmonious universe ordered according to "the Great Chain of Being" — a chain that connects the continuum of matter, body, mind, soul and spirit — stands as one of the most fundamental ideas of western thought. It continues to be a profound influence upon the deepest strata of our thought. And yet a major rift has appeared in the consciousness of our time because the theme of harmonia has not been translated into the realm of human conduct. The challenge of our time may be to revive it, and make divine harmony "the great theme" of the next millennium. Any success we have in accomplishing this will be based, in large part, on the achievements of Pythagoras.
On the question whether mathematics was discovered or invented, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans had no doubt — mathematics was real, immutable, omnipresent, and more sublime than anything that could conceivably emerge from the human mind. The Pythagoreans literally embedded the universe into mathematics. In fact, to the Pythagoreans, God was not a mathematician — mathematics was God! ...By setting the stage, and to some extent the agenda, for the next generation of philosophers — Plato in particular — the Pythagoreans established a commanding position in Western thought.
Mario Livio, Is God a Mathematician?
>people gneneratinally thought.
>except for people i hate, they were dumb
I see you are so BTFO you aren't even trying to respond any more.
Read a book Juan Gabriel Marquez.
>Most Christians aren't even practicing.
Practicing what? Believing in Jesus?
>I could say more
Start with this
Matthew 24:34
Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.
Matthew 10:23
Truly I tell you, you will not reach all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.
Matthew 16:28
Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom."
Matthew 23:36
Truly I tell you, all these things will come upon this generation.
Also, this isn't a word, Jose.
He sure should read a book, he's calling the rest of posters illiterate, and when they post a receipt proving that they actually do read many books monthly, he somehow sees fit to behave like the jew he is and pretend he was calling them newfags and children.
If then, further, you btfo him even more, don't miss it out, he calls you a kike
Christ is important to the whole world, that’s why the entire world uses the birth of Christ as the central point in time (all dates are either BC or AD, depending on whether they took place before or after the birth of Christ, and no using BCE and CE doesn’t change this fact). Pagans are just mad that the world forgot about them a thousand years ago, though we did so for good reaosn
I have to say, I perhaps it is my insobriety allowing me to se such, but your goal of distracting Christians is entirely foolhardy.
I can’t imagine a person whose mind could be changed by what you’re u have to offer. It doesn’t make any sense
Checked. Based and + faith pilled
>OP starts some shit
>gets torn apart by everyone
Here's A thought. Find common ground between Christians and pagans regarding the true (((enemy))). Respectfully agree to disagree and find ways to Work together to destroy. Or let them divide and conquer you..
You're being played
>Practicing what? Believing in Jesus?
What good is it, my brothers, if someone claims to have faith, but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you tells him, “Go in peace; stay warm and well fed,” but does not provide for his physical needs, what good is that? So too, faith by itself, if it is not complemented by action, is dead.
But someone will say, “You have faith and I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. You believe that God is one.e Good for you! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.
O foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is worthless?f Was not our father Abraham justified by what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see that his faith was working with his actions, and his faith was perfected by what he did. And the Scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,”g and he was called a friend of God. As you can see, a man is justified by his deeds and not by faith alone.
In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute justified by her actions when she welcomed the messengers and sent them off on another route? As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.
Yeap. That's the truth
Op here, must have missed it.
Was I wrong, somehow?
Or are you a typical fagtard with nothing to say?
Why would I want to associate myself with the likes of you? I don't intend to "change your mind." You are human garbage! Know your role, pleb.
You made this thread, yes? And here we are, talking about our great pagan forebears, to whom we owe so much credit for the advancement and success of Europe. I will gladly continue discussing this subject of the cultural Western fathers to whom we owe thanks until my body gives way.
The Mega I posted itt has pretty much every significant book from Western canon. I guarantee he has touched none of it, and should. There are even the Christian theologians of renown in there, which would interest him, but his disdain for education seems to be his constant.
>The crusaders were mostly illiterate
And Biblical scholars of the time could read, write, and speak multiple languages including Koine Greek which had already become archaic and difficult to learn. Different jobs for different people. I doubt you could stand up in full mail and swing a sword either.
tfw ensalved to sin in this body. death to the world when?
>I doubt you could stand up in full mail and swing a sword either.
