Kill babies or not be a slut? Such a hard decision. It's almost satire

Kill babies or not be a slut? Such a hard decision. It's almost satire.

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Easy. Kill a baby. Fuck you all and your every life is precious facade, as soon as its born you don't give a fuck anyways. Even your gospel says life begins at birth.. where is your god??

Fuck human rights?
Fuck women's rights.

Underage ban

Not about rights, it's about overpopulation. The real problem is getting countries in Asia, South America and Africa to start accepting abortion as a social norm, considering the population boom coming from these countries. Meanwhile we here in the west are crying about the morals of it all

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you
Jeremiah 1:5

Everyone needs sex to some degree. Dont blame women if they just follow their needs. its like blaming someone for eating because he was hungry.

prevent a baby from growing up in clown world, or force women to keep a rapists baby because I am a kissless incel virgin who's mad that other people have a sex life

>Easy. Kill a baby. Fuck you all and your every life is precious facade, as soon as its born you don't give a fuck anyways
Patently false and based on a logical fallacy. If you don't want your neighbors to murder their kid you're not suddenly morally obligated to adopt the kid and pay for its whole life and healthcare, you fucking baby killing retard.

Advocating for it here because you want it in those countries is categorically retarded.

Make em all wear cages.
Problem solved.

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Massive goi faggot lives by a book

Tell me what does a moist hole secrete that is essential that a male will die without.

There needs to be a more concise version of your post.
something like an automatic slogan that is like 5 words or less so the plebs can understand it like they do simple chants.

all the people in heaven and purgatory can be ''known'' in spirit but it doesnt mean theyre alive, idiot

asians can still fit through the pee hole and impregnate women, causing a recesion of white people and an increase of asian population

So your going to make them keep it? Cause if it goes into the adoption system your paying for it through taxes

It does though

The people posting this shit are the same ones on Jow Forums crying about girls not sleeping with them. Keep shaming women for their sexuality, I'm sure you'll get more pussy that way.

>you share a board with brainlets like this

It's not advocating, it's debating. And there's no point in debating with those who agree with me. I don't feel the need for reassurances so i'd rather debate with other perspectives

its not about secretions, but satisfying a psychological / emotional need

Once this financial situation of first world countries plus china goes tits up expect half of those people to starve to death or die of malaria/cholera/dysentery and if we are lucky ebolachan.

40 year old virgins have transcended the human condition?

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Point being we as the west have a sort of cultural influence on the rest of the world. Instead of using our influence to spread planned parenthood to countries where religious extremes still have a grip on the government and are having massive baby booms, we're bickering with our hands on each others throats over whether abortion is right cuz the left is obsessed with rights for all and the right is still living in a fairy tail from the middle east. We forget to ask the real question: is abortion maybe needed?

but not everyone can or want to break the curse of the flesh to transcend and become a mighty wizard

That doesn't equate to a need you subhuman faggot. I want this world to burn, I'm fucking tired of dumb niggers like you
No one is forcing them to get pregnant, don't even think about bringing up rape abortions because they constitute less than 1 percent of abortions. Kindly kill yourself.

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day of the rake is coming you maplenigger

have sex

Society has been so thoroughly brainwashed into believing that pre birth murder is different than post birth murder I'd conclude that the aborting parents likely would not murder their child post birth even if they wanted to murder it pre birth, hence it would be safe to make them keep it in a majority of situations.

Adoption is aspect of a well-functioning society and anybody should be allowed to give their kids up for adoption *as needed* (if they can afford kids in a safe home environment they keep them or go to prison) and I recognize that. However, it's not my moral responsibility, just my rational decision that if adoption necessities should increase then adoption funding should increase as well.

Not constantly shouting that we need more adoption funding does not mean I have no moral right to demand abortion gets outlawed. Progressives are acting like pro lifers have some newly invented moral responsibility when there is none, and that's the point.

Like pottery.

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What this guy says. The incel/autist/christfaggotry fail-combo personality type that fuels these pro-birth threads is mind-melting to witness.

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what about overpopulation? if we got rid of abortions how much would that affect overpopulation?

So what is better?
Aborting a clumb of cells, or giving birth and supporting the single mom epidemic? Or retarded children? Or niggers? So you want the global population to grow further?

>gotta catch em all

Women are property and society will return to normal once men realize that and start slapping the bitches around.

What pro-life niggers so not realize is, that those women, who get pregnant by "accident" are irresponsible whores in the first place, yet they want them to give birth and feed society with even more retarded kids. Its better they just die off, instead of spreadin their low genes. In the long run this would also diminish the growth of the global population and leave is more resources in general, instead needing more gibs for socially awkward autists and basedboys, because there mother fucked up

>women are property
hello edgelord

Truth is edgy in a society built on lies.

Or you need to take your freaky Amish shit, find some actual Amish folks to live with and get off the internet. Lots of smart people worked hard on this thing and you're fucking up the vibe with your Puritan trash.