Belgium, The far right and the uneducated

>Vlaams Belang had the lowest educated voters, only 75% has a high school degree
>the green party had the most educated voters

I voted Vlaams Belang but why is it that people that vote for far right parties are in general the least educated group of the population? Looking for genuine answers here.

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The waters flood the lowest levels long before the penthouse suites. The lower class have always been the primary sufferers of the leftists' immigration policies.

Good point but they'll just turn around and say that right wing economic policies hurt the lower classes

One thing I'm trying to find out is how this survey is conducted. But no article is mentioning it, and I'm not finding many results outside of one page that says the surveyor in question just does inaccurate online polls.
If anyone could provide me with additional info on IVOX that'd be appreciated.

I guess it all goes to show why I usually completely ignore the media. Other Belgians here are often shocked by how little I know about what's happening in Belgium. But our news sources are so terrible I can't retain my sanity reading it.

(((they))) keep publishing excuses keep publishing hit peaces, they hate us because they fear us. and will do everything they can to push that fear, hate, discust in the normie population

Ladder climbers don't rock the boat

I remember my whole life I was told not to vote for Vlaams Belang because that was the party of the marginals.

I think that the scare tactics and propaganda have really taken an effect on those that fear to be labelled as idiots or lower class. But in my experience, most lower class and idiot voters vote for the socialists.

>still believing polls

Can you fuck off with this shit? How many people do I have to keep telling this. Survey's are meant to influence public opinion, not measure it. This poll is as fake as the polls that said 99% of Americans would vote Hillary.

This, leugenpers

Then explain why (((they))) control all the polls?
Why did the right wing and nationalists surrender complete control to communists and progressives in the past decades?

Word War 2

vlaams gaygang voters are mostly subhumans, that's a well-known fact

i used to vote green, parroting 'smart' people's words of tv. Didn't think alot about the issues was spoon fed how to think. It was going in debate, thinking about issues, hearing every diffrent opinion there is that got me to vote VB

Except the far right party isn't "economically right wing"
They advocate for higher pensions, earlier retirement etc


cordon sanitair = cut of the right side the average will always be left.
In contrast with America our right wing party is a socialist party.

It’s interesting how liberals think they are superior because they got a art history degree or something equally as useless even if they end up working at a McDonald’s and are in thousands of dollars of debt meanwhile someone who becomes a lineman straight out of high school and makes over 60k a year with no debt is somehow considered the stupid one in this situation if they are conservative. Really makes you think.

kys nigger

No one cares about your thesis on Andy Warhol now go get me some French fries and a milkshake Daquan

ivory tower liberalism
ladder climbers don't rock the boat
don't bite the hand thats feeding you
you can't loose what you don't have (high status)

journalists in germany lost their jobs for point out american war crimes, students on austrian universities got their degrees taken away for researching race realism related topics. what do you expect?

Citation needed.

Green faggot parties and leftists appeal to feelings of moral superiority. being in uni makes people snobbish, especially humanities. but STEM has also been somewhat pozzed

t. studying in STEM. fuck leftists and green cult members

Truth is the real right is dead in Europe, killed in 1945. Our 'right-wing' are basically socialists who don't like migration. I only voted VB because atm they're the only party that doesn't want to completely steal away the right to bare arms.

Er du på DTU?

(((Educated))), just because youre (((book smart))) doesnt mean you have common sense.
Education has justified the killing of a child, the mutilation of genitalia, and more importantly kept women out of the kitchen.

neoliberalism is extreme right wing just with migration, thats not pro-white or pro-european or pro-population in any way, the only people that are benefitting are elites. socialism is a much better choice


Ter info: het online onderzoek is uitgevoerd door onderzoeksbureau iVOX tussen 26 mei en 28 mei 2019 bij 8452 Vlamingen representatief op geslacht, leeftijd en stemgedrag. De maximale foutenmarge bij 8.000 Vlamingen bedraagt 0,81 procent.

> online poll where 8452 ppl attended.
Do you think it is representative for 6 and a half million Flemish ppl?

Yeah the education part says little other than the fact that our universities are marxist indoctrination centers (which we already knew)

We can see the result in basically every Dutch "student" town

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FUCK het laatste nieuws, voornamelijk de vrouwelijke kutten die joepie-tier artikels schrijven. Vuile hoeren

people with a 100-115 IQ are the easiest to trick. People with 90-100 IQ are no-nonsense and immediatly smell the bullshit when you try to talk them into "diversity is our strenght" "transgenders are real female" etc


It's because lower-educated people tend to earn less which means a greater proportion of them lives in social housing than of highly-educated people.
They can't afford not to live among niggers and degenerates, so they're faced with it every day.
Meanwhile the fem studies faggots move into 100% white gated communities and encounter none of the problems they sow.

