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wow resorting to double and triple negatives. so intellectual. much meaning.

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Fox News always does this when it's convenient to take the "middle ground." Remember, it's in their interest to give any sort of boost to Trump's primary opponents so they have something to cover on the GOP side.

Also, I recall Hillary supporters claiming she was cleared after Comey's statement. Everyone plays politics with absolutes.

Thank heaven we live in a world where it is the state's job to prove a crime rather than the absence of one.

Kill yourself.

He just admitted he colluded.

>what is Article 2 Section 1?
>what is Executive Power?
it doesn't matter.
it hasn't ever mattered.
the President is incapable of breaking the law.
no executive has ever, or will ever, be prosecuted.
nixon wasn't.
clinton wasn't.
obama wasn't.
Trump won't either.


>The president is above the law

Why are you licking boots this hard?

Jesus Christ are you fucking kidding me

>the President is incapable of breaking the law.

LOL yeah good luck with that, bud.

You're funny, he's using the Left's own words to taunt them. Would it have been more clear if he used quotation marks?

you guys have never read the constitution.

i'm not saying he's above the law.
i'm saying that, as part of the law (specifically Article 2 Section 1 very fucking first sentence) he gets a pass.
there's no definition of executive power; it's a blank check for power that was written that way on purpose.
by definition, you cannot break the law if you are exercising constitutional power.
educate yourself.

>i'm saying that, as part of the law (specifically Article 2 Section 1 very fucking first sentence) he gets a pass.
>there's no definition of executive power; it's a blank check for power that was written that way on purpose.

You are completely fuckin' wrong. You are so hilariously wrong, I spat soda.

Basically the president is above the law and incapable of breaking it, which is absurd. I can't think of any constitutional scholar that holds your point of view except for MAYBE Alan Dershowitz, and I'm not sure that his interpretation is even as extreme as yours.

>Be George Washington
>Americas first president
>use US Army against American civillians
>didn't break the law because of Executive Power

>Be Obama
>Declare American citizens guilty without a trial
>Order their execution without a trial
>didn't break the law because of Executive Power

>be George Washington
>legislate by executive proclamation
>American citizens are fucking pissed off, "Fuck King George IV!"
>he's literally usurping power from the legislative branches
>not break the law because of Executive Power

I can do this all day.
you have no idea what you are talking about.
to make you think of this a different way, what is diplomatic immunity?
does that make diplomats above the law?
no, it just means that there exists legal framework that means they can't be prosecuted.

Anyone that still believes there was collusion after two years of searching is a pea brain who should castrate themselves for the good of humanity

He effectively said nothing in that press conference. He said also that he would add nothing that is not in the report. Because the report is a full investigation. So if congress wants him in for a hearing. He would say nothing that is not included in the report, because there´s nothing to add in his oppinion.
So what´s in the report? no collusion.

So what exactly did Russia even do? 3 years and I still see no clear answer to how they influenced the election beyond some memes on normiebook.

It´s such a lame duck. Idk what game he is playing by saying that they made no attempt of impeachment because they were not allowed to do so of a sitting president. Because there´s nothing in the report to indicate collusion. So why does he fucking float that other than he personally doesn´t like trump. Which has also been established that robert mueller doesn´t like trump very much. This is also why it is hilarious that he lead the investigation. 2 year investigation into someone you don´t like. And then being so fucking buttblasted of not finding anything. That you try to float that we couldn´t impeach him even if we wanted to, because that´s against US law. Because he fucking knows there´s nothing in the report. But he wants to float unsubstantiated that trump should be impeached.

Yes it is, have sex.

>So what exactly did Russia even do? 3 years and I still see no clear answer to how they influenced the election beyond some memes on normiebook.
They didn´t. The allegation has constantly been something about these emails. And something something contact with russian administration by members of trumps campaign.
No votes were tampered with no nothing, no such allegations. The premise seems to be that those fucking DNC emails that were leaked, which were all true btw, not faked. changed americans minds so much that they voted for trump. And if some russians had a hand in helping to leak those DNC emails, this means russia manipulated US elections.
Meanwhile the DNC was happy to try to acquire this totally fake 'pissgate' dossier from said russians, and try to use this bullshit against trump during the campaign. What the hell is that then? Wouldn´t that also be russian meddling by some russians to help americans get some shit on trump?
Other than that is has been unsubstantiated shit that russians control trump somehow, because of he wanted at some point build some hotel or something in russia. Which iirc didn´t occur.
It has clearly been a political witchunt to try to dunk trump on something. Because they don´t politically agree with him.

