Why are right wingers so goddamn sensitive and touchy?

Why are right wingers so goddamn sensitive and touchy?

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Unironic response

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Why do faggots give a shit when I call them faggots?

Don't left wingers ban people from places for throwing the ok sign? Wasn't it also left wingers who tried to ruin a teen's life for smirking?

I dunno OP, why do my kids have to see your deranged adult shit? FFS I would find it more acceptable for them to watch an episode of DBZ during class

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They are snowflakes just like the SJWs they oh so loathe.

why aren't faggots considered bonfires any more?

This "Drag Queen Storytime" thing is sick. It's not "touchy" or "sensitive" to be against it.

DBZ is way better at least it teaches you to have pride in you own race. Vegeteas speech is batter than any poz media by a long shot

They are emotionally stunted

This. One more reason for boomers to get gassed.

Who gives a fuck if some faggot wants to play dress up?

But killing jews is not?

These faggots want to dress your children up, I am sure you would enjoy that though.

>reactionary politics ...
in other words

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How do you go from reading:
>This "Drag Queen Storytime" thing is sick. It's not "touchy" or "sensitive" to be against it.

..to suddenly talking about killing jews?

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Why those degenerate filthy faggots want to read to children? Fuck off.

Can't complain about that. Fuck it if I really want to scare them I would put up FMA or Neo-Tokyo


You mean why are right-wingers unhinged terrorists who have no place in Western society?

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Why are transvestites so intent on abusing children?

Why is the modern left so permissive?
"If it feels good, it can't be bad" is retarded

>Grew up in Sacramento
>Have many great memories at that library
>tfw disgusting trannies are now defiling it with their bullshit

Nothing is sacred. Nothing.

So I take it you don't have an argument then? Ok.

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Yeah okay primadonna

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Are all the fags going to run a train on the little tranny stripper kid after they're done reading stories to all the liberal cucks' kids?

Drag queens aren't trans you moron. They're just men in costume.

Neck yourself tranny

Based Muslims. Only they have the balls to speak out against faggots, unlike you white cucks.

>let mentally ill fags recruit kids goy!
t. Leftist and/or kike

its not funny anymore. people are starting to hate.
these trannys need a beating



>Sohrab Ahmari
Ok Sohrab gtfo back to iran and out of the way of the reactionaries so they can shut it down.

because kid's brains are plastic and easily deceived by propaganda. the fags need everyone else to be fags too so they can point and say "look how normal it is"

Correct. Lots of Nazis on Jow Forums though right? Or am I in the wrong place?


He’s actually a Catholic convert

>Why are you being so sensitive and touchy?? Just let fags dressed as slutty women and weird demons read books to your kids after they've already been caught molesting children, bigot

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In defense of crossdress, this your answer

>You mean why are right-wingers unhinged terrorists who have no place in Western society?
Your infographic was compiled by someone who can't speak english and doesn't know the definition of right wing.

Trans does not mean transvestite, or trans fat, or trans-Siberian. It's an abbreviation for transgender/transsexual.

>Trans does not mean transvestite, or trans fat, or trans-Siberian. It's an abbreviation for transgender/transsexual.
Who fucking cares.

Because they have souls

Why do trannies get upset when I call them faggots?

They are being affected by all of the craziness going on in the world. They may not have any knowledge of the details. They may not do any serious reading or pay much attention to the news. They may have their heads full of wrong ideas from the mass media. If you ask one of them, “What do think about the fact that American taxpayers are being forced by their government to support the state of Israel, which is a hub of the world’s trade in White slaves?” you’ll just get a blank stare. He won’t know what you’re talking about. But nevertheless, he does sense, at some level, that the world is seriously out of kilter, and it worries him. He has a real hunger for sanity and stability and normalcy. It almost can be described as a spiritual hunger. And no amount of Mr. Spielberg’s Hollywood propaganda can quench this hunger.

To the Jews and the sort of pseudo-sophisticates who run with them, yuppies and others who think they’re a lot smarter than they really are, it may be amusing or even titillating to read about the randy antics of the President of the United States. But it’s not amusing to many average Americans. It’s deeply troubling. It may be that to people raised on MTV, Roseanne, and Seinfeld nothing is sacred; everything is good for a laugh. But a good three-quarters of White Americans don’t fit that mold. They have a moral sense which has been deeply offended by what the Jews have done to America — even though most of them don’t understand that it’s the Jews who have done it.

Most Americans want to feel that they’re living in a moral world, where goodness is rewarded and evil is punished, a world that makes sense and has a purpose. And they can’t find that feeling in themselves today. They don’t know why they can’t find it, but they sense that something is very badly wrong.

That, and they want to feed their sick sexual appetite on innocents.

Because the truth hurts.

Shut the fuck up TRANNY

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One step closer to getting that 'P' added onto the end of LGBTQIAwhateverthefuck.

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look at the nose on this non-binary!

