Why do millennial women want to have pets instead of having kids?

Why do millennial women want to have pets instead of having kids?

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Antinatalist propaganda

Because kids are ugly little dipshits.

Because most just follow what they see on social media


cats are infinitely better

having kids is literally the most cuckolded thing you can do

behold, der untermensch

At least if your cat fucks up and dies or gets lost, you don't go to jail. Kids refuse to do anything to protect themselves and will actively seek dangerous situations.

Less time to allocate, no longer live in parent for real child, child knockoff instead.


Who would willing bring children into this world? Only a dummy. Unless you're rich and want to continue a dynasty.

They've given up on men. Young women really want to have kids, but since they have no man, they settle for dogs. To be fair though, I stay clear of any women who has "dog mom" in their profile or as a bumper sticker. It's a red flag.

because they are fucking stupid and refuse to have kids until they travel around the world and get fucked by different cocks and become executive vice president queen bee of HR at whatever bullshit company they work for

also because they want to wait for Mr Right who satisfies every single thing on their mile-long checklists for suitors

She's a tranny. They're all trannies.

Western women have been brainwashed into being mindless consumers. Can't get the newest iPhone every year if you have a brood of children to provide for. No free time for video games and drinking beer, no disposable income to take trips exclusively for the purpose of taking photos to post on social media etc etc etc.

They want kids, it's just that nobody wants kids with them. That's an important distinction that I'm sure you don't care about since you're just a dumbass shitposter who has pictures of taylor swift. God forgive you.

retards that can't control their sexual impulses mostly

The world is an ugly, cruel, harsh place. Why would you want to bring another life into it?

pesky little kamikazes

Why? I think it's a positive because if she can take care of animals then she can take care of children. It shows that she has potential.


Because those who own and control the mainstream narrative are pushing and advocating for the destruction of the white race.
Fuck that.

You go make white babies user.
Do it for your people.

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Call me Taylor. We'll make beautiful kids. You can still tour, and I'll raise them on the farm and home school them.

This is Jow Forums, none of us are having children regardless of intent. And I'll be long dead before that happens. Tell me why I should give a shit about what happens to any race. When we die off, the human race as a whole has got 7 years maximum.

what a fucking genetic waste. churn some kids out, lady. FUCK

All the dumbest people I grew up with have kids now (I'm 28), the smarter have none.

they dont need someone to have kids with them though they can just go to a sperm bank and shop around for the chaddest sperm

That is why sex is the original sin. We're brought in this world by sin. Stop bringing pure souls into this world as its turning them into demons and ruining them.

To serve as a vessel for the Holy Spirit through God's son, Jesus Christ of course.

Some do, some don't. Generally speaking more far young women, including whites want kids than young men do. They just don't wang them with some bald aging fuck 20 years their senior or trailer trash meth addict which is usually all that's available to them. young white men would rather lead the life of a teenager until they're 40 upon which time they start panicking and screeching where have all the young virgins who want kids gone.

Because kids cost money and money towards kids means less money towards collecting piles of materialist shit we don't need.

Because they are trash.

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Taking bets on Taylor Swift suicide. I say she makes it to 38

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Kids are annoying and expensive. People also like to sleep uninterrupted

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All the more reason to not go anywhere near women.

Because pets provide narcissist rewards.
Basically you can be a terrible pet owner and that pet will still love you.

If you are here chances are your lack of kids is cause of your personality not your intelligence

Pets are easier and less responsibility.

Because millennial men are dickless faggots. All women want children if they're biologically able to. They give up on that dream if there isn't a suitable mate available.

Obviously because you can kill pets legally. If you legalized post birth child murder up to 10 years, I bet more women would be willing to have kids.

>terrible pet owner and that pet will still love you
maybe a shitstain dog would

>plebbit girl slumming it on Jow Forums
>sees a thread talking facts about women
>gets upset when she reads truth
>tries to shitpost about men

stay up, sugar tits

True, but that is irrelevant. There is a strong correlation with stupid people and procreating. The ghettos are flooded with kids, so is the trailer park, so is the barrio. Look at your own country for example.

Gooks are shit
Fuck your gay cartoon incel faggot

Less responsibility

one childhood friend of mine that turned to be a crackhead had 3 kids by the age of 21 lol

Have you tried not swallowing cynical jewish poison and thought for one second that you might be able to FIGHT for a better world?

>b-be hopeful!
Watch less anime.

