Fight the orange man, turn orange

....irony in action

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But seriously why do they light themselves on fire it's fucking weird

He was just fucked in the head. Dont let the media spin it any other way, the dude was clearly crazy.

>But seriously why do they light themselves on fire it's fucking weird

because jews

Attached: based pajeet.png (1024x682, 1.44M)

He's dead, btw. Died a few hours ago. That retard cop did nothing but cause that idiot to suffer immense pain for hours when he could have just let him die. Why are the police so useless and stupid?

>Make every leftist do this as a protest against Trump
>make popcorn
>take a sit
>watch and enjoy leftists burning in its own craziness

>he doesn't have the foil mythic
>he isn't 100% invested in MTG sealed booster boxes
It's like you enjoy being poor, losers

Attached: 1559183568932.png (597x851, 948K)

>Implying it's a bad thing that fucker suffered

So you're saying that when confronted with someone being on fire, you wouldn't try and help? You'd just sit there, greasy with cheeto dust on your circumcised penis?
Pathetic. Nice larp tho, almost convincing for an edgy 16 year old