I think you're overstating the case, but it is absolutely absurd to think there could ever be a legitimate police force that arrests the president.

He cannot be arrested, and he cannot be charged with any crimes. He cannot obstruct any police investigation, because it is his job to tell them what to do, and what not to do.

Why did he state that russia did not help him and his campaign earlier?

Hard-mode: No mention of hillary

i am overstating nothing.
the founding fathers wanted George Washington to be a king.
he turned them down.
so, they wrote the very first line of Article 2 Section 1, recognizing that ruling a country is hard and that, sometimes what is in the best interest of the country may be "illegal".

a modern example of this would be firebombing a US city that had an uncontrollable outbreak.
would the city's rights get violated? hell yes.
would the President be able to be prosecuted for making that call?
the executive Power is a scary and extreme thing; but the founding fathers recognized that it may be a necessary thing, so they wrote the President a blank check for power, trusting that the people wouldn't elect someone crazy who would abuse it.

it's not so bad when you realize that a corrupt president can still be impeached; they just can't be prosecuted.

If you want to see how hillary was totally bought and paid for by foreign governments. And if she was investigated for 2 years with same scrutiny of her and the clinton foundation. She´d be in jail right now. But that doesn´t seem to bother you. Why don´t you admit it´s just because you don´t like trumps political ideas, and want to see him go down. Rather than you objectively suddently care about the integrity of your politicians.

How did the russians help his campaign? First off you ofcourse have to understand that russians preferred trump over hillary. Because hillary was threatening some pretty bad things with regards to russia. Putin also made it clear he preferred trump. It would be weird that russia didn´t prefer trump. When hillary directly threaten russia in what she wanted to do.
Also there were some attempts to contact parts of trumps campaign, including the russians tried to reach out to some of the campaign but was rejected.
Meanwhile you had total collusion with most of US media rooting for hillary. You had foreign newspapers and foreigners and other politicians saying they would prefer hillary. But that´s ok you see.. Apparently.

>they just can't be prosecuted.
I agree that he can't be prosecuted, but I say you're overstating the case because he CAN still violate the law.

It's one thing to say you broke the law (violated the constitution), it's another to say you're going to be prosecuted for it.

that's a strawman.
i'm stating that it is impossible for him to violate the law--because of executive Power everything he does is within the law.

The literal level of misrepresentation in that article.
>Russia, Russia, Russia! That’s all you heard at the beginning of this Witch Hunt Hoax...And now Russia has disappeared because I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected.
That´s the tweet right.
So they say trump is saying russia helped him get elected. No he´s actually not saying that. But if they helped him get elected, if russia somehow acted on their own with DNC emails and wikileaks etc. as it is claimed. he or his campaign had nothing to do with it.

I mean i can actually see why russia would do that, if hillary staunch anti russian. Who they didn´t prefer to be POTUS. That they might find it convenient to help hack the DNC emails. Which showed how DNC are a bunch of aholes. That they would do so. But that doesn´t mean trump would have anything to do with it.
But i can clearly see russias interest. What is weird is that you pretend it´s immoral of russia to do. Especially coming from country such as USA who has been influencing foreign elections quite a bit in recent history. Now all of a sudden the fact that russia even shows interest in that they would not prefer hillary as president. Is the worst thing ever. You had politicians and media and people in other countries urging americans to vote for hillary. It was pathetic. Including how much mexico was shilling against trump. But that´s no problem apparently.

I haven't strawmanned you, I'm disagreeing with you.
If you violate the rights of people as expressed in the constitution, that is not within the law. If it were as you say, the bill of rights would have had a clause written "except for uses executive power".