I'm sure you can prove this, right?

>Our 'right-wing' are basically socialists who don't like migration.
You realize nazis had a lot of socialist policies, dumbass?



>least educated
>biggest gains
its a hit piece trying to protect the credibility of "lefty intelligence."
"smart people" dont lose to "dumb people."

Schools blacklisted me for anti-semitism, among other things. Also it's mostly lower class whites that feel the sting of multiculturalism, the higher class ones go to private schools and gated communities.

“Why are we regarded as retards?”

>Alt-right turds go on a spree to prove they are indeed degenerates

Comrads, only the communist revolution can save us. Don’t believe what the reactionaries are telling you, the real enemy is the bourgeoisie.

Or do you believe that people like De Winter give a shit about you? They have had a steady income of 10 000 euro/month since 1990 for doing nothing except for occasionally shitting on migrants.

Turn to communism comrads while you still can!

Poor and uneducated people spend less of their lives being propagandized.

Ach het is één pot nat. Corelio en De Persgroep. Alle kranted zijn hetzelfde.

I never said that kek

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Lol I know I'm just making fun of the people that say this because it always pops up

What will your role be in the communist society?

Ondervoorzitter VB Vlaams Brabant hier welke miems moet ik in mijn slides steken voor onze volgende meeting

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Comrade, we’ll establish an utopia where the reactionaries and alt-right turds will be building the biggest multicultural building in the world while serving their sentence in the gulags.

Indo-European languages will be strictly forbidden, the langua franca will be a mix of Arabic and Hebrew with a bit of Lingala to make the reactionaries pay for Congo.

Kun je in je volgende meeting bespreken dat de meeste van jullie stemmers retards zijn? Asking for a friend

Er wordt bijzonder weinig gezegd over de steekproef die gebruikt werd. Wij zullen er volgende maand eens goed om lachen dat de media ons weer probeert door het slijk te halen.

Trouwens dit was nog zo een hilarische poging. U ziet het goed. Het linkse beest is bang.

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Sounds oppressive as fuck, also you didn't answer my question

Animals are preprogrammed to be conservative, hence forth referred to as evolutionarily familiar behaviours. Leftism, evolutionarily novel behaviours, are present in all animals that live comfortably due to excess food and/or excessively sedentary conditions. Both humans and animals in these conditions develop idiosyncratic behaviours where some can be beneficial while others could be destructive, as long as they continue to pass on their genes nature doesn't care. This is why nearly any combination of pet animals, particularly mammals and birds, predator and prey, can get along like 'friends' under a humans care. However, stop making life comfortable for your dog and he will eat your cat.

Comrade, I’ll be the person in charge of the gulag. I’ll be the person that will personally make sure that every reactionary looks like a transgender while working on our glorious, multicultural building.

Azamat Bagatov will be the person in charge of the firing squads.

The dictator of the proletariat will be Lumumba Willems, the future is looking bright, comrade.

Any source?

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doooooh im so triggered by your funny irony

Rustig jongen, neem uw pillen maar. Zie wel dat, met jullie beperkte, mentale capaciteit niet de verkeerde pillen neemt (oh that would be a shame).

U en de rest van de reactionaries moeten bang zijn, want de communistische revolutie komt eraan, kameraad.

Net als Berlijn ‘45 zal het communisme zegevieren over de fascisten, kameraad. Verlaat je alt-right beweging voordat het te laat is!

Weten we al wie er achter Schuld & Vrienden zit?

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What makes you think that a university degree in art makes you more politically informed?

You're also not factoring in the fact that educational institutions mainly peddle left wing ideologies, therefor leading to a higher quantity of people who vote left wing who have attended said institutions.

My experience in University (I vote right wing btw) was that most people from shitty degrees with no future prospects voted left and most in STEM voted right.

Are you suggesting the disadvantaged shouldn't vote? That's a little classist don't you think?

cause academia is where the jews brainwash kids into being lefties

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You mean the group that has won 20% of the Noble Prizes while only making up 0,20% of the world population?

It is okay to be retarded my friend, they won’t judge you here. The goyim is retarded compared to the Jews you despise

Okay Levi

why would workers vote for parties that support corporate interests instead of workers interests?

Your source is 9 years old and besides the claim has only tested 'young adults' in the conclusion. So only the ones who are really easily influenced by everyone and not the normal adults who are not that easily influenced. But thats just my view on it.

