UPDATE: I'm still in trouble for reading a politically incorrect book on this channel, the powers that be have demonetized my entire channel and removed both videos, before sending me emails about how they support freedom of speech even when it offends people, as they notify me that my videos were hidden, and then removed. The irony being that some of the most blatantly racist against white people, anti-christian, and pro-degeneracy media pieces devised since weimar Germany are still online, without protest, of course, and monetized all over the internet. Such is progressive tolerance at its finest. Speaking of which, I'd encourage all of you to subscribe to my bitchute, as I know not what will become of this channel:
You have to understand that today's liberal intellectuals, who pride themselves on tolerance and being broadminded, are the most narrow minded, self righteous and hate filled bigots in the history of humanity. No primitive tribe worshiping with its witch doctor was ever more vicious in its hatred and suppression of heretics than today's marxist intellectuals, filthy progressives, "anti-racists" and liberals. Their intellectual position is pure, unadulterated superstition and prejustice, and they burn us heretics in the hottest fires of their hate and lies. That, of course, they will deny, huffing and blowing and gasping with utter outrage.
Everybody knew for thousands of years that the earth was flat, you could see it for yourself. And the first few halfwits who suggested that it was round were not only laughed out of countenance, but some of them were even burned at the stake for such insanity. The whole history of humanity is tragically soiled with a million repetitions of the burning of people who dared to suggest the wrongness of a precious prejustice of the time. Each generation in the last few centuries has looked with horror on this history of stupidity and bigotry, and then gone about the ruthless business of exterminating the men of its own time who dared to question the popular superstitions of the day (multiculturalism, in this case) . The bigots of each time have dutifully shaken their heads at the disbelief and horror of the witch hunts of other eras, and then hunted down and destroyed anybody who dared to question the witch doctors of their own era.
But alas, back to this video. Recently, this idol of american progressivism was revealed to have laughed and enjoyed himself while watching a friend rape a woman, on top of the dozens of affairs this pure, righteous man had with (often white) prostitutes. Disgusting. As such, our degenerate media has essentially refused to cover this, hiding the few articles they did produce so they can say "Look, we talked about this!" while doing everything possible to make sure that this is memory-holed as quickly as possible, thus I'm doing what I can to spread this message by mirroring this video, which can be seen in its full, non-shortened essence on the Sanderson1611 channel, if one searches for "Marxist Lucifer King".
In school, we were taught that everything in the sixties was for the best of humanity, yet reality has disputed this heavily. Look at the world today, look at it then. How have we fallen so far in such a short time? The glorification of reprobates and vile, evil people who are arbitrarily declared to be our leaders and cultural icons certainly hasn't helped.
Speaking of which, another pillar of modern morality which you can also throw out is Ann Frank. We were told that that book was essentially the gospel, it was presented to us in, I believe, eight grade as non-fiction. In reality, it now appears to be written after world war two, (in ball point pen, which was not available in Germany until 1951 as confirmed by the BKA, or the "German State Forensic Bureau") and while parts of it may or may not actually be the work of anne frank, the rest was written by other people with various political agendas, and has been edited many times over the last seventy years, further diminishing whatever actual truth may or may not be in the book itself:
What do we do, about these things? We push them away from us. We say "NO! We do not want your new world". We will disavow these progressive icons, liberal and "conservative", all of them, with their degenerate media and clown world philosophies. We will look back upon the Bible, and upon our ancestors, and to principles of society and of natural order which we know to be true. We will build a better world around and within us, as small as it might be, beginning with ourselves and our loved ones, where we will do the right thing, fully expecting and embracing the backlash for doing so from this corrupted world but this is okay, we are doing the right thing, even if we are doing it alone. I know that some of these things will come as a shock to those just now waking up from their apathetic stupor, and I will say that I'm sorry that they lied to you, but now all that we can do as traditionalists is to pick up the pieces of our world which remain, and together we will do whatever we can with all that we have, to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Life a life that your ancestors would be proud of you for. Think beyond yourself and protect your people from the degeneracy, shield them from it, and rescue them from it. No one else is coming for them, only you. Love all that this evil world hates. Do the last thing the progressives want you to, seek out and believe on Jesus Christ. The coming times will be unpleasant, but standing strong, we will be worse unto them.
Martin liar coon
Make white babies.
friendly reminder: brenton tarrant is an idiot and everyone whos worshipping him is larping, aside from newfags and other idiots like chucke2009 who took the larping serious.
I really hope he does.
I believe he has children. What is your point?
Marxist Lucifer kang
Nice to see he's still at it.
Hi ChuckE
keep it up chuck, you absolute fucking mad man.
if you ever decide to run for your district, let us know.
Keep it up man, God bless.
Bump in this dump
Brenton Tarrant was Mossad. In b4 Mossad calls this post a schizo post.
Too bad he's a pr*testant.
Thanks for making a thread with a little effort for once, but just beware, stuff slides off the catalogue very quickly here and many people are basically degenerated into adhd-addled cattle in this imageboard.
But I commend your efforts, keep going.
I might make a bitchute account just to subscribe to you, but I really prefer not making accounts.
Maybe you should set up a crypto/bit coin donation adress and account?
I'm going to use that
based schizo poster
bump for based welder
What are your thoughts on Orthodox Christianity?
Low IQ retard, trash which is why Jow Forums feels affinity with him
No, he is admired because he actually does something. That's all.
He's making content and talking to people outside of an echochamber, people know to regard this courage.
But keep autofellating about your self-ascribed IQ, weakling.
lol he's a retard and you all latch on to anyone who does something you like without regard
Jow Forums is projection, the perpetual victim, yet you retards keep ruining things for yourself
Proxy bong faggot.
memeflag opinions go in the bin. like your guns, or free speech.
still have my guns and frozen peaches
and healthcare :^)
Be quiet, woman. The men are talking.
>this is the same guy posting metokur hate threads on behalf of the stepfather
Hi Chuckee
based crusader and warrior
if i lived near you, and i needed a weld, you would have my business.
I fucking love frozen peaches, I use them to brew some sick peach mead with Costco honey.
based welder, that video tho. fuck mlk
Holy shit everyone get in there and support this man.
What the fuck is this video?
Don't tell me his a christcuck?
Found the nonwhites.
Obligatory alt hype vid: