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MAJOR HAPPENING: Ted Cruz & AOC to Drain the Swamp
Andrew Barnes
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Carson Gomez
Nicholas Moore
She'll just call him a racist misogynist who isn't "serious" about "affecting change" like she is
Jason Flores
And checked
Oy vey this is very problematic
Jonathan Reed
oh isn't this so cute.
Jonathan Collins
how about fix the fucking southern border already you bureaucrat goons
Jace Myers
Republicans and Democrats will be legion against corporate faggots. This hurts rich jews in turn. Very good.
Aaron Baker
Gabriel Bell
Hillary will have AOC suicided
Angel Ward
Trips of truth
Jonathan Robinson
Wyatt Miller
This is a fucking abstract kinda time line isn’t it?
Mason Brooks
Cool theatrics. They won't do shit.
Samuel Wright
term limits just mean that congressmen are even more faceless and less liable to do anything good for their constituents
ban omnibus spending bills, make faggots vote for things one at a time so that people can see the horrid shit they hide in with the budget
Xavier Flores
Fuck yeah. Bipartisan laws are real shit. Drain the swamp bb
Evan Martin
Michael Gutierrez
Carson Williams
Make military service mandatory for and Congressional election...
Blake Taylor
Maybe it's the timeline where US congressional representatives learn to compromise again.
There is a ton of shit both sides of the aisle both think is poison to the political system, but don't do anything because they don't trust the opposition to play fair.
Daniel Clark
Impossible. Then Congress would actually vote against wars in the Middle East and enforce the illegal actions taken by the executive.
Isaac Allen
Three terms. That's all they should get. It was never supposed to be a career. It's a public service. I'd rather have faceless reps than the same scumbag getting super rich for 25 years of not doing shit for their constituents.
William Fisher
Jason Hill
>ted and aoc draining the swamp
god and his chosen are idk about some stawman fake dem like aoc and a beaner lover like ted
the tornadoes are draining the swamp as did the movie black panther. see between black supremacist dying because they spent rent money on movie tickets and kkk being killed by tornadoes the world will be a better place. why ? how? some people just have to die. its overdue i will admit but i would like to say being told by god they arent worthy of his love and shall be given no mercy is perfect in their time of need
William Robinson
Woke Marxists are right twice a lifetime.
Daniel Carter
I love AOC
Liam Taylor
>term limits just mean that congressmen are even more faceless and less liable to do anything good for their constituents
This, the Founders made Congress a representative democracy for a reason. They get to keep their jobs and influence from cradle to grave if they can just keep their constituents voting for them, and this encourages them to keep giving a fuck about their people and not give a fuck about anyone else's, so they don't try to push through bills they know their people hate just to peddle influence.
They still do this anyway, but it's usually because some lobbyist duped or brigaded them, and that's when they get pulled out and replaced for failing the people that voted for them.
Matthew Hill
Jayden Campbell
Anthony Scott
>I love AOC
look at this faggot shill
Mason Morales
Stay mad kike
Benjamin Thomas
Ryan Gray
William Hernandez
the problem bro is the more everyone cooperates and works for common good of people, you can know the reward of being a traitor to that goes up and up and up. and eventually, because politicians want power, their fragile ethics will shatter under the weight, and they'll start taking (((incentives))) again.
Matthew Jackson
Jow Forums should spam AOC with redpills about trump/acosta/epstein connections and see where it goes. Epstein is the keystone famalam.
Vids very related
Oliver Bennett
dude that is 100% the face of a ladyboi. she is a tranny WITHOUT DOUBT. skullshape does. not. lie.
Thomas Robinson
stay mad kike
Gavin Collins
Inb4 Cenk Kadır Uygur and the Justice Democrats tell Ms. Shit for Brains that she’s off script, I’ll support it. It’s just a shame she’ll be walking it back by tomorrow.
Cooper Mitchell
whatever faggot im not a fuckin heeb but dont go fapping to trannies
Anthony Baker
Having congressional hearings on white supremacy is more important
Evan Sanchez
aipac wont allow their bought texas politicians to do that. So texas republicans leave the border unsecured but double the border patrol agents and busses to bring them further into the USA.
Ted cruz sent the houston flood relief money to israel.
Leo Peterson
Wood be good
Parker Martinez
>Ted Cruz
>already lobbies for gas and oil companies
>wants ex-congressers to be prevented from lobbying
The hypocracy is unreal.
Jose Gray
But AOC is jewish you fucktard
Joshua Martinez
>if u do all the work and i agree, then i'll let myself have my name on it for free :^)
Thomas Smith
oh, TWO congressmen want to ban former congress member from becoming lobbyists VS 400+ congressmen who will be against it. I am sure this will pass! LOL! this is basically congressional virtue signalling.
Evan Bennett
how about bans for dual citizenship?
Eli Roberts
Hate the game, not the player, bongfag.
Owen Cook
>term limits just mean that congressmen are even more faceless and less liable to do anything good for their constituents
I agree but there should be a forced retirement age.
