Be black

>Be black
>Work an honest 9 to 5 job
>Never commited a crime
>Be Conservative Christian (Pro-life, Pro-Gun rights, Anti-Illegal Immigration, Anti-LGBT etc...)
>Still get called monkey, nigger, subhuman etc.

Such is life.

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shut up nigger

Who hurt you?

whats the issue here? no one cares. stay there and we're good

Cool, do you want a medal or chest to pin it on?


You are one in a million. Now fuck off.

Thank your buddies

Lol nigger

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oh sweetie

>Still get called monkey, nigger, subhuman etc.
Never talk to americans and never visit Jow Forums
Problem solved

You could always go somewhere where people don’t call you that? Ah hell, who am I kidding? There’s no way you’re gonna go from the Bahamas to Africa

Bet it was niggers.

>Be black

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None of that is true except you being a nigger

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what's it like being pure slave stock?

Yeah life sucks and people stereotype.

Fuck off nigger you rob me for the last time

If I were a nigger I wouldnt care what white people said, I'd just try to be the best nigger I could be

Your children will be niggers.
No matter how smart and successful you are, you cannot fight your genes. You are the abnormality not the norm.

Curse fate, curse your luck, curse your parents, or curse yourself. You have tried to escape niggerdom and while you may have succeeded you are more alone than ever.

Where ignorance is bliss, 'Tis folly to be wise.

>get called an uncle tom for being a successful black guy
you take it both ways!
On a serious note, take your successful ass back to Africa so you can teach the rest of them how to be prosperous. with that kind of resume, you'd be president of some shithole country in about a year.

and thats why you are not a nigger

Back to Africa off you go. Build the Wakanda black man!
Post pic of your hand with timestamp LARPer

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>do you want a reward for being a normal law abiding citizen?

No, we just want to be treated like one.

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>Still get called monkey, nigger, subhuman etc.

Tell us about the last time someone in real life called you nigger. Your people are a blight.

Some of you from the Islands are alright. Still wouldn't want you in my neighborhood or anything but wouldn't oppose you living in NYC or something.

>Still get called monkey, nigger, subhuman etc.
coz its the truth

>normal law abiding citizen
>living on white land

>be black
>insist on living among Whites who want to live among themselves
>gets insulted because of it
Makes sense.


>Still get called monkey, nigger, subhuman etc.
By giving a shit about what others think about you, you realy proven that you are in fact a subhuman

>Still get called monkey, nigger, subhuman etc.
just stop browsing pol. Problem solved

sup uncle tom

Gib Black Queen and you'll may receive a human certificate

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>Be black
>Tolerate niggers
>Get called a nigger

If you want people to be able to differentiate then you have to denounce niggers you fucking spook

I’ve never once in my life called someone who wasn’t my friend a nigger. It’s 2019 for Christ’s sake no one drops that word other than other black people.

Just stay within ur niga tribe and it will be all good.


Start wearing a swastika

This is the best advice you could possibly give a nigger.
based as fuck

The problem is as follows:

There are 2 types of blacks:

Regular blacks who hold jobs and are responsible members of society, despise nigger culture and are decent.

Niggers and their nigger culture.

Which one do you think is the loudest?

There is your problem, change your fucking people or do nothing and be called a nigger.

If you chimp out you’re also a nigger.

Hell even MLK was a rapist nigger kek

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>I have to pay the toll by getting called mean names :(
Meanwhile whites pay the toll by losing daughters and loved ones on the daily while nigshits are demanding reparations.

>honorary niggers

Larp and bait.
If not then tell me who in the black community is your inspiration. Who do you listen to on YouTube?
Who you agree with and who do you disagree with?

>be black

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You thinking you'll ever get their approval is the problem.

As long as you stay out of western civ, we're gucci


>be Christcuck
Shouldn't even be alive honestly.

>>Be Conservative Christian
that doesn't make you white, you chimp

Nah, as long as you stay in your country, you're all good Ubuntu.

>be pit bull
>haven’t killed anyone yet
>people still call me a bad breed
Wtf bros