I cannot poo in loo so I burn very much thank you come again

Why did he do it? Did he hate Trump? Did he hate Pelosi? Pick a reason. Any reason. Hell, just make something up.

Why did he do it? Who was the guy on the cell phone talking to? Was he telling the Jews to shut it down? What's this all about?

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Why won't more Trump haters do it...is my question. Are they pussies?

It's weird how we still don't have any info on his motives. It's like they're intentionally trying to sweep this under the rug.

Nothing to do with Trump. He was protesting the Jewish control of the US


The conspiracy to make people shit in a toilet is the best kept secret of the Jews.
Yesterday I came to the conclusion that the other Jewish conspiracies are a mere smoke screen for the newbies to ignore the Jewish conspiracy of the toilets.
Until the invasion of Venezuela by the CIA is because Venezuelans do not have toilet paper, so the Jews seek to enslave them to use toilet paper and thus make millions of toilet and sanitary products for cleaning the ass when people shit .
That's why the UN is carrying out education campaigns in India so that the Hindus shit in toilets, it is clearly a Jewish plan to sell sanitary, toilet paper and soap in India.
That's why the Jews pass laws so that shitting in the bush is illegal.
That is why children are brainwashed so that they learn to clean their ass with toilet paper and shit in toilets, Jews control education globally, it is only logical that they promote this since it makes them earn a lot of money selling paper hygienic and sanitary.
There are many Jews in the toilet industry, Jews control the bathroom soaps industry, bath towels and other industries related to shitting in a toilet.
Jews also control porn, which is why in scat videos they are toilets, it is part of the Jewish plan so that people who subconsciously fap with shit use toilets.
On television we see commercials of soap and toilet paper every day to clean our asses, clearly when controlling TV and newspapers too, it is evidence of a Jewish conspiracy to do social engineering so that people buy cleaning products to clean their asses when they shit in a toilet.
Hitler knew of these plans to make people shit in toilets, that's why he made World War II and turned Jews into soaps.
Everything that has happened since then is evidence of the Jewish plan to make everyone shit in toilets.
The other Jewish plans on the NWO and the white genocide are mere smoke screens so that people do not suspect the plan of the toilets.

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There was a guy like 3 weeks ago that did the same thing. Who gives a shit

Look at me,
I'm the orange man now

Fucking kek never change poo

Man those Indians really go all the way when they protest. Did he died? The mans tell the truth ain’t he?