Rightwingers = Economic cuckolds

>I just love watching mr shekelstein stealing the surplus value of my labour and fucking my wife
>me and my wifes son are just temporarily embarassed millioneires

Face it. If you support the right without being part of the top 1% youre cucking yourself economically

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Wayne from The Wonder Years looking good.

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Make feel like I want sharia law

>stealing the surplus value of my labour
of all the things you could have been my sweet summer bitchlet you chose to be a communist cocksucker, and you're not even good at it...oven's that way....faggot.

But they have a shit ton of kids. Their ideology will outlive yours.

Well said OP. Sieg Heil!

why is he acting like this is all okay? very weird

lmao, he he even has the classical expression

evangelicals are bottom of the barrel of chrisitans , jewish golems and cucks

they've really fooled the american working class good with their slight of hand language. pic related.

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>nooo you cant just hang the rich while securing a future for white children
>you need to work hard so mr goldberg can buy his next yatch

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>labor theory of value
This is so fuvking stupid

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I do not take the risk of the business I work for, do not have to spend extra time making management decisions, get paid before a project starts making any money and paid even if it fails, etc. etc.

Meanwhile I have several friends and acquaintances who have started their own businesses, and all they have gotten for it is a mountain of debt.

>Yes good goy. Keep slaving for us while we reap the profits. Running a business is totally difficult

Why don't you do it then?

>the top 1%

The top 1% is still majority white you simple fuck. Go home to your favela you insipid pile of dog vomit.

What choice do you have. Fuckwit....
Vote left for no guns trans and mass immigration then the(((elite))) crack down due to no threat of resistance, or vote right that is the left of the 90s and get the same result just slower. There is no political solution unless we get a lot more parties like Washington said in his fairwell address .
The ((( controlled opposition))) will have the same outcome of globalist agendas at the current rate

Throw that ugly niglet off a bridge

>marries a coalburner
What a dumbass LMAO

>counting jews as white

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>Don't have kids. There is no hope.

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yeah, the right would never crack down on you.

>Face it. If you support the right without being part of the top 1% youre cucking yourself economically

The left and the hard left want socialism. What a bunch of fucking faggots to want a higher achy that guarantees you will never be as rich and the filthiest of rich. But enjoy the free bread crumbs. The far right is almost like a boogie man, what the fuck is the far right?

Guess what, 90% of the world aka. inferiors, will die in the next big crisis, while someone has to repopulate.

Certainly, you won't be as adapted to the rainforests as the Indians, Hue hue, and yo won't be able to compete with the pure Euros in the pampa.

Prepare for the downfall, it'll hit hard.

Right-winger here. Sorry, bestiality is a turn-off for me.

There are cucks on both sides of the political spectrum.

Have you not heard about the soibois?

>these niglets will never know their real mother or father

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If only it were possible to be both a nationalist and a socialist

>Toll Status: Pending
What people seem to forget about niglets is that they all turn into niggers. It's only a matter of time before one of those niglets turn against them. What a dumbass. He should have never married that whore, nor allowed her to fuck niggers. Fucking stupid cuck.

>stop talking about the 189th thing i'm bad at

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>Surplus value of labour

1750 called they want your monkey ass back for breaking guild charter.

All these posts and not a single one could refute the point in the OP. Fuck capitalists, niggers, spics and women