Bug-resistant: Russian new ‘quantum phone’ promises ‘unmatched’ security.

Russian scientists have taken secure communication to the next level after presenting Russia’s first phone with quantum protection of connection.
The price per set bites but the innovative gadget promises perfect security.
The IP phone demonstrated at the presentation on Tuesday looked like an ordinary landline machine,
but it employs quantum encryption protocols which make the phone impossible to bug.

The quantum encryption uses photons to generate a shared key between two collocutors.
A potential eavesdropper would need to measure photons to hear the conversation.
However, the nature of photons doesn’t allow somebody to measure them without changing their state, thus the collocutors will always know if a call is bugged.
This provides an “unmatched level of confidentiality,” the developers said.

Attached: Russian new ‘quantum phone’ .jpg (1280x720, 164K)

another hoax posted by regular r*ssian shill on Jow Forums


If Russia just 'invented' it, America had it 20 years ago.

means nothing if the phone is the bug.

Attached: cell_phone-bug[2].jpg (640x401, 74K)

blah blah. half of the russian population still shits in 19-century toilets.

Vanya please, don't you want to do something meaningful in your life? Is this what you really wish to do?

>quantum encryption

>quantum key exchange

>wireless quantum key exchange

>only using tangled bits to generate a shared key and not on-the-fly OTP stream cipher generation

Hey, thanks for Oliwer Koski. We needed a Finn to Win.

t. Red Wings

how come we only get chink phones?
where is the russian phones?
i wtb a russian phone FFS.
where is free market/trade.


All fake, spic scientists in the US have developed alien technology 20 years ago already.
They have flying antigravitiy tacos hidden at Area 50 Chipotle

It's probably still classified tech.


Don't they know about the three shells?

enjoy all the niggers raping your grandchildren you stupid fuck

imagine being a boomer


>i wtb a russian phone FFS.

This way Russians will not even need to hack the USA anymore.

america probably also developed a machine with which you can play nintendo switch and eat hamburgers at the same time, while your wife gets fucked by the bull, but its probably still classified

We literally beg russia to access the ISS, you dumb fuck

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>Russian scientists
This phrase always make me laugh hysterically .

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>another hoax posted by regular r*ssian shill on Jow Forums
yeah but 99% of shitposters with Russian flag here shill AGAINST Russia. so go and fuck yourself, vaffel.


Attached: SPUTNIK-1.Soviets are first.jpg (1024x768, 101K)

REALLY ...... ???

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cope more you little bitch

i like you, jonas

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sounds OP as fuck

Thinks it was only America that had a operation paperclip

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yeah like those cartoon missiles in 3D, very nice

Sure they did. Just like that russian robot.

Sure thing.

Wifi is already dangerous enough to human health. If you think i'm putting quantums near my fucking head, you have another thing coming shlomo

You can't touch this. You may think it's a rotary, but that metal base holds quantum processor in an EMP shielded format.
Mark this day, folks, the US has unmatched security.

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this makes us stronger

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bump ! I want one to order troop movements around against yeshiva kikes in here who fill up the board with crap

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Is that because, by any chance, you aren't a scientist and everything you know about russia and the science they do there from reddit headlines and youtube videos?

Just a hunch

Those were Germans not Russian.

"He doesnt know about the three shells!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA"

Attached: shellkek.jpg (600x341, 32K)

>mfw his butt was full of shit the whole time

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Bring back my family and the rest of the junkers you filthy communist!

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are russians copying chinks with their ''QUANTUM x'' west BTFO?