Glory to the aryan race!

Attached: 3048243.jpg (1000x797, 185K)

Other urls found in this thread:

have children
fight for political and economic power
build communities

I have blue eyes but brown blonde hair am I an Aryan?

my friend is puerto rican and greek with a swedish mother and has blue eyes. I'm italian and have brown ones. According to this board he's white and I'm not despite being 1/3rd non white.

fuck off

This. Do like soup kitchen for white family only secretly of course

I'm English Irish Italian German

and do you have brown eyes?

most indo-Europeans had brown eyes and brown hair

Mom is English Irish and my dad is Italian German


my mother is irish and has browner eyes than my italian father.

Of course bro you are the other half of what means to be aryan

Attached: geese.jpg (470x787, 69K)

You're both white.

what god should an aryan be following?

i personally think there are multiple gods, but i would say i follow only one (the god arya- god of aryan fertility,wealth and sovereignty). the only requirements to join would be to have majority european blood, and bend the knee under and evergreen and pledge loyalty to arya. and convert as many people as possible

right now he is a weak god but with support he would gain in strength from faith in him.

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Yeah, why don't we have pro-Aryan spam more often? Better than black dicks and jidf shit.

Any pro-Aryan group I would join would worship Christ. Love me for it or hate me, Aryans must accept that a huge number of their people have chosen Christ and are not going to be converted.

nobody here thinks i'm white. One person saying i'm white vs 300 saying i'm not doesn't bode well for me.

you're white. I am Irish, English, French, and German mostly with hazel eyes and dirty blonde hair, so I can vouch for you. Don't worry, I have someone of pure Bavarian phenotype to vouch for me as well.

i am not white

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fucking mutt, ull be washed away by the ethnostate, punishment for your ancestors mixing u diseased breed

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Every man or woman that originates in Europe and is white is aryan, faggots

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is she white?

Attached: sicily mutt.jpg (600x899, 437K)

It may be Mediterranean, sometimes the lighting of the camera gets a little fucked up.

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Attached: Schloss_Grosslobming,Szyszkowitz-Kowalski.jpg (762x800, 284K)

look at her lips.

And that's her normal skin color.

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I want to be Hitlers race now

No its cool, I got a true Aryan to vouch for me