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Not a single person can point to something that proves Russia “influenced” the election.

Also, you know what he meant.

check the catalog summer child

This is God tier thinking. Stop fighting whether Russia wanted him to win. All good people wanted him to win.

Other than leaking emails

We need a new special investigation!! Led by Hillary!!!

why did they not want her to win? what did she do to piss them off?

You think Russia was Assange's source? We already know it was an insider tho, prob Seth Rich


Attached: justcuckmyshitup.jpg (217x320, 19K)

>Also, you know what he meant.
He admitted Russia helped him get elected, but that he had nothing to do with it.

We all know he's bad enough with language to put this in inadvertently while attempting to characterize his opponent's claim. It's a nothingburger.

But what I want to know is, according to the left, how did Russia help him? By running a few thousand dollars worth of Facebook ads, that didn't particularly favor any candidate? Does no one care how asinine that claim actually is? How is the left this delusional?

>russia downloaded stuff from a server in the USA at 35gb/s

Nah it was Russia, mueller confirmed it

Said in a debate she would put no-fly zones over Syria basically sparking off another world war. No one wanted that.

The people peddling this either know and are hoping others are ignorant of these facts, or they themselves are ignorant of these facts.

Attached: russia.png (500x377, 90K)

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He shouldn’t have said that, but he’s referring to the Russian trolls that posted anti Hillary memes. So yeah they did help him.

With the amount of jewcum he has drunken you'd think these filthy kikes would love Trump ny now.

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I can find Canadians shilling against Trump on this website and reddit right now. How is their attempt to interfere in our politics any more acceptable than a few bad Russian memes that no one saw?
Checkmate, faggot.

>they did help him
How exactly? If anything they hurt him by creating the implication that Trump was working with them that the demosharts have latched on to for 3 years.

stupid leaf.
he just left off the FACT that the MEDIA claimed russia helped him get elected.

so its ok that the scumbag media/Hillery made this claim for 2 fuking years?

Also this. And what about the corporate media in the USA constantly shilling for Hillary and against Trump? They're still doing it and his first term is almost up.

>keep talking about Russia, Goyim.

Attached: gty_trump_jewish_voters_01_jc_160321_16x9_1600.jpg (1600x900, 250K)

i just showed your post to my dad/ he's a military big time guy

and he laughed. you have no idea what a no fly zone is. it done'st mena you gonna shoot down any plane

my dad is gonna laugh his asshole off

So shut the fuck up and start deporting and building walls asshole.

Not to mention that democrats have thwarted any efforts to prevent illegal foreign nationals to vote in our elections. Until we have national voter ID, I don't wanna hear shot about Russia.

so hurt hrc to avoid a war
seems like a plausible motive. i wonder if it is limited to this, seems like crucial info to understanding why this all started, yet... crickets.

Private individuals and state actors have different rules. Plus the leafs aren’t trying to sell Trump stolen emails.

We didn't helped anyone, our government fails even in b& telegram and you expect us to hax the strongest country in the world?

how about the Washington post being owned by a dirty mexican? every story has a pro mexicunt slant, how is that not forignerz interfering with our politics?

Nigger how do you think you enforce a no fly zone? Tell me.

Hint: it involves shooting down planes and bombing air defences

You poor bastard. They could pass a bill to make pissing standing up illegal and youd be proud to sit.

Are you 12?

>it involves shooting down planes and bombing air defences

this is the military father.
you inforce them with economic sanctions and other ways

those mental gymnastics really entertain me user, thanks.

big difference between “I had nothing to do with russia helping me” and “I did not receive help from the russians left the dems are claiming.”

Your argument is hinges on trump being a moron with words with no concept of prose.

please explain to me how russia supposedly leaking information (which lefties seem to care more about it being leaked than what was leaked exactly) "hacked" the election.

Did you miss what happened in the Mid East during the Obama years? Hillary makes GWB seem reasonable when it comes to foreign policy.

TRUMP2020. quit whining faggot.

Releasing dirt on Hillary could influence voters. That’s why the trump campaign was trying to buy the emails.

Regardless of what Trump says Russia didn’t do shit to influence the 2016 election. Anyone who actually thinks it did is a chemtrail-tier retard.

Hillary's foreign policy as Obama's secretary of state is largely why she lost. I think it's foolish to be a secretary of state prior to running for office, because the sec. of state takes a lot of the blame. She might have been set up.

"I had nothing to do with Joey murdering bob"

Saying this proves joey murdered bob? The left is having big trouble with basic logic this week.


Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-30 Iraqi no-fly zones - Wikipedia.png (663x2562, 393K)

Its almost like... he hasnt drank any jewcum... Woah...

My uncle who works at Nintendo said the same thing brother

>is there some way we can impeach Trump for what Russia did?

you're an idiot

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-30 Operation Deny Flight - Wikipedia.png (607x1689, 723K)

military father...sanctions...yeah poser fag show discharge docs or eat cock
>protip: you will still eat cock no matter what but go ahead

can we all just stop talking about everything and just trust the gibsverment to tell us what is happening. and if we seen it with our own eyes, just doubt ourselves and say and repeat what the government wants. i mean our moon landing videos are undeprovable by the russians. so we win . see winning is what we ant to do

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Russians bought 250k in facebook ads in 2016 election cycle
DNC spent 30million on facebook in the 2016 election cycle

This is literally the argument...

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Unwittingly receiving help from Russia isn’t a crime. Who cares

If Russia helped my beautiful president then I am eternally grateful. Stop pretending it's the russians and not the Blues that are the threat here.

>muh ads
we must protect our propoganda from other countries propoganda subverting our subversion is the arguement.
they are all faggots is the answer
propoganda doesnt work. they can't subvert the truth and they think they can.

lmao, the emails where democrats described their voters as "uninformed and obedient" the emails leftist news outlets said were against the law to read. i simply cant imagine the level of cuk you must be.

>not a single person can show
I suppose it took a team of people to produce it.
>but I am a retard who hasn’t read it and I pretend to have an informed opinion on a meme political image board
Yup, that’s you.

You should know by now he does it to fuck with your idiots. You eat it up EVERY time. Why does it matter that the Russians ran bad Facebook ads anyway?

I'm a hildawg now

>People finding out Hillary is a scumbag may sway their vote
You dont fucking say.

Wow, you're right. We shouldn't have been told the secretary of state was keeping classified emails on a private server and let many many unauthorized hands on these files! It was her turn!

This. The left is basically saying that an informed populace is a bad thing.

>people cant fucking read
>absolute next sentence: IT WAS A CRIME THAT DIDN'T EXIST
you fucking people have no reading comprehension

Hahahahahaha why is he such an autist.
"I had nothing to do with the Russians that got me elected"

>this is the military father

How does it feel raising your wife's son?


We know what he means we're laughing at how he's so fucking stupid to not know what he's writing.
Hail to The autist in chief!

They also pushed black lives matter and blue lives matter. They made pages for anything they could, controlling both sides. Sound a little like our large nosed friends?


he knows exactly what he is writing, because it shows how people like you have the reading comprehension of an infant.