And if hillary had won. I don´t think there would have been any kind of investigation into any such things. Would there? NO..
Man if you would investigate hillary and the clinton foundation and taking apart and going through her life and everyone she has ever been associated with of foreign governments and officials and foreign companies and these things. if you went through every fucking little part of her life like that. I think you would find an incredible amount of bad shit. But i´m fairly confident in saying that had she been elected, that would not even be investigated. But they would be talking for 2 years about how bad white americans are etc. And how mass immigration is great, as per fucking usual.

user, half the point of government is to violate rights.
violating rights is not equivalent to breaking the law.
that's why we have warrants.
that's why we had "free speech zones" for a while.
that's why within 100 miles of the border you can be searched without a warrant.
that's why you can be detained for 24 hours without charges being filed.

And, FYI, the bill of rights come AFTER Article 2 Section 1 of the constitution... they knew what they were doing when they wrote it.

> Be Robert Muller
>Get unlimited budget
>Hire 20 democrat lawyers, including former Clintonistas
>Prosecute Trump supporters (Manafort) but ignore Clintonistas who do same crime (Podesta)
>Hassle set up low level Trump supporter (Papadapolis) so hard wife has miscarriage
>Allege Papadapolis taking information from Russian agent (Misfud)
>Drag out investigation for years after knowing it wont go anywhere
>Except Misfud was really Western intelligence and everyone knows it
>File report with no evidence of conspiracy
>Hey, cant prove it didn't happen!
>But Herr Muller, we has questions
>Nope, sorry refuse to answer any questions, it's all in the report I quit nows.
>t. Muller

>And, FYI, the bill of rights come AFTER Article 2 Section 1 of the constitution... they knew what they were doing when they wrote it.
And what are you intending to imply by saying this?

They are amendments. If anything, they take precedence. If there's a conflict between the constitution and any amendments to it, the amendments obviously act as changes to that part of the constitution.

How close is civil war?

Lmfao imagine the president being convicted of a crime
Sorry sweetie pie honey bun sugar plum, it doesn't really work that way my sweet summer child baby cakes boo bear :*

>They are amendments. If anything, they take precedence. If there's a conflict between the constitution and any amendments to it, the amendments obviously act as changes to that part of the constitution.

i'm saying that they don't.
a modern example of this is the war on drugs.
when alcohol was prohibited it took a constitutional amendment to make it law and it took another to repeal it.
but, Nixon exercised executive Power and created the drug schedule instantly making every controlled substance on that list illegal, even though this conflicts with the constitution.

heh. Yeah and btw. don´t forget robert mueller doesn´t like trump whatsoever. Which is why he is so butthurt that he didn´t find anything. That he floats that even if there was something they couldn´t prosecute him. But the report contains nothing.
>i am so butthurt i didn´t find anything, but i don´t like trump so i still think he should be impeached cause i don´t like him.

They went through any fucking thing and person trump had or were associated with. And tore apart their fucking life to try to see if something would stick. And they found nothing.
Imagine doing that to a politician like hillary.
They threw everything including the kitchen sink at trump. I´m actually genuinely surprised they didn´t find anything? I was thinking they might find some tiny little thing that was irellevant. And then try to make it relevant and spin and exaggerate it out of proportion and somehow get him thrown in jail or something.
I mean they got his lawyer thrown in jail for some shit with his fucking taxi company or whatever.. just thrown under the bus, because the investigation gave them carte blanche to go and investigate every fucking body that they wanted to. And trying to get him to say anything negative about trump. Just putting the fucking squeeze on everybody they could get their hands on. Must be frustrating then to not even find a tiny little thing. I´m still surprised they didn´t find a tiny little thing. But it seems they didn´t.

And trump has also put sanctions on russia btw. Wew that´s a lot of control putin has over trump isn´t it. So they also put trump in a position that he can´t even be nice to russia even if it makes sense. Because they´ll try to say he´s helping russia and this proves it. It´s such a fucking mess to be in as a sitting president. To have that cloud of accusation over your presidency for 2 fucking years as you are trying to do various things that you promised those who voted for you. Which is ofcourse hard enough as it is.

All branches of government do things that violate the constitution.

Violations of the constitution are not evidence that it's legal to violate the constitution.

Violations of the constitution are still illegal, it's just that they are not handled and corrected via prosecution like normal laws. They are dealt with through other procedures (like impeachment).

This is actually one of the worst parts of it. In their quest to destroy Trump they have badly antagonized the relationship between two nuclear super powers. This adversely affects everyone from Syria to the Ukraine. But to the Democrats/Clintonistas, apparently their lust for power overrides everything else including world peace.
But we knew that about Bill Clinton already, since he sold MIRV technology to the chicoms back in the 80s.

