Tfw shrooms cured my suicidal depression

>tfw shrooms cured my suicidal depression
Anyone else? Why the fuck aren't they legal yet?

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how? I've heard in silicone valley they "microdose" them for having more concentration and creativity.

They are legal in Brazil as they grow everywhere, how the fuck can you control something that grows wild in your country?

Do they have agents monitoring every cow pasture in Canada? LOL

"microdosing" is a meme....unless you have had a full blown experience, microdosing is useless.

spores are legal

The ego death gave me a whole new perspective on life. Things don't get me down like they used to.

I felt disconnected from others all my life from autism, bullying, distant parents, but once I turned 18 things were getting so shitty that I decided to get some as a last resort, and in the year that followed the few trips I had (5 grams) I developed a much greater appreciation for life and the people around me, and began to feel a true sense of contentment with myself

they’re only illegal when you dry them lmao. They may as well be legal

It actually works. it helps with mood gives more energy. also, neurogenesis retard

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why? And what is microdosing anyway? I've eaten mushrooms once, but not many. I threw up later and then the walls were melting a bit, nothing more.

But how does it cure depression? how often did you take it and how long? I mean you can't walk around outside or go to work when you're on mushrooms.


I want soem creative and focusing boost, What do you recommend?

How do shrooms compare to 4-AcO-DMT?

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>...fellow whites, why are you not eating more drugs, they are good for you...

Guys i have SHIT TON TO LEARN (MAYA), is adderal good for it?

I need to focus and work like an animal and also be creative.

Let me know if adderal is good or if you have some other recomendations?

Microdosing is pretty insignificant with shrooms and LSD, they have a very low cross-tolerance meaning you build up a tolerance very quickly to the substance which in turn requires you to take more of it to get the same effect.

now, when I am looking back, they dejewified me.
I started to see the world for what it is and stopped being naive. psilocybin can help with trauma, making you at least a better person.
There is no evil human (exclude genetic trash and things the jews did to the white human). They are all traumatised and programmed since babies (i.e. circumcision + brainwashing). we are to be under permanent stress and fear; shrooms can make you detach and see the world for what it is. the jew fears this most as it is the final social redpill; the forbidden fruit is not the apple..

Helped me get over crippling self doubt and gave me more nights of deep belly laughter with my best friends than i could mention. One drug that pol gives way to much hate on IMO. Also gave me an appreciation for mushrooms and nature in general, i now enjoy long hikes and walks foraging for edible non psychoactive mushrooms like morells

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Microdosing is taking a substance under the threshold for the "benefits".
If you did have the full hallucinogenic experience and take small microdose, then it is most likely beneficial.

I take ayahuasca once a year and give myself small amounts the rest of the year. Friend of mine who never went for the full experience did not notice a difference with microdosing alone.

Unless you get a good dose to "fire up" the brain, I don't see how microdosing alone would help

These turned me into a 153 iq psychopath

>toxic fungus makes my brain grow, not saturated fat and cholesterol hehe xd

Wow really good specimen

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You do laugh authentically on shrooms...sometimes until it hurts

Same 100%

I literally feel like a king of hell. some kind of god. who happens to be genius....because gods are genius

How do you 'take' ayahuasca? I thought you had to go to South America, have a shaman chew stuff for you etc?

>can't find shrooms even if i'm looking for it
>get offered to buy coke whenever i take a walk outside for longer than 15 minutes
fuck this country

why would you shill so hard?
microdosing works and you jews are so fucking scared of a balanced white man with an expinded and free mind.

Our earned and deserved peace and prosperity are coming sooner than later and I can say the same about a pretty much decisive solution for your kind. You literally had all the chances but are dehumanised since babies so you can't get your ways straight, ever, under herding religions.

Fuck shrooms are great but DMT is master.

