What’s it like living in America where peoples openly hate you for being born the way you are...

What’s it like living in America where peoples openly hate you for being born the way you are? Can any burgers inform me?

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If you're not in California or a major metro melting pot you don't really encounter it.

Friendly reminder that browncel is an autistic, sexually frustrated Pajeet zoomer living in London who has been compulsively posting the same shitty racebait threads a dozen times a day for months

“'Tis the star-spangled banner, O long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

this is why i dont have problem with rape anymore
use to be mr i FUKIN HATE RAPISTS,
now- meh maybe i will find a lefty to rape and murder its a good deed

Ya I dunno man. Here's another pic for your collection.

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America is the satanic land of hate. Everyone hates everyone there. Generation hate, gender hate, race hate. An amazingly hateful place, it's no wonder most of them grow up mentally ill.

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I just carry guns everywhere and threaten to shoot faggots that try to hit me.

why dont you dress like antifa and actually shoot them
its a good deed

no man cares what the rabble think

In reality, the vast majority of us dont hate the other and get along great. Its the politicians who want us pitted against each other.

can i jerk off while they slap me?

also sage

I live in california. I'm a white cis male.

I get treated as a second class citizen. Women and minorities that do nothing get promoted over me at work. Women treat me like shit. I'd move, but everyone hates white males from CA, and I'm not ready to off myself.

I still enjoy the mountains. The beaches are too crowded though.

Has any white person here actually experienced direct or personal racism due to the fact they were white?

Genuinely curious because stormfags say racism against white men is supposedly rampant

Bullshit. I stopped at a diner in a town of population 10,000+ and the waiter was a flaming faggot. They love injecting themselves into everything pure and giving it AIDS.

offing yourself thats pathetic as fuck im sure god sends you to hell for that
now go down fighting by shooting up a lefty gathering youd probably ooz into heaven getting rid of satans spawn

I hate you muslim bitch sand nigger.

Feelsbadman. One must ascend from the madness, or perish. becometheubermensch.jpeg

Why do Jews all look the same? Is it the years and years of inbreeding?

all my life
some weeks -daily
you prob dont live in anti white multi cultural place
where even other white hate you coz you white

Just be white and be around blacks... Try walking down the wrong block or driving down the wrong street. It may not be carefully defined as "institutional racism" but make no mistake, you are targeted by blacks for your white skin.

Only logical explanation I can think of. Like cockroaches desu

the only chance for those uggos to touch a male

I spy with my goyim eye (1) Kike and (1) Goblina

I would take them up on their offer. As soon as their greasy mitts touched my Aryan skin I would self-defense BTFO them forever.

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This. America is a generally chill place. Don’t get confused by the race baiting “journalists” online or the fear mongering msm. They’re all regressives trying to push an agenda for change which no one would accept wo being goaded into it by their never ending fear campaign.

It's fine. Everything is fine.

Did you suck his dick because you sound like you wanted to.

Ok m8

I would walk right up and slap them. Maybe a couple times, I mean, it's free right?

California isnt America at this point, in name only. Fucking animals who deserve nothing but a bullet

I think the funny thing is,

America was a white majority country, built by whites, and is still majority white. If a nigger here did something like that, they would be shot and killed before lunch time.

when did white western men become so fucking weak?

White men are not hated in california. They are highly desired by all the ethnik women

Clearly you haven’t been to California. No one wants anything to do with you there

I live in california. See many oil drillers on a daily basis

This imaginary world where white men are anything but loathed In California is funny to me.

So they are killing off white men with AIDs, and other diseases.

The imaginary world where white men aren’t the most desired is funny to me

Look at the data, memeflag

Data is meaningless. I’m saying irl. White guys aren’t popular anymore especially in Cali

I wonder if your hate will turn you into a tranny cocksucker

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They are loathed only on media/internet. Real life they are highly regarded

It wasn’t nearly this bad in the late 90’s/early 2000’s. I used to work construction in the ghettos of Chicago at that time and usually felt pretty safe then. I wouldn’t dare wander into those neighborhoods nowadays. It seems to be deteriorating quicker and quicker

After the 2016 election I went into work and was fired due to "cultural differences"
But I worked around 100% Chinese and was the only white guy. I was doing commercial sales. But trump raised the tariffs so they had to email all of their clients and let them know prices would go up. I took a bunch of clients and started my own business and I'm making more money than I ever have in my life. I'm about to buy my first piece of real estate, an apartment complex.

I've only been really slapped in the face once by a woman. Unexpected and hard. I was a little drunk at the time and I'd been rude. But upon being slapped, I immediately got a powerful erection. I'd be interested to see if it was a one off, or if I've got a thing for being slapped.

Stop living in Jow Forums memes user

Cool story user

>has a memeflag
>insists that living in california is a dystopia, gathered from Jow Forums memes
granted, it sucks here, but I live in fucking humboldt county and have had no conversations about any of the libshit talking points. stop taking your cues from image macros.

the legal system has destroyed white alpha maleness

Friendly reminder that browncel is an autistic, sexually frustrated Pajeet zoomer living in London who has been compulsively posting the same shitty racebait threads a dozen times a day for months

A whole free slap? Deal

Every city is American in name only. This country is so fucked up now.

I have been told, to my face, that I am culpable for the actions of colonial slave owners whom I bear no relation by virtue of being white. I didn't slap the ignorant negro, but it was so tempting.

>not even using matching text font in your gay-ass shop
I'm sorry your uncle raped your mom and she gave birth to you.

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>If you're not in California or a major metro melting pot you don't really encounter it.
I'd guess you have to be on a university campus to encounter it.
Or on social media, with the wrong kinds of 'friends'.

This. You couldn't pay me to go into certain parts of town, because not only will blacks jump you, the cowards are too afraid to do anything without a six to one advantage, minimum.

Ameribros, I'm 3 months away from a 1 week trip to NYC. Can anyone tell me what to expect there? Is it as bad as you say Cali is?

>Sees flag
You’re not white anyway so you have nothing to worry about

If you mean white, white induces envy and inferiority on a level so pronounced that others feel entitled to think they are welcome to know it, White trash is really the worst though...

Shouldn't you be pitching fags off of roofs and raping children?

Metro St. Louis after dark. I encourage you to try it some time.

Ok this is epic.

If I were to see these based powerful women irl, I would in fact say, "Ok this is powerful. Who hurt you, and when did you first find out you are infertile?"


A bespectacled no doubt Jew lesbo with her taco orc significant other. They want violence so bad against us I say we let them slap one of us just very politely asking them why they hate us so much (on camera). Then fall to the ground in pain, writhe a little then stumble away to a lawyer's office to then sue the shit out of them AND the organizations that put them up to this. Punch them in the shekels.

Stop being a fag and move somewhere that isn't like that. There are mountains in other states too

I lived in Baton Rouge post hurricane katrina as a child.
I was the only white kid in the k-8th grade school everyone else was black except for 3 mexican kids that were siblings, all the teachers were black and my teacher specifically called me "caucas" for caucasian ontop of letting me get the shit beat out of me regularly by niggers. We had garbage thrown through our windows guns shot at our house and constant robberies/threats ontop of constant heckling from the BRPD because whites in the ghetto are obviously buying drugs
I didnt mind black people before living there, I just thought there was something odd about them but I didnt hang around them. Being forcibly exposed to them made me fucking hate them