One of the sad'est parts of the investigation, is not that they were investigating trump, eventhough they had only very flimsy and very partisan reason for doing it.
>hillary didn´t win, we don´t like trump politically, reeeee
The sad thing is how they went through OTHER peoples lives, whom trump was associated with, and in a lot of ways tore them apart, to try to find some dirt on them.
It´s not a nice presedence to set. That if someone gets elected that some people don´t agree with politically. Then everybody associated with that person. If there´s something they´ve done. Prepare to have your life under a microscope. And if there´s some tiny thing they can nail you for. You get thrown under the bus.

Being "not not guilty" is not the standard

>This is actually one of the worst parts of it. In their quest to destroy Trump they have badly antagonized the relationship between two nuclear super powers. This adversely affects everyone from Syria to the Ukraine. But to the Democrats/Clintonistas, apparently their lust for power overrides everything else including world peace.
It´s really a messy thing they did in this desperate quest for getting trump thrown out of office. But yeah as you said, they probably don´t even care.

Let's suppose there was collusion.

In what ways has Russia benefited post-election? Because I genuinely have no idea.

>In what ways has Russia benefited post-election? Because I genuinely have no idea.
They have actually not benefitted. Because trump has been forced especially due to this investigation. To be harsh against russia, even if it doesn´t make any sense. Because any kind gesture would have been seen as if, that he´s helping russia. So it´s actually not helped them whatsoever! It´s made it worse for them. So whilst they ofcourse preferred trump over hillary. This has not really helped them whatsoever.
And that´s also a sad situation. Because maybe trump wants to atleast try to get along with russia. As he said during the campaign. If it was possible he wants to get along with russia. But due to this, even if it makes sense, because it does. He can´t do it.
All because this stupid fucking accusations!

It´s such a stupid diplomatic quagmire these accusations have also produced. Between two nuclear powers, that really it´s in best interest of everyone in the world. That they atleast get along and is on decent terms towards eachother. You don´t want two nuclear powers disagreeing with eachother too much, you really don´t. And they also need eachother to deal with things in middle east etc. Which is ofcourse a more important thing for russia than USA, which is why russia played an active role with regards to syria. Because they saw, USA was under obama not helping, but making things worse.

>This is actually one of the worst parts of it. In their quest to destroy Trump they have badly antagonized the relationship between two nuclear super powers. This adversely affects everyone from Syria to the Ukraine. But to the Democrats/Clintonistas, apparently their lust for power overrides everything else including world peace.
I mean they don´t fucking get that. I´m glad you said that actually.
They have managed to with the russia russia russia, peddle in the mind of ignorant americans, that they put them mentally as if soviet union still exists, and trying to set usa and russia relations back to where there was the cold war and all these things.. BUT THAT´S NOT TODAY.. soviets don´t exist anymore. Russia is very different now. They got this red scare going, and as putin also have said, that we know we will not be met with respect, but we will try to get along with USA as much as we can.
And this just makes it 100x harder.
It´s like a psyop this mass delusion about russia russia russia. That the US dems have managed to concoct inadverdently. simply because they wanted some excuse to go after trump. And it´s not very good for diplomatic relations.
But they don´t care cause they care about convincing gullible americans, and russia and the syria conflict is thousands of kilometers away. So why do they care what damage they do try to find a reason to attack trump and his policies. By trying to say russia is controlling him.

The investigation was never supposed to say there was no collusion. It's not his job to exonerate.

>The investigation was never supposed to say there was no collusion. It's not his job to exonerate.
He should have done what any reasonable person would ask someone to do who investigate a sitting president for 2 years. We didn´t find anything. I´m sorry folks, we were wrong. Insteads he floats this bullshit, and it works, it works sadly very well on gullible americans, and it plays directly into US democrats hands. And mueller fucking knows that. If there was something in that report, that they could nail trump for. They would´ve.
>you´re not guilty, but i don´t like you, so i want americans to know that i still think you should get the fuck out of the president seat. Because there´s a lot of dissapointed people, who thought me and my team, was going to find something. And i was for the span of the investigation, their personal hero. Mueller, the guy who is going to stop trump.
And now, i´m an anti hero, cause i didn´t find it. So now they hate me and suspect that i´m helping trump or whatever.
He´s trying to look good, the stupendous asshole.

