Who will you vote for instead of Drumpf?

Now that Donald Trump has sufficiently failed in his stated goals, who will you be voting for, if at all? I personally like Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard.

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Go back to buzfeed whore

Trump doesn’t need Jow Forums to win. we could all vote for the lefty faggot and he’d still win. i probably just won’t bother voting. he’s got all the boomers and israel money. it’s already over.

Go back to sucking off farmers you lugo piece of shit.

You really think so? He's got all the boomers and Israel money but is that what it takes to win?

Nah he’ll probably lose, but not to Yang or Tulsi. More likely Biden or Sanders. Biden has a lot of baggage, so Sanders might be a better shot, sort of a repeat of 2016 from the other end. I’d say it’s gonna be close, but we’ll see

>he thinks our problems can be solved with voting
if it made a real difference we would not be allowed to vote

I'm voting for Trump again just to piss people like you off. No other reason.

I too think Sanders has the better shot between Biden and Sanders. I'm convinced that if Biden wins nomination then Trump will win because again...too much baggage.

Not pissed. Enjoy voting for him. If a centrist democrat gets the nomination I'll be joining you. I just don't think a progressive doesn't win this nomination.

Biden's getting the nomination. Remember the DNC emails that Seth Rich gave to Wikileaks? Your vote for the dem nominee doesn't even count and the debates are just for show. It went to court and the DNC said they control who the nominee is and they don't HAVE to run who their constituents vote for.

>Still believing that your vote matters

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I didn't vote for him in 2016. But I will vote for him in 2020

Regardless of my vote though he will win 2020.
I'm more concerned with who will win the Congressional elections.
I want the fucking Democrats to start the impeachment proceedings so they can lose like they never lost before in 2020.

Trump, unless a democrat shows up who isn't full of retarded ideas


Who are your favorite dems for non retarded ideas?

How new are you?

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If I understand correctly they changed their process this year so it's much more constituent based rather than super delegate based.

almost 2 years in.

Fuck off liberal scum.. president Trump is gonna win by a landslide in 2020, so go fuck a tree

Like it matters, the west is toast

>thinks Jow Forums will outvote 50 million evangelical boomers.
You faggots are about to have your rectums stretched just like 2016.

Who will you vote for instead of Drumpf?

tulsi gabbard

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She’s not the democrat establishment choice. She’ll be Bernied

ur gay

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She won't get the nomination.
Biden will. Biden Harris will be the ticket.
I sure as fuck won't vote for a fucking socialist.

I like to think Jow Forums fits in the "independent" category that inevitably swings elections.

take the white pill fren. Realize that you can do anything you put your mind to.

Mutts will vote Trump again. They can't get enough of being kiked.

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You retards really still don't know how to fit in, do you?

That's okay. Neither do you Sven.

Trump made people realize that the Media is the enemy of the people and is a propaganda machine.
Trump made people realize just how bad and propaganda ridden the educational system is.
Trump made people realize that the deep state is not a conspiracy theory
Trump made people realize just how bad the elites are and how much above the law they think thay are.
Trump made people realize just how bad the immigration act of 1965 really was
Trump made people realize how big of an economy the US is and how much pull it really has.
Trump made people realize that the benevolent China is a myth and how bad China really is.
Trump made people realize that the globalism and diversity are wrong for the people
Trump made people realize that the left wants the white people eradicated or at least completely castrated.
Trumpade people realize that the nationalism is not a dirty word
Trumpadenpeople realize that they need to fight for their rights that are being taken away from them in the dark ess
Trump made people realize just how important the judiciary system is and how subverted by the left they are
Trump made people realize they the left is immoral and that the end justifies the means for them.

I can go on.
The bottom line is that the things that Trump made the general public realize were considered conspiracy theories before and no wider public (aka normies) were aware of that.
Trump was a symptom not a cause of the changes that we are witnessing today in the Western world but he is also the indirect reason why the nationalists are waking up in the Western World.
All of that is worth more than your claim that Trump is in the kike's hands.
All of that is worth a second term because all of that adds up to a possible change in the Overton window and possible win for the nationalists and people who want freedom not safety.
So you can claim that Trump is a kike puppet but you don't provide any alternative to Trump and for that your argument is worthless.