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>b-be a defeatist cuck that willingly marches into a hole into the ground at gunpoint
Suck less jew dick


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The Asian roastie looks like a man here, not sure what point is being made. The blonde is also far too cute to be a typical white girl, it's probably a slav or some mixed qt3.14

What does cuck mean this week?

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I can barely afford my rent. How can I afford a kid?


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They get fucked by a dozen different men, they're all on birth control, they all have standards that are incredibly high. Fuck off with this shit. Women have plenty of opportunities to have a mate, they choose to not have one.

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Just pointing out that the one in your rice paddy meme looks like a man in a wig.

I don't want either. I'm not cleaning up the shit of another creature.

grow a brain, fag

They will basically say if you're too dumb to get a high paying job, you don't deserve to have kids.

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Taylor Swift is a tranny, as are most of the Hollywood "starlets"

why would you put a financial burden on yourself, only to have it hate you once it turns into a teen but still makes you pay for their college tuition

i have a coworker who recently had a kid (she's 23) and after her maternity leave she looks like an overweight zombie, isn't joyful or happy anymore, she just looks miserable and constantly complains she can't sleep. wow what a great life to live having a kid!

Because a dog will give you unlimited attention and even three seconds of none literally kills the roastie

Oh shit, Guess I'm one of the few pregnant women around here, Let my man breed me because that way one less feminazi when she's born. Let them abort themselves into extinction it will be better off that way.

Less likely to get arrested for fucking their pets than fucking their kids.

>There is a strong correlation with stupid people and procreating.

idiocracy was a documentary.

Not surprisingly, U.S' fertility rate plunged after 2008.

t. Toxoplasmid

Taylor Swift can't get kids and you cucks are too retarded to see it.

True, I miscarried my first child for no reason, No answers to why. Fucking ONIONS.

can you try to be a little less obvious

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It's not a complex metaphor. Cuckolds derive a perverse sense of pleasure from being sexually humiliated. In this context, I am implying you must derive a perverse sense of pleasure from your defeatism, because that's the only way I can rationalize why someone would utterly lack the spirit to at least try to turn shit around even if the situation seems hopeless.


nah she will adopt africans like that blonde actress, forget her name

hoes mad

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I'm turning 28 and have been with my girl for 9 years. Screw kids and fuck marriage. Between the assload of drugs, poor life choices (constant partying), and shit failed marriages, my Xer friends convinced me to keep the DINK life. Almost all my friends are over 40, and trust me.... their lives fucking blow. One's a literal cuck and the other lets his wife control his bank account. It's not having kids, it's having them used against you by psycho bitches.

The real reason is because they're cowards afraid of childbirth and the prospect of being obliged to give another human unconditional love

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Makes them feel like they accomplished something investing way less time, money and responsibility on them.

>Why do millennial women want to have pets instead of having kids?
pic related. this is 2.5 weeks of using the dating app hinge. my own OC

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Because raising kids is work. End of story.

yea ok

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She got pregnant, and miscarried it . I'm pretty sure she can't have kids
Why do you think she was fat during the trump campaign ?

Man-Pets too!

Also forgot to throw in I'm 90% sure America will go Venezuela on us in 5-10 years. I don't need that on my plate AND crazy ANTIFA on the left culturally enriching me to death and the literal KKK on the right picking off my friends when shit inevitably hits the fan.

please don't breed with feminists

I don't really care if you believe me. A balding 50 year old asked me to fuck his wife repeatedly. But yeah, WE'RE the failures.

Jews are satanic

>her name
"Shockingly" single

TayTay is a lesbo. Shes what is known as a professional "beard". Her agents and handlers enter into contractual agreements with the reresentaives of other celebrities to stage a relationship. She gets to be seen with a guy and rumors of her being a dyke go away. The guy gets to be seen with her and rumors of him being a literal faggot go away.

its not just the kid, you will have to deal with his psycho mother that will always try to ruin your life and steal your money
having kids or marrying is volslave (voluntary slavery)

I ended so many friendships because my friends wanted me to sleep with their wives
What the fuck is up with that cuckold shit ?
That is why I stopped dating and screwing. It's fucking all so disgusting now

I hope human become extinct. Just look at this fucking captcha humans made. I hope every last one dies.

I'm not sure you comprehend what that word means user, let's ask your wife shall we

Most Millennials who refuse to procreate are influenced by the liberal bourgeoisie class, these groups who are like a third party live off in metropolitan/urban cities where they incite class/culture war.

Millenials are brainwashed zealots

Most Millenials settle in these shitty Metropolitan urban shitholes and rather help bums with no future and contact typhus instead of having babies.

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