What can you do to stop your daughter from becoming like this? I'm scared.
What can you do to stop your daughter from becoming like this? I'm scared
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In Latin America? Nothing latinas are all sucking cock by 11
But in America you raise them right in a conservative community
Severe beatings.
Be a brown spic with shit genes.
There are ways believe it or not.
Never reproduce goyim
Are fathers sexually attracted to their daughters if they are hot?
Fuck of Mehmet.
Considering how many loads I blew to my sisters bikini picks I’m going to assume yes
By teaching them that their youth and beauty is only temporary and that settling down early will prevent them from having a mental breakdown later on when all their friends start having children and they contemplate their life choices.
Send them to me, I'll have a serious talk with them.
how could you not rape your daughter if she looked like this?
The optimum for what people are looking for is their third cousins. I guess daughter would be to close
sauce plz
You are a Colombian nigger, the low IQ in your genes is showing.
Force her to transition to male
Okay Muhammad.
Also, what is sarcasm?
Expel the Jews from your country. It is the only way.
op please don't
not exsisten in you like german humor
You're missing out.
Come on juan, go back to cornfield
our lunch time ended
Be around and teach her the culture of non degenerate whites of european heritage
What is your sister ugly or something?
Yeah except that stable generation is gone. Majority if kids are with single moms who are just as mentally unstable as cat ladies and where the same sluts when teens.
This generation is fucking lost, we need economic collapse and war asap or we're permanently fucked, the current social norms are already poisonous.
>to my sister's bikini pics
>>not in her bikini bottoms
Even perverts are lazy fucking casuals these days.
Is this true?
Do you not have a natural aversion to your sisters, in the same way that you would have for your mother?
Or do you find your sister hot?
>t. sisterlet
hey fucking piece of shit, mexico is the bitch of colombia from the first cartel,
the zetas did not learn what they know alone
>has a natural aversion to his mom
that's pretty gay user
she can be like this, but only at home
All men must stop supporting feminism; must stop viewing pornography; must stop being sexually active outside of marriage.
Men allowed feminism to happen. It is up to men to make it stop.
Test drip levels decline precipitously with age. Now heavy dosages of viagra and we've got a different story.
Oh I did that too.
I mean I think she’s hot, I don’t think I’d ever actually try to do anything in reality but it’s just a fantasy and I’d imagine many men have the same thing. Also the hormones about her pretty much wore off by the time I was around 20
If my mom was hot I’d probably be into her to tbhq.
There is a thing called the westermarq affect but it’s definitely not a certain thing it’s just a theory. Whatever it is that grosses people out about their family I just don’t get.
>Do you have a natural aversion to your sisters the same way you do for your mother
Normal people have this. user is just a mentally unwell degenerate
Nothing. See if you can get a bit of ATM going with her friend.
beautiful? i guess acid bath or something
I think a conservative community won't help the zoomers now. Their exposure to the rich life full of sex and drugs will make them suck dick by 13. All zoomers women are fucked. Literally
>All men must stop supporting feminism;
must stop viewing pornography;
must stop being sexually active outside of marriage.
No and it won't happen.
Why would you take parenting advice from an incel website?
Don't marry a thot. For fucks sake. Just be a good man and marry a woman who isn't a dumb fucking thot. Is she modest and rational and loves the west? Good. This type of woman isn't a myth, but she is a myth if you avoid Christianity.
>normal people are gay
yeah okay whatever faggot
>what can you do to stop your daughter from being a happy successful female
Just be yourself
Raise her Mennonite
Educate and encourage her to learn about the history of her people and culture.
Build a relationship with her that she will cherish centered around quality time.
Recognize that she will one day choose a man using you as her model example. For better or worse.
Make honesty and telling the truth normal by sharing your opinions often. Start with small truths and work your way up to bigger, more difficult and more important truths.
And even if you can only manage to accomplish the bare minimum with her, she will notice it, and she will thank you for it one day.
It's really not complicated.
I'm sure if me ma were attractive I'd be attracted to her too. Alas this is the fate I was dealt.
Is this how our Heartland boys think? Yikes
No, normal people have a natural aversion to their family akin to a pit of disgust through their core. You're not helping the stereotypes about Americans
you fuck them yourself
Don't stop her, just make sure she marries a rich Chad.
>Have a traditional wife who shares your values. This should be a given if you’re planning on having kids.
>Encourage her to find a good man to marry and have babies with as as soon as possible. Provide examples in her formative years of miserable cat ladies who wasted their youth riding the cock carousel.
Other than that, I don’t want to tell you. Raising kids, especially daughters, has never been a bigger mine field than it is today.
I denied i did at first but she has a hot body and i can’t help but find it hot and fap to her sometimes. I think the reason why is lack of female contact, besides her and my mom, adequately enough for me to be able to imagine me fucking them without using my sister as a frame of reference.
I’ve also fapped to my mom desu...
what is wrong with this? I can't find the problem
don't worry user you're from colombia your children will never grow up to be wh*te
>those whores
whiter than you, roberto
Homeschool. Don't let her out of her room until shes 18. Then betroth her. Marry her off to a man in his late 20s early 30s who is very successful and she will never have to worry about anything.
Tell the man he can do whatever he wants with her.
don't forget to dick her too
nah mate, when you get older younger chicks lose their appeal. Trust me
Obviously you still find 20 year olds hot, but not 13 year olds. Too childish, no curves, annoying as fuck
Not normally. If they grew up with you, you still kind of see their baby face in their new grown up face. You have a bundle of other feelings that override the objective assessment of attractiveness, and the very attractiveness becomes more a worry than anything else.
you should've gotten quads my dude
do you smell your sister's pussy on her panties? have you priced out hidden cameras for the bathroom or her bedroom yet?
I don't mean 13 years olds, I meant older ones, like if your daughter looked like the one on the right in OP's pic
No, that isn't normal.
tbqh, I've seen pics of my mom when she was young, and I'd definitely hit it
Daily reminder
>natural aversion
Go ahead and look it up genius, the westermark effect you are referring to is one theory and not widely supported
There is enough evidence of incest all over the world for us to conclude there isn’t much truth to it.
The fact is incest is generally a cultural taboo, the only type of incest that is universallly taboo in virtually every society and all times historically is mother-Son
Followed by parents and children in general
Siblings less so but often taboo
And cousins/nieces/aunts/uncles are just as often not taboo as they are taboo
I’m a historical context
Meh, the female body kind of loses it's mystery once you've seen it a lot of times. No more mystique to it, you can look at it objectively.
So if you see some young thot trying too hard in her ridiculous outfit, you can see right through her.
No that’s too much, I just acknowledge she’s attractive. And I only tried the sniffing thing once since I saw so many people talking about it and it smelled like fucking ass and I didn’t get it.
I've thought about that.
I've thought about that many times.
But what's the solution? Droit du seigneur for the father when she hits 18? Just give the father the right to deflower her for all the effort? At least you'd be pumping and dumping the fruit of your years of work.
user, we were memeing you fucking dip
I'm of Middle eastern origin, so I'm planning on moving back there when I want to start a family. I'd say there's less of a chance that they'd become whores, but even if they do they'll be doing it with their own kind and not fucking some nigger like a white woman would do. God willing by the time my future kids are old enough, the pandering to the niggers in America will have stopped and Europe will have gone full fascist reconquista on all their lands so so my kids could visit those places without having to be exposed to Jewish or nigger nonsense.
if you're "the hot dad" in her group, which is ridiculously easy these days, you'll have first pick from all her friends
>le Kentucky intellectual
I tip my cowboy hat to you, sir
*hits pipe*