American Army

>American Army

Big yikes.

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Great thread kid. Dont mind the fuckers roasting you in the food thread.

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>Canadian army

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Have children.

More like this

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Also I already posted this in another thread but It wouldn't surprise me if all you leafs are all just one person

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fuck you got me ey

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Wider than you leaf

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>sending mutts to die for Israel while whites stay home and fuck is somehow bad

America’s army is bigger and better than Canada.
JTF2 is better than seals.

>Mexican manlets

Hearty kek

damn you Canadians with your diplomats and frenchies

I meant bigger as in quantity.

Yeah the peacekeeper meme and frogs are jokes

And I'll bet you every single one of them save for Mad Dog (pbuh) is a fucking democrat.
t. muhreen

Well, the newer ones at least.

no I mean your actual diplomatic corps is notorious, isn't it? Canadian spycraft and foreign ministry stuff puts us to shame afaik.

isnt that the dude from the crown royal commercial?

Delete this right now. Youre gonna reveal our state of the art firearms project

Keep telling yourself that. I'm not a spic, but I'd sure rather be one than whatever cuck abomination that is canadian white male

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Yeah, thanks to Obama's purge. The damage that man did the military was insane. I was in for all of his 8 years. I am about positive he put that bigfoot looking dyke general in charge of Parris Island to fuck it all up for the sake of diversity. A general should never be going around looking to fuck over NCOs, but that's what she did. For instance, a recruit rolled his eyes at a DI and the DI grabbed the brim of the kid's cover while it was on his head while he screamed at him and she ruined his career. He didn't even jerk the kid's head around or anything, just happened to grab his cover. They instituted these rules where the 1stSgt had to give the recruits a briefing on the exact rules regarding IT and straight up encourage the recruits to tell an officer if they didn't stick to them strictly. They made rules against DIs going inside the formation to correct drill movements, allowed recruits to talk inside at chow and made them sit for the entire 20 minutes designated for chow while they disallowed the green belts from being inside the chow hall, and they made it a requirement that not only could green belts not scream at a recruit if they were alone together but that if they were walking outside somewhere the DI had to stay in front of the recruit and not look at him or scream at him, even knowledge ditties. Then she fired that 4th Bn CO for saying that wooks need to stop making excuses for their shitty performance and earn male Marines respect by actually, you know, doing good at PT and shooting.

>this is your army on Multicam

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I need to clarify that she saw that DI grabbing the kid's cover because she was sneaking around looking for shit.

She ruined my friend's career because two recruits lied about him to make him go away, because they were colossal fuckups and just wanted him gone. Every other recruit in that platoon swore up and down that those two did it on purpose and were even bragging about it to all of them. Didn't matter. He got ninja punched and couldn't reenlist.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

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Dios mio

Good job doxxing yourself asshole

Reminder that BDU is the camo of the white man.

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You're fucking retarded if you think that I put enough in there to identify that I was in during Obama's years or that there aren't like a thousand Marines on PI at any time or that I couldn't be any of the 3,000 recruiters in at that time. Everyone in that cycle knows each other, everyone else's business and everything that goes on there.

Identify anything other than I was in during Obama's years. Whatever.


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>no stormin Norman

Yo bubba that’s fuckin woodland, bdu is the cut of the uniform faggot

If that happens, I'm unironically defecting to the Viet Cong.

Charlie are defenders of rural traditionalism compared to soi-induced brainrotted ZOG Federal Footmen

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What’s this guys fuckin problem?

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In the 90s this pic would have inspired me. Now it just looks like bad, lazy propaganda and I clank my eyes at how phony it is. Shitskins are so over.

delta force may or may not exist and it may or may not kill people who may or may not exist
>pic is unrelated
I want to get suicided with two bullets to that back of the head in an abandoned warehouse in Detroit

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