I'm a minority, but I'm starting to become more conservative

The trade war has been pushing me to the right. Democrats and corporatists are too soft on China, and we need someone to stand up for us so we can get the higher wages we deserve. I also like the idea of tax cuts and spending cuts. The economy has been booming since Trump came into office, and while the deficit is a huge problem right now, Republicans want to cut entitlements which will lower the deficit.

As a child of immigrants, I feel a repulsion from the likes of /pol, so this is kind of awkward for me. I don't really care about race realism or white genocide because we're going to be immortal solar powered cyborgs in the future. If not that, then we'll upload our brains to the cloud and be virtual gods. None of this genetic/cultural shit will matter. What matters is speeding up the path to the singularity, and I think the private market does a better job than the government.

Attached: download.png (240x210, 3K)

>I'm a nigger
Stopped reading there. Kys nigger. No one cares about your wall of text.

>i dont really care about white genocide
fuck off idiot, go vote for more immigrants via zion don, you're on the right track

You should read the bread book.

white genocide will not happen due to designer babies. Chinese and Indian people would jump at the chance to make white babies.

No I'm South Asian with a great career. If one of us had to kill ourselves it should be you. Society needs me more than you.

At this rate they aren't going to be a thing that's available for anyone besides the top 1 percent of the west's population. designer babies wont even be a thing in the west at all most likely because all resources will be put into micro managing and appeasing the new majority of mystery meat americans

People have said that about all kinds of new breakthroughs. It'll end up in the hands of the people. The rich are powerful, but the masses have historically been the sector that guides the change. We overrate powerful men.

Whites are the world minority. No one should care about your subhuman opinion. Go pick the fucking cotton.

No, Poo.
A. There are way too many of you. Granted, one of you is too many. Billions is a literal crime.
B. Maybe learn to shit indoors before you start deciding who deserves to die. But keep at your miserable excuse for a life. I'm sure some day a white woman will open her Bob'sand vagene for you online.

What makes you think the masses will even want this by the time it is achievable on a wide scale? What makes you think by then it will be considered ethical or worthwhile? Furthermore, why do you think people are going to desire white babies at all?

>What matters is speeding up the path to the singularity, and I think the private market does a better job than the government.

Agree 100%

Most Republicans are not racist nazis like on Jow Forums, they are civic nationalists.

In fact a lot of Jow Forums Nazis hate the Republicans because they aren't genocidal.

Democrats are anti-civilization, anti-progress, anti-life. Any person with a brain would never vote Democrat.

Attached: oUF4r45.png (908x448, 84K)

People are not going to handicap their children.

Koreans women already have plastic surgery to look more white.

There we go. Civic nationalism is the way to go. I've had great conversations with a lot of traditional conservatives in real life. Never met one of these autistic, evil Nazis though.

The trad cons don't give a fuck about race.

Yeah we are good people. In fact conservatives have been shown to have higher empathy than liberals.

>Never met one of these autistic, evil Nazis though.

They rarely ever leave their mommy's basement. They just post dumb shit on the internet all day.

Attached: 1558972005638.png (944x538, 518K)

what is the point in debating you people? You only want to misrepresent/mischaracterise us to get your own way. You'll reject the idea of race realism but endlessly gravitate to anything made by whites regardless.

>ima based negroid
Kys 86

I recall seeing a lot of you cheering the New Zealand shooter when blood was shed. That's all the evidence I needed to make that judgement.

And look, I'm aware that there are differences in races by IQ, athletics, etc. That shouldn't dictate our policies however, and we should focus on the individual instead of identity politics. People always bitch about the left playing identity politics, but this board is peak far right identity politics.

ok 97, but to tell you the truth i'm probably above 120

Lol. Poos actually believe this shit.

I'm going to disregard the NZ shooter part because everyone in support of that is either not serious or an idiotic FED posting boomer.

The fact that you are aware of differences in IQ between ethnicities but somehow don't think that should affect policy is absolutely baffling to me. Seriously consider what you are saying. Judging on an individual basis is not only pointless, because of a regression to the mean IQ, but also tedious and time consuming when it would be simpler to allow immigrants of the same race, who will naturally integrate completely by the second generation.

The libs are not too soft on China. I sense that NPR wants to find people who are hurt by it so they can stick it to Trump, but Chuck Schumer, Democrat head of house or senate, supports this trade war. So my sense is that it's uneasy, but bipartisan.

>Calls south Asians poos
>Has a clean ass for an hour a day
>And that's if they're not too scared to wash their ass in the shower

Ok look man, I don't think open borders are a good idea either. However, what do you think is the humane way to deal with refugees otherwise? There's something to be said about having the moral high ground.

Do you want John Bolton to start a war with Iran? That's only going to make it harder for you guys who will inevitably have to take in more refugees.

I'm also worried about brain drains from countries like mine. I'm already in the US though, it's my culture, and I'm not going to move.

>literally shits in the street
>there is photographic evidence of this
>no amount of Poo seething will make Poo's delusions reality

Normally refugees are meant to go back to their own countries, but maybe that's just my own arbitrary perception. Why do they need to go directly into Europe when they pass through everywhere else to get there? I think we both know why but you don't consider this or are deliberately avoiding it.

And also where are you getting the idea that I support anything John Bolton wants?

Lastly, the fact that you're concerned about brain drains for countries like you're own but also confidently declare that you're not moving back is really terrible. You are part of the problem and you don't even want to admit it. But you can stay in the US anyway for all I care, they are determined to be a non white country so let them have it.

