He's not redpilling that's on tinder

>He's not redpilling that's on tinder

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already on it

Attached: redpilling Rachel.png (750x1334, 145K)

We need some digestible statistics for their pea brains.


Attached: Kate_and_polio.png (828x1792, 471K)

FFS is this how you were redpilled? I highly doubt it you turbosperg.

i cringed so hard

checked but red-pilling that's...what? succinct? deep? entry-level?

>I’m not

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back to twitter


Imagine cringing on the internet over someone you dont know. Are you underage or insecure onionboy

>that post
fucking hell

wow you guys are gay

Did she reply yet?

>cheerfully goes along with it
She wants to 14 words with you user

And ur a fcking nigger, have sex incel

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>trying to redpill women
It's a waste of time. They go along with the prevailing narrative. Red pill the men and the women will follow.

In my experience the best approach for women is the EMJ style.
It’s almost scary how effective it is.

Back to plebbit nigger

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she just likes u bruh

People who say "cringe" are always the insufferable faggots.

kek did not expect

He also gave the polio vaccine to one of his sons and it killed him.

What's emj senpai


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E Michael Jones

bump poast mooare

Diamonds rn