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no thanks, Cegorach is cooler anyway

i'd expect nothing less from people whose entire identity is based on putting their pee pee in poo poo.

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>Who fucking cares.
That user, apparently.

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Not really.

>hur dur righties don't like freaks raping kids
It's baffling that you think this is an insult...

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If we could take one of these ordinary Americans and make him thoroughly understand that every year tens of thousands of pretty but naive young girls — pretty girls with dreams of a better life, young girls with dreams of finding a good husband and having children — are being rounded up in villages all across eastern Europe by Jewish gangsters, some by deception with false offers of employment abroad and some by simple kidnapping, and shipped off to be forced to work in brothels in Israel, Turkey, and Thailand, to be beaten and gang-raped and perhaps killed by their Jewish captors if they refuse, this average American would be horrified. He would be sickened and outraged.

And if you could further prove to him that more than 70 years ago Adolf Hitler had warned the German public about the White slave trade and had denounced its Jewish bosses and had expressed his determination to free his people from this evil, and that the American people then had been tricked into going to war against him and killing millions of Germans, that we had been lied to when we were told by Jewish media bosses that Hitler was the most evil man alive and that he wanted to conquer and enslave America, and that we had been used by the Jews to destroy the one man who could have broken their power, and that as a result of our sacrifices and our criminal collaboration with the communists in the Second World War the White slave trade about which Hitler had expressed his outrage so long ago was allowed to continue, under the same management, and is still flourishing today — if we could beat that into his head — you would have a man ready to begin killing the enemies of his people.

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>get mad about a drag queen that actually tries to look feminine and normal
>not the drag queens that look like escaped demons from the fourth dimension and haunt children's dreams

>raping children is the same thing as calling a man "him"

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But of course, we can’t make the average American understand these things: not when he doesn’t want to understand them and when the mass media are still in the hands of the Jews. But we don’t really have to do that now. The Jews are doing it for us, albeit inadvertently. The sort of world they have created is doing it. The feeling the average American has that something is badly wrong with the world can only become worse, because the Jews can only continue to use their power to make the world more Jewish.

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>Hating brown people, women, and jews isn't right wing


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Neurotypical humans.

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>todd niggerson

Because drag queens are reading in a library... Reading.... A Peaceful activity... Why does it need to happen? Got me. Does it offend me? No.

What offends me is ppl proselytizing their horrible beliefs aka zealots

>Thinks all right-wingers are racists


>Drag queens aren't trans you moron.
>They're just men in costume.
>they aren't trans, they're just trans
>calls others "moron"

So are trannies you dumb cunt

>anyone who voices their opinion is a snowflake

What the fuck is this Drag Queen phenomena anyway

Hey watcha doin rabbi? Shouldn’t you be gassing the queers instead of shilling for the demonic trans fags?

>>raping children is the same thing as calling a man "him"
There's nothing you could possibly ever do to become a man if you were born a woman.

There's nothing you could possible ever do to become a woman if you were born a man.

Believing anything other than this is delusion and mental illness.

Drag queen storytime will soon be mandatory, attendance will be law.

Faggot is still my favorite word to say as someone that grew up as a teen in late 90's early 2000s.
Oh oddjob on goldeneye, fucking faggot
Spawn camping me on blood gulch again eh ya faggot
noob tubing me on CoD4 double anal faggot

Im not giving it up. I dont care if it becomes the new nigger. Not happening. Ill be that old grandpa that kids laugh at and moms call me senile when im shopping for my meds at the local kroger and they fuck up my prescription and i call them all nigger faggots. Dont care

Islam is based. You don't need to convince me.

>Does it offend me?
Do I care? No. I don't. You can hang with the rest of them.

>have an event that is supposed to be focused on kids listening to stories
>focus of advertisement isn't on the kids or the story, but rather a tranny
>whole point of the event isn't to have kids listen to a story, but to expose children to a tranny for the deliberate purpose of them becoming more comfortable and supportive of trannies

Whoa it's almost like it's a legitimate brainwashing event or something. If they were that confident that trannies were normal people, they would've just called it "Dr. Seuss Story Time" or "Weekly Storytime". The explicit frontloading of the tranny shit is there for the sole purpose of making it sound more "exotic" and advertising it on the merit of a tranny's attendance. In such a case, the tranny becomes more important than the child.


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No. I don't. Ask racists are right-wingers. At least the ones willing to murder people for muh controlling jews and Western Civilization

Because it normalizes it when they read to kids. Your kids will associate it as something that "normal" adults do.

I have no intention of my children thinking that shit is natural nor do I want my neighbors kids.


I don't know, and I don't get why women are so intrigued by these mentally ill faggots

Why do lefty faggots get upset by somebody rightly calling a nigger, nigger? Also, fuck off shill.

You realize "chicks with dicks" is fucking mental illness on sdisplay and its disgusting as fuck right?

Sexy cartoons are fucking gay dude. Grow the fuck up weirdo