>Be America
>Notice Iran exists.
Pic related.
>Be America
>Notice Iran exists.
Pic related.
In all fairness we've been putting up with Iran's shit for 45 years far as I know. I think thats a lot of patience. Imagine letting some under-nourished fuckwad hit you in the back of the head every day for 45 years then laugh at you when you give them a dirty look over it.
Eventually the pencil neck gets broken.
Americans definitely should fight and die in wars that only benefit Israel and rich old white people who never served in a war themselves.
Yeah I mean Iran couldn't possibly be doing anything that requires correction or anything its just the JEWS AND BOOMERS EVERY TIME.
its just scripted sabre rattling by (((them))). Iran is in on it, and it paid billions to play along.
the profiteers are the defense contractors and jews in American govt.
I hope they burn you.
Remember that time the CIA put that leader in power in iran who murdered thousands of people.
pretty much, glad you get it
Lol which one?
We aren’t going to war for you jewish shills. Iran is going to nuke you faggots (if only nukes existed) I guarantee you the same shit that went on with Kim Jong Un in North Korea with trump will happen with Iran. It’s all a show. Neocon boomers AND Israel BTFO