Anyone else enjoy watching sargoy slowly become a nazi?

He is giving less and less of a fuck and is slowly going full nationalist. Interesting compared to where he was just a year or two ago.

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Speaking of radicalized youtubers, how's molymeme?

Even if he did become one it’s to late

OP you're a faggot

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He sounds more and more like my rapist

Based and unhinged, check out his twitter

A lot of our kind start out with a generously compromised position. The instinct is with your opening bid to reach the olive branch out as far as you can lean. And then when you're denounced as a Nazi anyway, you are a woman scorned.

Molykike shills for Israel

how often have you masturbated thinking about that rape?

>slowly going full nationalist.
About time too. Him being a civet cuck is one of the reasons I unsubbed from his channel(s).

that sounds exactly like something my rapist would say

He says in that video he was UKIP to become a vehicle for a youth radical liberalism revolution. The dudes just a fat retard that is inflated on his own self importance and a failure to understand that he isn't as smart as he thinks he it.

I also think he would rape her at this point.

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Any good nationalist tunes from Hellas Leonidas?

wants UKIP*

The guy isn't a nationalist, or a nazi.

Yeah I noticed it too, he'll be full 1488 soon.

What else can a man do when (((they))) try to destroy him - he must either give up and die or else he must open his eyes to the truth.

hes a liberal that keeps harping on about free speech. the fucking wanker said he has no problem with syrian refugees aslong as they are all vetted. fuck him

More proof of the Libertarian to Fascist pipeline.

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This shitfit that came about because of John Cleese's tweet has been fun to watch. The way people have recoiled to it reminds me of naming the jew.
Sargon just about has zero fucks to give. He's in so deep now and is so hated by the left in the U.K. he has no reason to hold back.

>adopt popular positions
>after losing election
300 IQ

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He actually agrees with the race realist positions, just doesnt think that we should ostracize stupid people

Lol if they would be vetted, wed have like 100 of them. Vetting would prevent 99.9% of them

I think he's just enjoying that he's taken all the flak the media had to throw at him and he managed to make it through anyway. More people know who he is now and after travelling the country debating randos off the street he's realised he's actually pretty good at it. It's almost like he remembered why he started his youtube channel in the first place. He's been working very hard recently and rather than becoming stressed, he's become energised.

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Europe's biggest import will be nigs to breed their cute, aryan women.

Can't wait until Sargon writes a book about Verhofstadt. The fact that he leads ALDE which considers itself as a centrist party tells you a lot about the Overton window of the EU.