I wonder if asian user will hire you once robots take your minimum wage job

I know why they go to Europe. Obviously they want to live in an advanced economy. I also agree refugees should go back when possible.

As for me, I was born and raised in America. I have no relation to Bangladesh outside of my skin color and parents. It just doesn’t make sense for me to go there. There’s plenty of smart people in Bangladesh that I think should stay instead of coming to America. My parents were the problem, not me. I’m just in the middle of the crossfire.

Sorry to disappoint you, but you will be greatly disappointed. You will not be immortal cyborg, you will upload your brain to a pathologist, and singularity you will achieve instantly when you die.

You sound like a fuking tard

someone may be a solar powered matrix cyborg, but you won't.

And what are some of the perks of livining in an advanced economy? Acess to resources, assistance, services, etc. Your parents didn't come to America to fit in, they did so to compete for or ask for resources. A nation shouldn't be thought of as system of indiviual economic units unless you don't want any social cohesion or greater purpose.

Beyond IQ and crime rates, a multiracial nation is a dysfunctional one, crippled culturally and constantly infighting in various forms that extend innevitably into physically violence to the extreme. We see this throughout human history and can observe it from wherever there exists a non homogenous state. Mark my words you will witness massive escalating ethnic conflict in your country in the future and it will be as a direct result of your precious diversity.

I'm extremely unsure of the trade war. I do question the fact we seemed to help build our own enemy that was creating issues for ourselves and allies in the South China Sea, though. For a while there is looked like hostilities were inevitable. Then again, I only got that from the media, and they could be lying. Basically, I'm just unsure of everything that happening. Not sure I like tariffs or trade wars for that matter.

the economy was great in 2017 but it's not been very good sense. Our farmers are being hit really hard right now. It's impacting all kinds of stuff, like beer production and seems unnecessary.

immigration is an odd issue. it really looks like it's some policy that the public is not allowed to question.

hope it all works out, but I'll just observe like always and adapt as I'm able.

>believing biology exists must mean you have a minimum wage job
Wew lad...
The irony of course being that you're unemployed because no one would hire a faggot like yourself.

there is no trade war, its bulshit

sorry please bring me up to speed on fake biology


The amount of damage you snow niggers have caused this world is unprecedented, and you have audacity to act like you are free from errors and the superior race. In my opinion, we live close to the end times, and the only smart people are those who decide not to have kids (that is, antinatalism). I don't give a shit if you all eat and dismember each other after I peacefully fade away. In fact, I hope you die in excruciating and agonizing pain, and I say this with complete sincerity and no memelord, edgelord bullshit. You are just as savage as the chimps and niggers but in your own unique ways. Every race ultimately sucks, but they suck in their own peculiar ways. The only true good man is he who wants nothing with it and decides no longer to procreate.

No real non-cucked foreign intellectual gives a shit about your contributions of WMD, environment-destroying tech based on burning fossil fuels, Internet (with dark net and creepy fetishistic videos like "Daisy's Destruction" which snow nigger Peter Scully made), and so forth. Fact is, we put up with that shit, and you would have rightfully been dead without vaccination because you are ultimately one of the most pathetic, stupid pieces of shit. Go to hell.

>is he who wants nothing with it
is he would wants nothing to do with "humanity", which is ultimately evil*

Attached: despicable_humanity.jpg (1425x1246, 493K)

>The only true good man is he who wants nothing with it and decides no longer to procreate.
Fucking idiot. feel free to not breed, it would be doing me a favour to have less angry spergs like you around.

>it would be doing me a favour to have less angry spergs like you around.
The true act of compassion is not to breed, you dumb Anglo cunt:

"Man is at bottom a savage, horrible beast. We know it, if only in the business of taming and restraining him which we call civilisation. Hence it is that we are terrified if now and then his nature breaks out. Wherever and whenever the locks and chains of law and order fall off and give place to anarchy, he shows himself for what he is. But it is unnecessary to wait for anarchy in order to gain enlightenment on this subject. A hundred records, old and new, produce the conviction that in his unrelenting cruelty man is in no way inferior to the tiger and the hyaena."
- Schopenhauer

It is you who is ultimately the angry cunt, but you refuse to show your true face out of vanity:

“The cheapest sort of pride is national pride; for if a man is proud of his own nation, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen. The man who is endowed with important personal qualities will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects his own nation falls short, since their failings will be constantly before his eyes. But every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and glad to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.”
― Arthur Schopenhauer

I'm not reading your dumb quotes. I called you an an angry sperg because the first message you direct at me is complete unfiltered crap out of your angry little head. Snow nigger this, snow nigger that. I don't have a care in the world for your feelings of inadequacy so do me a favour, get a vasectomy and stop replying to me. Thank you

>I'm not reading
This is precisely why your modern country is collapsing. You prefer shitty anime, Hollywood films, and etc. over real literature or even art-house films. In your case, there is just pure regression to animalistic stupor.

I used to be a leftist but Trumps economic policies ended up pushing me more to the right. Ironic how the right has become the group that supports workers and the left has become the group that actively works against them. I probably would have been a democrat in the 1950s.

>we're going to be immortal solar powered cyborgs in the future. If not that, then we'll upload our brains to the cloud and be virtual gods
They sell you this horse shit so your cousins will be around to trim their palm trees

>joke's on you, cumskins!! I may be losing... but I wanted to lose anyway!!
>...so I win!
t. *Rees in Malaysian*