Contrary to popular beliefs, armor and swords were light to wear and handle.
just fucking move to israel allready so you can better serve the jews you worship i know im talking to deaf ears but you got to realise that burger christianity is some twisted slave cult
>I doubt you could stand up in full mail and swing a sword either.
Um, user. Full mail wasn't developed until the late middle ages, it was effectively irrelevant due to the development of muskets before it really saw use.
Beside this, full mail isn't that heavy, soldiers today still carry just as much.
>christ gives me positivity and elation
>i still fail him
why bros
>Matthew 24:34
>Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.
34 Truly I say to you that by no means should this race shall not pass away until all these things should happen!
>Matthew 10:23
>Truly I tell you, you will not reach all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.
“23 And when they should persecute you in this city, flee to another. For truly I say to you, by no means should you exhaust the cities of Israel until when the Son of Man should come!
>Matthew 16:28
>Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom."
28 Truly I say to you that there are some of those standing here who shall by no means taste death until when they should see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom!” (Anyone who believes on Jesus Christ deosn't taste death)
>Matthew 23:36
>Truly I tell you, all these things will come upon this generation
36 Truly I say to you, all these things shall come upon this race!
genea: race, family, generation
Original Word: γενεά, ᾶς, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: genea
Phonetic Spelling: (ghen-eh-ah')
Definition: race, family, generation
>>>>>> Usage: a generation; IF repeated twice OR with another time word, practically indicates infinity of time.
Because most often the right thing runs contrary to what feels nice
>Here's A thought. Find common ground between Christians and pagans regarding the true (((enemy))). Respectfully agree to disagree and find ways to Work together to destroy. Or let them divide and conquer you..
>You're being played
Going after the (((real enemy))) is the most important thing, however, to defeat the (((real enemy))) we must destroy his works, including Christianity. There is a reason why we don't bother finding common ground with other judaic philosophies like communism or liberalism or freemasonry. It's good if they help us fight their masters but to solve our problems they must be truly freed from the kike.
>his works, including Christianity
You've been duped if you think Christianity is Jewish.
>practically indicates infinity of time
>some who are standing here
It's immensely challenging to distance yourself from some social connections because it's the right thing to do. How do you tell a friend you can't be their friend anymore?
>just say it bro
>(Anyone who believes on Jesus Christ deosn't taste death)
Fake, and gay.
Here is the context
For the Son of Man will come in His Father’s glory with His angels, and then He will repay each one according to what he has done.
Literally promised to come back in a moment and bring hell and death and eternal life and jugdement.
Fuck off kike.
LARP all you want, at the end of the day you can only respect actionable encouragement.
What exactly do you wait/hope for? The core of Christianity is an anti-kike regime, the core of bilbolaroers is jewish nonsense,
This, unironically. Judea is not the 'chosen people', even in the old testimant. The people who call everything that's semitic Jewish, are also the people who have fallen for the Jewish reclassification of all semitic peoples as Jews.
Ok enagage brain.
The Bible is the story of
Which generation ? The Generation of Adam.
His race. The Adamic Race. The only race to be infused with the spirit of Yahweh.
Word meanings change even within a lifetime.
Genealogy.. oh there is that word again genea.
It is your duty to be honest.
If you do not tell this person, you have deceived them, you have been dishonest, and betrayed not only them, but yourself.
I am no Christian, friend, but I can tell you that I have seen what is good from what is evil. By with-holding your feelings you have compromised your own integrity.
Pagans are really just Jews
>he Adamic Race
Yes, the jews.
>no, because rosy cheeks
So the jews.
Christianity is absolutely jewish
The problem is that our newfags think kikes are actually Jews.
Christ himself warned us about these faggots.
You hate what you can' t have.
Nope that is your interpretation.
yeah obviously I'm a kike since I believe on the Messiah Yashuah.
Wow caught me out.. I worship the none Edomite savior.. Damn you're good.. not
the chosen nation is Israel. the Jews are merely several tribes of Israel. the northern 10 tribes were exiled to become what we know as white people. but that's just the genetic Israel. the spiritual Israel is what's important. 2/3rds of our people will die in the coming days. it has been foreseen.
>hates Jesus
>claims da Bible is all kikes
The insincerity of our society is a curse. The obsession with being nice over good is absolutely destructive, and it infects the mindset of everyone--myself included, of course. I will think about it, and I do agree with you.
Judeo Christianity and Christianity are two different things.
Just like the N.S.D.A.P. and neo Nazis are two different things. LEL