They are the first to be hit with the negative effects of migrants. Any middle class family and above ensures that their children go to majority white schools, avoid living in migrant districts etc. Hence they can continue to create a world in which migrants are not their most pressing concern, they live in a very expressive bubble.

Jews are retarded too. You guys believe your own lies half the time and swallow the same poison. Jews are always doomed to be undone from their own golems.

piss off Bamboula

Correct! I try to propagate the same idea to other right wing debates. We will always appear as unreasonable Nazis if they do not see the problem with migrants.

I’m not Jewish, calm down you fucktard.

Moet pijn doen als Joden slimmer zijn dan uw “superieure” ras die dus uit onderzoek vrij retarded blijkt te zijn.

Als we het communisme zouden invoeren kameraad, zouden we % van retardation naar beneden kunnen trekken. Niet enkel door bijscholing, maar ook door de gulags, kameraad.

>the green party had the most educated voters
I remember a time when being educated meant you were smarter than those who weren't.

I wasn't even calling you one, pretty defensive aren't we Moshe?

Sinds de verkiezingen zijn er nog nooit zoveel demoniserende artikelen over VB geweest op zo een korte tijd in de afgelopen jaren. Het maakt zelf niet uit want de volgende verkiezingen zijn binnen 6 jaar, tegen dan is iedereen dat al vergeten. Het gaat wel nog een eindje duren volgens mij, en het minste dat een VB politicus gaat zeggen dat een beetje controversieel is gaat het in elke krant staan. Tom zou best eens een goed gesprek hebben met alle VB leiders of ze gaan hunzelf de kop indrukken. Maar inderdaad het linkse beest is bang en ik houd ervan. hehe

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Because the only thing "education" means these days is to be indoctrinated and brainwashed into hating your own country and advocating for mass immigration and ethnicide against your own race.

nvm, I guess I did.


Over een ding kunnen we het allemaal eens zijn

FUCK James Cooke

Good, now embrace our communism, comrade, so we can finally give alt-right turds a proper education.

We don’t want 75% of them to stay retarded, no?

what exactly do you study? and how can STEM get pozzed?

We are waiting to see the right wings on street, like that we will be able to shoot them very easy.

lol PVDA gaat nooit een revolutie starten, mensen gaan altijd naar hun eigen volk kijken en nie naar een internationale "arbeider"sbeweging die meer geeft om immigranten dan de "boze blanke man".


raakt de jodenstraat overbevolkt ofzo? je kan anders naar bezet Palestina verhuizen, daar komt er altijd wel plek vrij en je kan barbara spectre haar memmem spelen ook, die vind dat lekker naar't schijnt terwijl hare huisneger haar kont paalt

hey vlaamsbelangers, jullie pietzuigers, laat jullie eens massaal op straat zien, zodat we veel van jullie opeens kunnen neerhalen

You’ve been brainwashed by the reactionaries, comrade.

De echte vijand is de bourgeoisie, kameraad, laat je niet foppen door de rechtse leugenpers.

Mooi kameraad, mooi gezegd!

Ik denk dat deze rechtse kankerautisten nooit buiten komen behalve als ze naar de Aldi of Zeeman moeten.

people who like vlaams belang has no success with womans

Rustig aan, fasho.

Waarom naar Israël als ik hier uw soort marginalen kan leegzuigen? Binnenkort ga je mij met “shalom” moeten begroeten, kameraad.

People who vote right are generally poor (as they don’t have much and want to keep it), or extremely intelligent as they realize that it is the only and best way. The left attracts the middle of the bell curve up to very high levels of IQ.

Misschien moet PVDA dan stoppen met hun SJW bullshit en volledig Bolshevik gaan. Nu zijn jullie gewoon weer een herberg voor reactionaire Moslims die gibemedats willen.

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Ik ben niet "brainwashed". Ik luister in debatten naar beide kanten en krijg keer op keer geen overtuigend antwoord op de vraag ofda ik socialisme zou moeten steunen. Dus lekker stoppen met jouw domme ideologie of Ricardo gaat jou oppakken en deporteren.

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Kameraad, je maakt een grote fout. Zeg niet dat ik je niet heb gewaarschuwd als je binnenkort in de gulags belandt. You made a big mistake, comrade

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Nazi's watch out!

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Mensen die het woord “SJW” als scheldwoord gebruiken hebben vaak de mentale capaciteit van een driejarige kleuter.

Rustig jongen, het is niet de schuld van links dat 75% van de reactionaries uit degenerates bestaat.

These two woman have a higher IQ than 75% of VB.