That Donald Trump lost over a billion dollars from the late 80s to the early 90s because he has a bad business record.
That Donald Trump lost over a billion dollars from the late 80s to the early 90s because he has a bad business record.
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You win some, you lose some.
Master deal maker
Drumpf a blumpf I can't stand it.
Says the person who's never seen a million dollars let alone a billion. I'm voting for Trump again just to piss people like you off. It evidently works.
Is that a net loss?
(((who))) bailed him later on?
Do the math on that genius Hillary.
$1.4 billion in an 18 month campaign.
No recovery.
The best stock traders only make the right bet about half the time. The secret to being successful is managing your losses.
How many successful businesses did you create, OP?
He made his money off gambling addiction.
He knows where the money is.
Steaks in a kodak shop, jesus christ you have to be fucking retarded to put your name on that...
>100% of business ventures are successful
Only in America would a piece of shit like Trump be able to claim he is a self made billionaire after having received several bailouts by daddy and a gift of 400 million dollars.
Have sex, incel
If you ever got an F on the test, does it make you a bad student or a loser. Fuck off with this bait.
>11 failures in business ventures and counting
ya, Trump isn't what you would call a good business man
lol you pathetic shills, remember that time your jewish propaganda minister lost 17 BILLION dollars in AN HOUR?
OP does all his SJW shopping at TDS Pharmacy. He especially likes the Tinkles Tuck tape.
>keeping your businesses afloat by inventing assets to get loans from Deutsch Bank or taking loans from shady russians
>business genius
It's like you Drumpftards were dropped on the head at a young age...
Lol the irony in your post you Jew cucklord shilling for a dumbass that gets fucked by Israel. Also, Mark at least made himself. Remember drumpf got a small loan of a "million" dollars which btw turned out to be even more.also,fuck Mark Zuckerberg
>tfw morons don't realize that he can claim these losses on his taxes moving forward
I mean there's limitations but please, continue letting the left think they have any ammo
Look how much your government lost/stole from the taxpayer in the same amount of time
>being purposely retarded pisses people off
wow, what's your secret master troll? Gas yourself stupid fuck. Other ways to trigger people than purposely being a retarded cuck fag.
Fuck this orange asshole. This really is the last straw. I'm with her now!