Charles Ramirez
>what happens when a house contractor loses their license for getting their job half done?
>they become an inspector
Revolution when?
David Stewart
>oh, TWO congressmen want to ban former congress member from becoming lobbyists VS 400+ congressmen who will be against it. I am sure this will pass! LOL! this is basically congressional virtue signalling.
finally, signalling virtues i hold dear
Jaxson Lopez
These rats need to hang.
Jonathan Hughes
>the Founders made Congress a representative democracy for a reason
The Senate was never intended to be a representative democracy, senators were originally sent by the State to represent the state's interests, in contrast to the House who were to represent the citizens.
Easton Martin
>finally, signalling virtues i hold dear
but if a congressman only puts forth bills that never ever pass, that person is literally just a waste of taxpayer money ( ie AOC)
and cruz? he has only passed 2 outta 25 bills hes proposed. one was to disallow spies to enter the country(already illegal lol) and second, he wanted to offer a 5 million dollar reward of US tax payer money for a kidnapped israeli.
ted cruz isnt based or redpilled. hes a conserva-cuck who talks a lot but doesnt get anything done.
Blake Long
things that will never happen for 400 Alex
Tyler Bell
¡Dios mío!
Cameron Williams
shell never be /ourqueen/
Luis Russell
thats why they are doing it, they know it will never happen.
just like how trump said he lock up hillary.
Xavier Foster
The gift that keeps giving. MAGA
Dylan Sanders
No way this bill will ever be heard of ever again. They can't vote against it.
Jonathan Green
Oi u wot?
Christopher Robinson
Goddamnit she looks like my ex...
Aiden Williams
>Goddamnit she looks like my ex...
why would u date subhuman garbage? yikes + yuck pilled
Aaron King
Bitch probably has a rug growing out of her lower back, and has to wax her arms, face, and hairy hobbit feet.
Jacob Cook
Logan Williams
AOC is cute but has shit feet
are there any congresswomen with qt feet anywhere on this earth?
Jeremiah Cook
Tyler Howard
ted wants to make hispanic babies with her
Xavier Robinson
DESU AOC is unlikely to be a part of the ZOG. Sure she has fallen to some of the propaganda, but she comes from little, and is likely just trying to do the politics she thinks will help people like her and from her community. Working with her to drain corruption makes a lot of sense, as she has little to no ties to establishment dems.
Nicholas Kelly
This is encouraging if they both procede sincerely.
Andrew Brooks
>not wanting to cum all over AOC's feet
Why are you like this spaghettibro?
Ian Richardson
Based, we know he's into cuck-queening
Juan Diaz
They are both absolutely correct.
Joshua Thomas
Nothing more based than having a cuck queen wife. We need to encourage cucks and cuckqueens to marry each other just so that foursomes become a thing.
Jordan Lewis
this will go nowhere
Jaxson Lopez
The republican party will betray whites and shift again like they did in the past to match demographics.
Noah Smith
>thinking AOC isnt just created to harvest beaner and roastie support + attention
Mason Brown
Even better, use a (((far right))) asset to turn her into a martyr.
Michael Gomez
Cruz has actually called for term limits before.
Isaac Collins
>DESU AOC is unlikely to be a part of the ZOG.
golems serve the zog even if they arent an actual member of the tribe. learn2golem
Jordan Hall
Isaiah Flores
You really wanna clamp down on spending? Eliminate the IRS and the tax code. Either a flat rax (my preferred merhod), or a consumption tax. A flat tax, with no exemptions and no withholding. Make it payable either annually or or quarterly. You watch how fast spending gets reined in because Americans actually feel the burden.
Asher Allen
How about naming lobbyism what it actually is - corruption and outlawing it altogether?
Chase King
That would be hilarious, based trips
Hunter Rodriguez
Ted's gonna make this bitch look stupid and use her. THE LOBBYGETS AOC, HAND EM OVER AND CENK KEEPS HIS PUPPET SHOW
Christopher Peterson
It's not trips you newfags. It's a full house/boat
Cameron King
Based AOC.
Logan Fisher
He's just trying to get laid
Hunter Turner
Yeah “major happening” all right. The communist and the Christcuck, both virtue signaling anti-establishment rhetoric, which will be followed by, well nothing. I can barely contain my excitement.
Jonathan Lewis
She is a ZOG puppet, but she is too dumb to follow the agenda too closely. This will happen more and more as the Left gets less White.
Gabriel Perry
Somebody shoop a BBC going into her big ass mouth. Come on guys for science
Lucas Brooks
Brayden Lee
He's just doing to get the feet picks
Easton Gomez
>I'm down
How professional.
Leo Kelly
Jackson Robinson
They'll just become unpaid lobbyists or consultants or some other loophole, and still make bank off insider trading
Tyler Ortiz
Eli Adams
Ted x AOC Latinx Alliance!
Blake Evans
Ted Cruz looking for that 2024 Presidential nomination.
Jeremiah Evans
>a white man shot AOC dead
>he's radicalized by Ben Shapiro and Breitbart
Owen Kelly