Is he right?
Never was an english city
yes, and he's just as responsible as anyone else if not more so than the average lefty
he used his celebrity status to promote liberalism and the Labour party.
I'll care about his opinions on London if he renounces them and admits he made a mistake. Until then he's just another boomer looking to blame others and deny all culpability for policies he voted for.
Do the pakis have tee time?
Do the muslims spend their sunday afternoon going for a walk with their wife?
Do the pakis complain about the traffic in london?
Do the muslim wave do the queen when she drives by?
Britain is not british anymore.
>Do the pakis have tee time?
Is golf so popular in England?
i hear london is somehow even worse than sweden
So he takes advantage of things that were built by people of the national origin and than says
>It's good that all these people are in here because they give us Rice and Meat and speak a variety of languages
It's like they cannot come up with a reason on why foreign immigration is good so they just fall back to food
Like the worst part is that it's not even unique food or something that's interesting, Like Sushi or Beluga caviar
It's fucking cheap meat on rice with sauce
Like fuck dude
John Cleese should get loicense for sayin thies things
John Cleese bout to get run in for violating hate speech laws
Is there anybody that doesn't know that London =/= England? I didn't know it was such a literal thought crime to point that out
Why is not considered part of england?
It's on your sovereign land?
Why deny it's existence?
What was the point of the Battle of Hastings?
Was William the Duke of Normandy efforts for naught?
I'm a Norfener, the south can burn since 1641 for all I care
How do people even get offended by that?
Cleese didn't say whether it was good, or bad. He just said "It no longer feels English". That's just an observation.
well he right i live in london its a fucking liberal multicultural shit hole
Mate, I reckon John Cleese needs sortin' out.
How does one accuse another of the visibly obvious?
I am sure he is alright with male genital mutilation though.
Jow Forums and Cleese BTFO by the sharp wit of Major Sadiq
I always liked Monty Python
cleese is a fucking typical boomer cuck
>Sadiq Khan
I wish Trump wasn't such a pussy, would love to watch that sandnigger get droned.
>diversity is our greatest strenght
>Somalis in london literally sending their kids to africa to go to school because it is now safer
D-diversity is our-s-strength, rember that, o-ok
John Cleese is a fucking shill boomer. Where exactly has he been all these years?
>those comments
There is hope for this world.
>he used his celebrity status to promote liberalism and the Labour party.
And he left his England for Caribbean
somebody pulled the food card yesterday on me in such a thread when I argued the native english have a right for their culture and home country to be preserved
also remember how many white people are actually wiggers at this point. Culturally they are not white.
>He just said "It no longer feels English".
And for some strange reason it feels bad, man!
I don't understand how so many shitskins can live in London. You need to be earning £20k+ a year to be able to afford anything.
partially true, it was founded by romans.
Wonder what the guy on the left is thinking.
Probably wishing he could be black as well. He looks like one of those people.
>spend career mocking Christians
>become well known for caricatures lampooning little Englanders
>"oh no where did my culture go"
Monty Python is hilarious but don't pay any attention to them outside of the show, prototypical söyim
It won't take too many decades for all of England to be dominated by Africans and Arab Muslims. The ignorant darkies are filling previously White nations, bringing IQ down, dramatically increasing crime.
The highest crime is to say "This isn't a good idea. What we spent centuries building will die, and we'll just be another third world shithole."
Whites will have to build their own enclaves built on religious faith - like Amish or Menonites, just to be safe from the dark hordes.
>typical boomer cuck
He doesn’t even understand that his generation is the one responsible for fucking things up
>It won't take too many decades for all of England to be dominated by Africans
We want to be just like you
Of course the fucking indian doesn't care about London's culture. Why the fuck is this guy in a position of power
I know of an immigrant (a legal one with a job) that he originally planned to go to England but it was so bad that everyone warned him not to go there so he came here instead.
Mfw England is such a shithole that even third world Muslims don't want to go there. The only people that still want to move to London do it for free gibs.
Shit I almost forgot.
Gott strafe England.
London's culture has become stabbings, moped robberies and acid attacks
>Why the fuck is this guy in a position of power
Democracy and demographics
A foreign coloniser literally attacking an English icon because of lack of respect and connection with England, it's culture, it's heritage and it's people, who would have expected that from a goat fucking sand nigger? I wonder how much interest Kahn and his ilk have in the magna carta, or Hastings or the kings and queens of England etc. Absolutely no interest whatsoever.
>the kings and queens of England etc.
All of them were psychopathic murderers.
nigger detected
I've read all your posts, then I remembered it's half-term, so that explains them.
Top kek
At least those psychopathic murderers were loyal to their country. Idk what the hell your queen is doing.
>then I remembered it's half-term
Yes I am a teacher
He is right
You cunts are missing the most important part of Cleese's tweet: the part about how differently London voted in the Brexit referendum compared to the rest of England.
A major UK public figure has essentially just said "Demography is Destiny" to the UK public, and there's been wall to wall coverage of it in the MSM. Good times.
>I don't understand how so many shitskins can live in London. You need to be earning £20k+ a year to be able to afford anything.
They don't pay for anything, mate. We do.
He kind of looks like Paul Rudd if you ask me. Strange how a "white" person like Paul Rudd would look middle eastern.
nice spot
just like the illegal spics (and niggers) do here. What a balance!
>Dom Jolly and John Cleese being mentioned in the same sentence
>I wonder how much interest Kahn and his ilk have in the magna carta
You now know the reason of non white immigration
Uber drivers make more than 20k
>A major UK public figure has essentially just said "Demography is Destiny"
And still nobody cares
I wouldn't expect this generation to know how truly barbaric and savage a group of people have to be before you can ruffle John Cleese's feathers, and yet this generation has done it.
Apparently, according to this new tweet, John has been sneaking red-pills for a while. Or far more likely, he never lost his original common sense as a true Briton and managed to quietly escape before being commanded to recant it.
I think I might watch "Fierce Creatures" today, one of his contemporary light hearted comedies. Also features Kevin Kline & Jamie Curtis.
Oh fuck...
It looks so comfy.
why are teachers in the UK so intent on teaching early modern propaganda about the dark ages?
Are you ready?
He's not talking about London but the City of London
Plenty of cities in the UK vioted remain, so did Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Yeah , pretty much anyone living outside London will say it's not English. Its too diverse afterall.
Im from Kent myself, and my house it surrounded by countryside and whites. Had 3 niggers in my school of 2000 kids as well, nothing like London with the 95% chimpanzee schools with funding out of their arses still failing to get students passing grades because all the kids want is money and drugs.
Not in London, but anyone middle class is a fan of golf or snooker really.
Povertyball is for the low tier of society as an entry drug for better sports.
based English teacher
I visited London while touring the island around 1987. I often feel bad that I saw a London that actual young British men of today have never experienced and ostensibly never will.
We're talking about England, Hans. The place in England that was most strongly for remain was also the lest English.
Fuck off boomer
Honestly? As far as London goes, I kind of figure it needed a purge before it needed a purge.
I mean those fuckers were known worldwide universally for being the biggest cocksucking assholes on earth.
No really. Even other British will tell you that.
It's good. All those white assholes will move out into the real world and get bitched out for their behaviors and they just MIGHT eventually learn some manners.
Then maybe later white people can go back and take London. Or just burn it down.
What a dump.