Puerto Rico

What is the solution to this useless rectangle?

Attached: 640px-Flag_of_Puerto_Rico.svg.png (640x427, 11K)

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Giving it back to Spain

Spain is a shithole and doesn't deserve us.

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>Implying you're better than Spain
You're better than Mexico but don't think of yourself to highly

It's comfy here and 70% white which is more than anyone could ever ask for.

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>70% white

No way it’s 70% white

Like white or Argentinian white

Pale skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair are common around here.

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lmao if by white you mean all your women morally are summed up as crazy mutt whores or pro coalburning blanca whores.

A Puerto Rican nigger isn't your average nigger. He's friendly and watches Dragon Ball Z.

Free Rum and Coconuts for CONUS until the bill is paid off. Don't want anything else from them.

do you speak spanish or english among each other?

Why do all puerto ricans wear those acid washed jean shorts?

Pic related is governor of PR.

Attached: MrRicky.jpg (400x400, 141K)

The oligarchy of every Latin American country is European. This is Pena Nieto, the former President of Mexico.

Attached: 15639.jpg (770x513, 102K)

I knew this Puerto Rican lady who was pretty based. Hated niggers but said a couple of her sisters married niggers. She was married to a white guy. She looked like a typical spic though. Her kids looked completely white though. She also said her dad was blonde haired blue eyes.

What the fuck is the deal with Puerto Ricans?

Yes this is alsto true. There are still alot of white Puerto Ricans though the majority are parceleros and deserve the rope anyway.


make it a state and turn it into a resort filled cash cow instead of a shithole

ill move there and shoot iguanas all day and bleach big booty natives by night

99% of the pictures of amerimutts are just Puerto Ricans.

Our brown women are capable of producing giga Chad white offspring. Remember, the sun tans.

Nice coming to PR to spreed my seed. I heard if you move there you have to denounce American citizenship though

Eh? You don't lose citizenship. All Puerto Ricans are US citizens.

It's like going to any other state.

A Polish man was president of peru
Pedro Pablo Kuczynski

he's not wrong user. my girlfriend's family is puerto rican and most of them have dirty blonde hair and light colored eyes. there are a few shitskins over there but mostly they're pretty fair-skinned.

> No Puertorican is American 100 years ago when America took us.

Still USA kept us.

> Soon later USA give every Puerto Rican citizenship even when almost Puerto Ricans opposed

No independence, still.

> Puerto Ricans become literal terrorists to get independence

No independence, not even the most racist whites wanted independence for Puerto Rico. Seriously.

> Puerto Rico becomes the richest spic "country" per capita

> USA give Puerto Rico all rights as a state except for voting and political representation, and they avoid some federal taxes, and moves its companies here to prevent taxes, and Puerto Ricans start to like that

Somehow they will give us independence now that we do like Americans, and are stick to USA more than ever, and we all are American citizens (which cannot be taken away before changing the constitution).

Giving independence now would be the most expensive way to get rid of us and it would be useless because American Puerto Ricans can still move to USA. USA would lost billions in assets, tax heaven and military unmovable assets. It was far far cheaper before, but they didn't give us independence.

WTF So False. We are like a state for all practical purposes: American citizenship, gun rights, most taxes, etc. except for voting.

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>American education

Yeah maybe I exaggerated it in my mind and what I meant was you can’t vote in US elections if you move there but fuck US elections anyways.

Getting rid of you would be like removing a band-aid

Puerto Rico is 70% white because each individual Puerto Rican is 70% white.

Not bad at all compared to 56%.

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Make it the 51st state


Yeah, that's what America needs, another Detroit to take care of.

spain doesn't even have that fuck off retard

obvious spic you will never be white no matter how much you lie on here LOL

Attached: white_people_in_some_latin_american_countries_according_to_the_obsolete_spanish_caste_system_65705.p (3328x3040, 1.87M)

I've seen retarded mexicans and argentines do this shit too. The US is 70% white when including "white Hispanics", 60% when excluding them. Every white person on your island is a fucking Hispanic you dumb spic. How is this such a difficult concept to grasp?

Um it's 70% white sweetie


Spain is a non-white shithole where their Miss Spain is a man.

how did US get it and why?

Spain illegaly gave us away when we were already independent after the hispano-american war, and the US rolled with it.

Spanish-American War. We felt sorry for them and thought we could build them up and then release them. We dropped the release part. We did make them better though. But they're still shit.

I went to Puerto Rico back in 2017. I was there for hurricane Irma and got the fuck out before hurricane Maria could obliterate the island.

>one of the best pic from PR

Attached: IMG_5715.jpg (3264x2448, 2.52M)

are these what you call white

Attached: Mr_pelon_503_y_cosculluela_(cropped).jpg (220x378, 15K)

what kind of question is that


Its good for sugar cane and rum isn't it?