5 reddit coins have been put into your account.

Trump all the way, but Michael Avenatti in the dem primary.

We need Post-Trump Republicans in every state, at every level of government (local, state, federal, business, NGO, religions, etc).

As soon as he's gone, everything goes right back to being the ZOG-Goyim party and whites have no political representation whatsoever. We are openly shamed, humiliated, insulted, threatened, and ostracized for even SPEAKING about ourselves and our interests.

POST. TRUMP. REPUBLICANS. Think about the magnitude of change that is needed. And act!

Learn to code.

This desu. Accelerationism is the only way to go


damn that’s a tiny hand

Reminder that Trump was always a meme and the whole point was to push him to radicalize people. Mission extremely accomplished. Four more years.

that’s the only entertainment you have in life so more power to you dude.

This. 2024 will be more important than 2020. We need people who can further Trump's agenda (or the nationalist agenda really) then.
We need a person that could win the 2024.
I think that funnily enough Sarah Huckabee Sanders could win it. She's very popular, but she probably won't run.
Also she's a woman.
On the other hand, right now I don't see 1 Republican who can win it, not 1 and this is upsetting.
The same with the Republicans in Congress.
They will probably win a majority back in 2020, but I would like for the Democrats to start the impeachment proceedings so that R's can win an absolute majority in both houses. Then I hope someone with the charisma necessary will show up to run in 2024 and some R's will emerge to keep the House and the Senate for longer than 4-6 years.

None that I could name, hence my post

Something on immigration is being announced today or tomorrow. I'll still vote for him.

Gonna support Tulsi Gabbard or Yang, even though i know neither one of them will do shit well either but one can always hope

>Got funding for the wall
>Greatly improved the economy, especially in the Appalachian region where it was desperately needed
>Is currently slapping his dick all up and down China's face

What goal did he fail at again?

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Neither will win the nomination. It will be Biden-Warren ticket.

>notice trump has dropped the "America First" slogan from his 2020 campaign?

Switched party affiliation to vote for him in 2016 because I was under the impression he was going to attempt to "drain the swamp", curb illegal immigration, and stop unnecessary wars. Unironically worse than Hillary kek He conned the voters. As of now, I do not plan on voting at all. If I bother to do so, it will likely be out of spite for the dem nominee. Honestly don't gaf.

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>Now that Donald Trump has sufficiently failed in his stated goals
Ill be voting for you m8

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>>Worse than Hillary
Are you retarded?
Don't answer that. It's self evident.

I'll be voting for Trump. Get a grip faggot. He's going to win. Accept it.

Trump helped normies see the Jew. For that we are eternally grateful.

>tier 1

>tier 2

>tier 3
green or libertarian party

>bottom tier
the rest

even if trump and the other 3 i listed are frauds, at least they will be useful because of the types of contortions the system will have to go through to handle them

I'm gonna vote for Merkel again

Whoever's the Democrat. Acceleration is the only way out of this mess

It’s tough because Trump barely took PA, WI and MI, and he needs those states. He has failed on so much they will likely flip, and maybe Arizona with all the NGOs and illegals. Florida is still up in the air, the illegal alien threat is not as great there due to DeSantis, but it could still flip.

Im voting democrat. It’s time to put white men in their place. Your time is up.

>implying trump has not out-zogged all previous US presidents? kek

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probably that trump guy i've heard he gets people fired up

Trump just to piss off libers


This. I suggest Josh Hawley with Tucker Carlson as an advisor. He could win with a solid economic plan that isn’t about GDP and puts people first, and also pushes immigration reform as well as healthcare and education reform. POST TRUMP REPUBLICANS.

have sex.

The candidate who will accelerate the hardest

i'm either voting libertarian or writing in Ann Coulter

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