And i was actually sure they would find some tiny little thing with a guy like trump who has had a very interesting life to say the least, and then blow it out of proportion and have their way. But it seems they didn´t. I might have spoken too soon, but it SEEMS they didn´t?
That´s actually what surprises me the most.

I can´t fucking believe that he´s that clean. Still struggling with that. Ofcourse he´s done some bad things at one point. But they threw fucking people directly into jail like his lawyer cohen, for unrelated charges they discovered. And they still can´t fucking nail trump. It´s unbelievable. So i understand those who just hate trump and want him gone or dead or whatever cause they don´t like his policies. But they have to admit, again if i am not speaking too soon. They have to admit that there´s nothing there with regards to this russia bullshit. Otherwise they are just living in fucking fantasyland where reality is whatever it is they want it to be, rather than what it is. I mean who is decieving who then. Aren´t they at that point just bullshitting themselves?
Not even a tiny little thing about this russia stuff or some other.. I mean there´s probably something unrelated there.. he did something bad in his business or whatever. But nothing to do with russia.

I really like the guy more and more. I like a lot of his oppinions. Some of his persona is a bit off putting like his narcisism, but in the same way it´s quite charming. And when you deal with jews and high corporate level. You probably get like that just because that´s the milieu to not be fucked with and not apologize and bend a knee too much so they fuck you in the ass in return.
His oppinions many of them are common sense. He´s not clean ofcourse, maybe he done some shit with his business that he´s not terribly proud of, there´s probably something. But that could be said for a lot of people if not most people who run businesses like he has. But it´s nothing to do with russia obviously. As much as the other people on the US democrat side want that to be the case. But he´s obviously not perfect. Nor is anyone else. So that´s hardly an argument.

The legitimacy of the entire probe is about to be dismantled in the coming months, it will not matter. It's over. YOU LOSE.

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Trump wanted to run for president for the past 40 years(if not longer), so he's had a lot of time to prepare the appearance of cleanliness.

>Trump wanted to run for president for the past 40 years(if not longer), so he's had a lot of time to prepare the appearance of cleanliness.
Huh? He´s had the same oppinions for a long time that he´s trotting out, but has consistantly said that he doesn´t want to be a politician, it´s a mean life and these things. And he wants someone else to realize the same common sense ideas that he has, and then do it, so he doesn´t have to.
I´m not sure about 40 years and where you get that from. He was happy as a businessman is my understanding.

An old businessman has prepared for decades to run for president in his 70s? Here´s trump on oprah from 1998
compared to his more recent statements. Why it´s funny is that it´s very much similar.

The video title says 1998 but i guess it says 1988 in the video. (i just picked random one) So i´m not sure about that. But it´s quite a while ago and he still has same views. As you see him talking about today, essentially he was observing things going on and saying look it´s nonsense but it keeps happening, i sure hope some politician will perhaps listen to what i am saying and go in and sort it out. That day never seemed to arrive.

OOPs i just read it wrong, the title and the video clearly says 1988, not sure where i got 1998 from, brainfart i guess.

Israeli probe when?

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Nothing makes me laugh more than armchair leftists calling Alan Dershowitz a hack. You probably wrote this in starbucks

Also you might not like the guy i understand people who think so, cause of his persona that might be off putting for a lot of them, they are not used to this mentality whatsoever or many of his oppinions which are just common sense and they are accurate but maybe not liked by some people depending on what ethnic background you are etc. But it´s so obvious that he´s so good for USA particularly in this situation USA is in which is a very tough one, he might not be so good for some other countries. But with USA, it´s so abundantly clear that he´s so good for USA. So i mean at this point that the mueller investigation was a big waste of time. You just have to say even the US democrats, that´s your president. And he´s not doing a bad job either.

His mentality is from high level business. It´s just no bullshit, like this is the problem i don´t care if you like to hear it but this is the problem and we need to do so and so about it. and a bit 'bruteish' but it´s not something you see in politicians very often. Because politicians aren´t like that.
But at same time it´s endearing also. HAHA..
>well you´re say things in a certain way, but you also do things that make sense. So it´s ok.