I only managed projecting into belfavor's hall, the seventh palace of hell, not quite all the way considering one enters through the 12th palace. I wouldnt want to behold the literal devil or be them.
My math skills greatly increased after the experience and after seeing a glimpse of hell I've accepted god and am no longer suicidal or even overwhelmed by rape traumas i went through

Shrooms are amazing.
1 shroom and you get all big and high energy
2 shroom and you start spitting fire

>I take ayahuasca once a year a
have heard about it. It's part of your culture and your ancestors took it too probably. But for a Westener? How likley is it to end up in a mental asylum forever after taking it? Have heard the trip is very heavy and long.
What did happen when you took it?

dude. gunna give you a little advise from a psychedelic cowboy. boomers grow out of corn fed cow shit. during late spring early summer, go into any cow farm around 3-4 am with a red light flash light and look for cow shit. you will find all the boomers you could ever want.
>t. dead head who did this for a living

You guys obviously have some issues to deal with. Shrooms only make you feel that way if something is wrong. You probably arent dealing with issues you have.

too short of an experience.

and shrooms can make your pineal gland jizz dmt while on mushrooms, making it the king nigger of the life on this planet.

it is actually an alien species that originates elsewhere in the universe, and got carried here through cosmic brewery and asteroidal plundering..
but hey what do i know.

also they can make you "find god"
but you'll get bored being all alone, and start making it up as you go. cause the story is just so great you just HAVE TO tell the whole world... the good news.
but no one will believe you anyways..
cause you're.. all alone.

What i mean is that it feels good. and just feeling like some sort of godlike creature/devil. i just feel so good and filled with confidence. its super good. but its really satanic to be honest. when im honestly not even thinking about those thoughts

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>Shrooms only make you feel that way if something is wrong
wot? actually, one SHOULD NOT take psychedelics if something is wrong.

how much do you have to take for "microdosing"? How much does a 100kg person have to take, how much a 50kg person?


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Avalon magic plants

thats how we all feel once we leave hs

and not too terribly hard to grow.

no. the shroom was showing them the path.
they will have to go through literal HELL.
at the END of HELL. you face the worst of the worst of the worst of everything you do not want/like/ etc. in the pit.
as soon as the brutalization starts.
"god" lifts you out.

they just didn't reach the bottom of hell yet.
that is all.

you get pulled out. if you got some good in ya.

i lived it.


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Tastes so fucking disgusting though
Never had anything so awful in my life

You need a fucking sitter if you want a full blown experience, especially if you have fucking depression or anxiety. Microdosing is safer and works. A lot of CEOs microdose LSD

They hardly need to be legal. You can pick them off the ground and scoff them. Prosecution rates for mushrooms are so fucking low. More important shit to worry about.

I've read you drink it as a tea with some bark that helps you to vomit not so much.

Bath Salts cured my fear of eating human flesh. Why the fuck isn't it legal yet?

I just shoot it like booze, tastes like pure lemon imo but smells like the pits of hell

because they will warp your mind eventually. sure your depression is temporarily cured but you will eventually burn out like all the other retards ive bet in life who do shrooms and or lsd

>shrooms cured my suicidal depression
So it gave you a future to look forward to or did it just rewire your brain to be ok with hopelessness?

Yeah, my issue is I keep finding these gateway documents on communing with upper aethyr beings and then when I try their techniques it fucking works
Youre realizing how powerful and unique we are as people. God made this construct to create us to learn from us. Our actions ripple through time, changing the world around us. We are a part of woven dirac strings being spun in 720 degrees loomed together as endless sets of hilbert functions. Through our consciousness we perceive and after these oscillations, the universe controlling and observing itself. Our consciousness is distinctly linked to fungi, as we evolved from them. Your cap is your brain, your stem your spine, your mycellium your central nervous system

Had high anxiety and panic attacks, ate 2 grams of mushrooms and it was completely gone after 15 years of suffering. Also, instantly killed my ego and I appreciate shit more.

>Bath Salts cured my fear of eating human flesh. Why the fuck isn't it legal yet?
nice one

I used to grow them, takes about 200$ to get started, super easy

>So it gave you a future to look forward to or did it just rewire your brain to be ok with hopelessness?
this is actually a very good question from a scientific point of view.

Kys chink, your people importing that shit will be paid back in time

Methamphetamine cured my dear of 12 hour Jack sessions and slimed bellies. Why the fuck isn't this shit legal yet?

You really don't need a sitter. ime they only make things uncomfortable and typically damper the experience.

The former
Now I actually socialize, work out, read, appreciate art, etc and try to make the most of bad situations

You mother fuckers are thinking way too deep into this shit. Trippin on shrooms is just, fun. Grab some for the fireworks show.

>I have no idea how LTP works

i have done, 0.5 -8gram doses of mushrooms at various times throughout life.

i highly recommend. 1 gram or less.

0.7 gram is really really good.

anything over 1+ gram you will have a "trip"

anything over 3gram dried/powdered with orange juice, will send you to another dimension. just go for god if you end up there.

