Why there are so few normal people here?

Im a middle class guy and 90% of you sound seriously retarded but a 10% feel quite smarter than me
Why pol only atract the extremes?

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class is a social construct. fuck off commie

everyone smart but not crazy left 2-3years ago

"Normal" - a matter of perspective you weird freak.

At least I'm not a nigger.

Based and literally any other functional race pilled

>but a 10% feel quite smarter than me
I think the figure may be higher pirate user

Why wouldn’t it? Dumb by faggots want to say stupid shit anonymously, and smart people understand that anonymously posting is the best option. The mix brings more smart people, and gives us a fresh batch of literal stupid fucks once a month after the ones who arrived 3 months ago get bored of shitposting.

you talk like a nigger

People of middling intelligence tend to be smart enough to understand what they're told, but not enough to question it. They can tell you all the arguments for their position, but can't hold the arguments for both sides in their head at the same time to evaluate them. They tend to be more prone to confirmation bias, and other forms of a priori judgement.

People who are dumb are generally also being fucked over for being dumb, or too dumb to be politically engaged at all.

Because pol attracts people who don't like society, and society as it stands is designed for the middle 40% iq-wise.

>too dumb to be politically engaged at all
Actually I think being dumb means you vote for tangible things- like more jobs and less immigration etc. Because you would see the world for what it is and not through the fake propaganda filter that tells you things you hate are actually positive and enriching. We need more dumb people voting for reality

>or too dumb to be politically engaged at all.
gibs me dat

It all depends on if you are a pepe, or a wojak

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because social media bans us

No I must disagree.

I happen to work in an environment (healthcare) where I interact with the public and I live in a depressed area full of uneducated and unemployable people. By and large, the stupid are either more interested in things they do understand, like sports (betting) and boring TV (reality TV) or they are so disaffected that they cannot engage with society. People also dramatically underestimate how stupid people are, most people can't read. They can recognise words they've seen before, but they cannot read a new word when presented with it. I see this all the time with medication. People just straight up ask for help reading their prescription. The number of people who can't say 'Propranolol' (purpalol) or 'Diazepam'. Good god help them if they get give erythromycin or azathioprine. They're convinced that the paracetamol they get on script is materially different from the stuff in the chemist because it comes from a person with authority.

I dread to think what such people think when they read newspapers, and they all read the mail and the sun. And when those fickle rags flip their narrative suddenly everyone in the whole village is parroting the latest shit, they've literally forgotten last weeks issue. It's gone from their heads.

The only difference between such people and the people in the middle is the ones in the middle can imitate people who understand an issue, and very convincingly if they're not challenged. But challenge them, even a little, and they can't deal with it. These are the people that reflexively shriek about bigotry, people who are smart enough to parrot the criticism on the syllabus in school, and get a B in English and Sociology / Psychology, then go to uni to study related subjects.

People who do business management courses are the same, often taking the philosophy of management they're taught for granted as true. Even if it's not, empiricism isn't taught to them and they can't reach it on their own.

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>i'm in the top 10%

you're in the bottom 10%.

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Because we're cast out from normalcy.


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Rise up

People give the Mail and Sun shit but it's not like the BBC has any more credibility.

>wtf why is everyone not the same?
also masks