And destroying the mainland.
A legitimate one.

It's an island where their national animal is a frog, and their children read a book called Pepe Coqui. Sounds based to me.

Ignore the anime posting retard

And yes, we want Spain to take us back

How will they destroy the mainland? They're already in the mainland.

I don't want Spain to take us back, and neither does Spain.

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Penal colony
Escape from NY meets Survivor

How fucking new are you? They're demographically changing states, lowering IQs, and voting Democrat

how do you solve a geographic location
it's not a math equation or anything that has a "right" answer, so you'd have to explain how it could be a legitimate question

By blocking its citizens from gaining citizenship in our country

Today my son asked me what a skunk was. I told him it's a wild animal that is not quite white, not quite black, and smells like shit. He said "But dad, isn't that just a Puerto Rican?"
I have never been so proud of anything in my life.

Mainland USA, under threat of destruction from Puerto fucking Rico. There are only like 3 million people on the whole island.

not giving people from Puerto Rico specific paper forms solves the geographic location of Puerto Rico, fulfilling a cosmic justice


>70% white

nuke the fucking spics

Attached: castle bravo nuclear mushroom cloud.jpg (600x399, 38K)

I'm sure Spain is a first world country though.

Your son's gonna get married to a Puerto Rican girl one day and they'll have five children.

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I guess PR isn't sending their best here then.

You guys are 70% caucasian, we have discussed like gorillions of times how almost no one is really white user. Remember the one drop rule.

That was a Jew.

PR and DR are shithole places

You're still a leech that send us your trashiest people.

White Americans are pure though.

Fuck no. Just give it independence.

You must be upper middle class then. Most PRs here in America are not like that at all.

Some places in Spain is like that.

It was a nice place in the '50s. Solidly first-world. They just stopped maintaining it after that. Their electric grid keeps failing because they're using the same one they did back then (they had to order the wire custom after Maria because nobody makes that crap anymore, kek). Their dams are all form the '50s too, should be interesting once they start to collapse. I'd say Uncle Sam gave them a first-world country on a silver platter and they squandered it once they got home rule, but their government was perfectly functional under Luis Munoz Marin. It's only later that the government went into debt to pay for gibs and couldn't afford schools or infrastructure.

They also attracted a lot of European immigrants back in the day, but their demographics are nothing like even Argentina's today. Wonder where all those people went.

Attached: 1950s san juan.jpg (693x639, 83K)

Actually, American companies move here to not pay taxes and get professional workforce at 1/3 of the cost that is in mainland USA so we are leeching each other.

Remember: You made this to yourselves. Puerto Rico didn't invade you, you took Puerto Rico and made it the most dependent to America possible, not just for us, but also for your companies and such.

I do love USA, however, and I respect it even if it gives us independence... but don't expect me to blame my island, no, we didn't want this is the first place. Now we do want it for the obvious benefits, of course, but it was not our purpose.

Agree. Puerto Rico send both the worst and the best to USA.

The worse goes to USA because it will still receive gibs and live better, with no attachment because they had no jobs anyway. Why the can? Because your ancestors gave us citizenship, not to Philipines, to us.

However, the best of us also flies to USA. We need some specialist doctors even when we graduate a lot more doctors and engineers per capita than mainland US.

Attached: pepe-puerto-rico.jpg (500x500, 70K)


Spain is pure though.


Nice fantasy you got there PR.


She doesn't look pale, have blue eyes, nor blonde hair.

Because she's a jibara.

A what?

It'll be reality through the power of meme magic.

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No one in Puerto Rico even think about Spain taking us back. It is all in the mind of redditors and 4channers.

A redneck in Puerto Rico is a jibaro or jibara.

Well in the end those companies moving there doesn't really benefit the average American in anyway.

We should just let you be independent.

i have been several times in puerto rico ,and i can say to you, its the ultimate shit country, its like mexico but with a lot more expensive all

Jibaro-Puerto Rican country dwellers that are proud of their life of independence and closeness to nature.
Basically a redneck.

This couple is also not pale, blonde, nor have blue eyes. I'm onto you Juan.

It's the same woman.

>Well in the end those companies moving there doesn't really benefit the average American in anyway.

It does. You are basically creating products inside America with lower to no taxes, no tariffs, etc.

You also get most of our professionals. I hope you deport them back, as we will need them if we become independent.

>We should just let you be independent.

You should have, but sadly you gave us all kind of dependence, gibs, social security and you will have to wait all Puerto Rican Americans (everyone here) to die out, so Puerto Ricans will still able to move to mainland anyway, so you will gain nothing and only lose assets anyway.

Is he practicing for a cartel execution?
Savage beasts.

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Hey, it's Luis.