Everytime I take psychedelic drugs my hatred for minorities grows even bigger.
I've never had this "Bro all people are the sane, don't you understand" revelation.
Lefties that take drugs are fucking degenerates

That doesn't really work with mushrooms. I tried and I just got a stomach ache. The stomach ache is normal with those things anyway and not desirable. Besides if you use it more than once a week, it doesn't work.

>if you have fucking depression or anxiety.
You shouldn't be doing it at all then.

no one will fuck with you if you're tripping on them. You get fucked when you try to sell them.

what does microdosing do? Does it give more focus?

That is for you to experminet and find out. Don't be afraid, learn to master the things in your life. Seek advice in you and not in others.

But, because you asked, my advice is to take shrooms in the evening, after a day's work, 2-6 hours before bed time, depening on your body so you can sleep after. They boost your will power and you can plan your next day nicely and also achieve some next level neuroplasticity but that's quite hard. (you can literally upgrade your 'RAM' and 'bandwidth')

I've been right wing since I was a little kid, making minorities fetch glasses of water for me in grade 2
What psychedelics taught me is that although we are all human, some of us are far more advanced and important than others
We all share the same soul (the universe experiencing itself) but the bodies and egos that each of us have determines our potential and our worth

Ill have to belieb i guess


I’ve experienced ego death multiple times. Truly understood that all things in the universe are everything and nothing at the same time. It hasn’t changed my belief that niggers are shit.

bollocks. shrooms are made for people with anxiety/depression. its cocky fuckers with big egos that get into trouble with them

>work hard, stay fit, go out and find a wife and start a successful family or
>take these mushrooms bro they make you the happy
I'd make some drab statement about how this board has fallen but the quality was never particularly good. Still it should be better than this.

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>implying you can't do both
>implying psychedelics make you happy and don't show you the path to making yourself happy

This response sounds like a weird mix of hippie bullshit and right wing doctrins.
I like it, keep trippin

pretty much the same experience

Shrooms cured my alcoholism

I’m not saying it isn’t for anxiety or depression, I’m just saying it is better to microdose.

Shrooms made me quit smoking and drinking. I didn't even 'wanted' to quit, but after my first shroom trip I had zero cravings. It's incredible.

Also, microdosing is reddit. it's the antithesis to a psychedelic experience, it's neutering. literal bugmen tier. anglo perversion of dyonisian impulse. if you microdose you are a little bitch, 200% lmao. too scared to swallow your 500ug so you opt for the kiddie version. pathetic. it's like sex with a condom.

When i tried them, i did a 5 day on 2 off routine, half gram to 3/4 gram max taken in the morning approx 1 hour after waking up

Me too OP
Got me into meditation
which showed me i have been living for 30 years with ADHD and not realise it

It makes sense. thats how I felt when I experienced ego death. The universe just using everything to experience our reality... or plane/dimension.

>>toxic fungus makes my brain grow,
What are MRI scans of the brains of people on psilocybin? People like you really are a fucking waste of space.

>suicidal depression
Tranny detected.

Hand you met someone with mushroom induced psychosis yet? That’s why.

humm, thanks

I will admit though,it was generally pretty underwhelming and 1 or 2 trips a year with friends is way better
Pierre is also correct

Shrooms cured my atheism.
After shrooms and LSD i concluded that it's literally impossible there is not something divine out there.

my Rabbi told me shrooms mixed with heroin would cure my maple syrup urine syndrome

Decriminalized in Denver by a fag

thats lsd not shrooms. Microdosing shrooms just make you feel weird.

All I had from shrooms were weird optics and the feeling that I am being remotely controlled. Maybe I should take more lol

>Shrooms cured my atheism.

inward focus, sure.
outward focus, absolutely not.

same shit

The first time I took them I took 5 g's. That was a nightmare and solidified my preference for LSD. Later I took 1/2 g and the 3D was has intense as it was on 5, as well as feelings of euphoria while walking through nature on a perfect day. I am super-sensitive so I get more bang for my buck than most. Only a matter of time before all classical psychedelics are decriminalized on national level, the culture is ready for it, just a matter of politics shifting accordingly.

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so it doesn't help when you want to read/learn something from a book or so?

I took 5 and didn't "have my atheism cured." A very wonderful alien experience on 1/2 g though.

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