Black people vs niggers

does Jow Forums hate black people, niggers, or both?
is there a difference

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most blacks are niggers.


Blacks are blacks I’m sorry I’m not a little kid, they are a different race than me

fpbp. But yes, i do have black friends. I live in the blackest borough of london so its pretty inavoidable.

notice how the only good blacks are the ones that act white.

blacks keep to themselves and assimilate to society. blacks hate niggers as well.
but that's not why we dont get along. its the jew whispering in everyone's ear that they should be fighting

kek, id never thought of that. Although thats probably because most blacks are niggers, so what it means to be black is defined by that,

i mean, walter williams is more a part of western civilization than any marxist fuck of any race

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I hate niggers. The 1% of black people that are the exception should get to have their own ethno state after we hang all the retards.

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They don't act white, they act like human beings. Do Asians "act white"? No. They act like someone who's IQ is higher than room temperate.

All blacks are individuals. There's not point in generalizing them by saying 'nigger' what qualify s as a nigger anyways? A black person that pisses you off? A black person that is unhygienic? Who are you to judge? I don't believe in the idea that they're niggers and blacks, that goes with every slur. Niggers are blacks, no two ways about. You can't change that at all, no matter how much you try to. Just like whites are crackers, I would never call a black person a nigger irl because I have some consideration and I'm not so stupid to the point where I generalize human beings into demographics and social constructs.

tldr grow up

Malcolm X basically believed this as well

It's a shifty dynamic to apply to people.

just niggers
Chris Rock may borrow sugar or use my kitchen phone, Tyrone across the street may not.

Shut up you pussy nigger faggot

Friendly reminder
Jow Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognize the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic.
If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Jow Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Jow Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Jow Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.

You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Jow Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Jow Forums

You think you are redpilled(cringe) when you likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Your entire worldview is Jow Forums posts, infographics, and memes. You probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where you try and help the other person and your mother won't feel the need to smack your ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place.

I've never seen such faggotry that I didn't bother to read. Kys

Black people can act niggerish at times, just like white people can act like white trash sometimes. The only real difference is niggers (black or white) who perpetually live in the nigger mindset, vs black people who just want to survive, but have to nigger it up around other blacks for fear of social reprecussions.

>black people who just want to survive, but have to nigger it up around other blacks for fear of social reprecussions.

this describes 90% of the black people I have known

Look at this jew shilling his nonsense. The Jews have been proven time and again to be behind, or pushing literally everything people have claimed they are. Kicked out of over 100 countries historically for a reason. This user is a jew.

holy fuck the first video you linked is awful. The comments are full of onvious redditors who use that video to feel better about themselves. Stop this shit

I don't like niggers no matter what color their skin is.

I like this one.

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You know, what I like about that bit is that nowadays a lot of people talking about it will quote him as saying "There's black people, and there's niggas". And that's bullshit. Chris Rock was saying "niggers", the "r" was hard and he wasn't syncopating it in any way, his diction was like Sidney Portier's in that bit.

I don't hate the blacks who act normal (white). I do hate niggers and 95% of them its niggers I deal with. I actually feel really bad for the normal ones, it must be depressing seeing your race act like that.

Hard to say because the niggers outnumber the “blacks” so much that I’m beginning to think that “blacks” don’t exist.

I love black women. 99% of black men are absolute pieces of shit

Malcolm X was also a militant piece of shit. Blacks have always been targeted by whites because theyre violent animals. Not because their skin is black

Everybody knows 1 black male by himself is fine. 2 black males together are trouble.

I’m not sure. I only started coming here consistently and I’ve seen a lot of anger directed towards blacks and jews. I don’t hate any black people but It’s a persons right to hate whoever the fuck they want.

They are rare and it's more typically the females that tend to be normal acting in my experience. Actually I think they are the one group where the females are actually smarter than the male usually.

But you are right it does seem hard to pick out the good behavior in the see of nigger activity.

I hate everyone, I call everyone a nigger.

Black person is the person happens to be black.

Nigger is just nigger

I have had several black friends throughout my life, my favorite coworker is black, we shoot the shit about tabletops all the time and play on steam together

I fucking hate niggers though, hate how they can't speak proper english, how they always make it an 'us vs. them' situation, hate how they never accept responsibility for their own actions, my coworker got fucking robbed today by some niggers.

The pack mentality is another oddity with niggers. When white men form groups there is always a level of civility and hierarchy, even in organized crime.

you'd never call someone a nigger irl because you know the person you call that would respond violently.

Honorary niggers are ones who recognize the inherent primitiveness and degeneracy of the makeshift African "culture", as opposed to the Western set of moral and religious values. Despite being niggers, their propensity to become upstanding moral entities earns them a rightful spot in society.

Obviously a true based nigger would allow his daughter to be serially bleached and colonized by whites only. As for the flipside, he would be given pretty much the (morally) bottom of the barrel mulatto degenerates (maybe even white holes if they are feminists or pathologically beyond saving), so that he maybe save the children's futures and teach them to continue the cycle of colony daughters and recycling males.

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90% of people respond violently to people who insult them like that. You obviously missed the point of my post, I wouldn't say it online either, Treat people like people and they will treat you the same fail to do that then...

Whites would ideally be allowed to have blacks as concubines or secondary wives for this matter, while non-Whites would not. Obviously, holes have no say in any matter in an ideal ethnostate.

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I’ve worked with 2 black engineers in my career, and both have talked about the stigma they’ve gotten from their own people about being black and educated. Wouldn’t be surprised if they hate niggers more than I do

Here in florida, the dumbest of all negros chimp about, and room temperature is 118.

There's very few things I'll react to violently, and aside from a credible violent threat to my family, none of those would be words I'd respond to violently.
I have been on Jow Forums for years, I've listened to xbox live kids shit talk and curse me out since I first went online, and I was mercilessly bullied in elementary and middle school. But no one word could trigger me like the word nigger triggers other niggers
sticks and stones after all

fuck niggers

I hope they let me join the KKK

Just niggers. The problem is that probably 90% of blacks nig it up in one way or another. Fpbp

digits don't lie, but they'd never say that for fear of being ostracized even more

Do you feel like a gud boy savior now? Spend a good deal of time around groups of blacks and see how long it takes for your opinion to change. The problem your opinion will have on here is you are speaking to many people that have formed their opinion through actual experience in being around the dindu nuffins. Being around niggers in real life is a case where it will not improve your opinions about them but actually do the reverse.

this is one of the greatest stand up routines of all time

I'm from Baltimore. Stick to your own countries politics.