Reminder if you are anti-Jewish then you are anti-Christian too because without Judaism, Christianity would never exist. So if you're a Christian it would be denying your own faith.
Reminder if you are anti-Jewish then you are anti-Christian too because without Judaism, Christianity would never exist...
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Fuck off retard. The jews ordered the killing of Christ and the Jews have been an enemy of the church ever since.
Didja hear the great news! ITS FAKE NEWS!
without both religions we'd be exploring the galaxy using wormholes again
Op is kike. True Christianity is by default anti-jew. Any Christian who tells you otherwise is either maliciously disingenuous or ignorant.
yep I despise all religions that derive from Judaism.
having faith in christ is no different from having faith in family. You support that which you love and/or respect
Jews are trash, they get nothing; except an eternity in hell
Ok retard
Brainlet. It has been Christianity from day 1.
Judaism is looking for a different messiah.
Then how come vile Christ-killers were the only religion in a world tolerated by Christian authorities on their land through entire history, and sometimes even granted exclusive rights like money-lending? Meanwhile religions irrelevant to Christianity were thoroughly exterminated.
When kikes were expelled, it was not for judaism, but for particular crimes.
>Abrahamic religions
If people still believe this trash we're all doomed. Having faith in a Jew, Jesus, is having faith in family? What? Christianity is no good.
That's pretty ungrateful. Rogue rabbi Yeshua basically handed Europe to them in a long term.
Christ was merciful on them for as long as He could stand; but after their final rejection for Satan they have eternally cursed themselves.
"Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city: That upon (((you))) may come *ALL the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar."~ Matthew 23:34-35
A lot of what you all say is not very Christian of you if you think about it? You shouldn't hate people for no good reason other than they try to take all your money. Well guess what if they take your money then it's because you let them.
christianity doesn't derive from judaism. Judaism and Christianity are the same age. They are both derived from the same religion
Judaism and Christianity have nothing to do with each other, they oppose each other like NatSoc and Communism
you don't have to recognize or regard fake jews
to accept Messiah Zeus. who said you need to
be friends with amalekite fake jew kike slaves
to get to salvation.
Except 99.9% of the time they were not tolerated
>old testament is basically a warning against jews
>no goy it means jews are good
>Jewish subversion can't happen to their enemy
Wtf I'm a LARPagan now
You dont say
20 reasons why judeo-churcianity is a false religion @Rosette Delacroix
How about you read entirety of my post? There isn't a single religion case of expulsion. Stealing, killing, fraud, overall disruptive activity, etc - not a religion.
They were allowed to practice their allegedly anti-Christ religion by same church that used to set up crusades against different branches of Christianity, what the fuck else you need as proof of of there being more than what's on surface?
jews are not christians and therefore reject jesus as their personal lord and savior
also the bible makes it pretty clear the jews disobey god constantly. so if you blindly supported jews through out the old testament you would be wrong half the time and punished by god as they were
You are of your father the devil he was a liar and a murder from the beginning, and it is his works you do. Find Christ OP.
Muh Judao-Christian values...might as well say satanic-Christian values. Jews rejected christ.
Try again, Schlomo.
fuck off kike
The Capitulary for the Jews (Latin original Capitula de Judaeis) is a piece of legislation (specifically a capitulary) attributed to Charlemagne and dated to 814. It prescribes a set of prohibitions (together with punishments for infractions) against Jews engaging in commerce or money-lending.
1. Let no Jew presume to take in pledge or for any debt any of the goods of the Church in gold, silver, or other form, from any Christian. But if he presume to do so, which God forbid, let all his goods be seized and let his right hand be cut off.
2. Let no Jew presume to take any Christian in pledge for any Jew or Christian, nor let him do anything worse; but if he presume to do so, let him make reparation according to his law, and at the same time he shall lose both pledge and debt.
3. Let no Jew presume to have a money-changer's table in his house, nor shall he presume to sell wine, grain, or other commodities there. But if it be discovered that he has done so all his goods shall be taken away from him, and he shall be imprisoned until he is brought into our presence.
4. Concerning the oath of the Jews against the Christians. Place sorrel twice around his body from head to feet; he ought to stand when he takes his oath, and he should have in his right hand the five books of Moses according to his law, and if he cannot have them in Hebrew he shall have them in Latin. "May the God who gave the law to Moses on Mount Sinai help me, and may the leprosy of Naamon the Syrian come upon me as it came upon him, and may the earth swallow me as it swallowed Dathan and Abiron, I have not committed evil against you in this cause."
Mediaeval Sourcebook, Capitulary for the Jews, derived in turn from J. P. Migne, ed., Patrologiae Cursus Completus, (Paris, 1862), Vol. XCVII, pp. 369-370.
kek your pagancuck meme already got debunked a long time ago
Reminder if you are anti-Christian then you are anti-Jewish too because without Christianity, Jews would not exist. So if you're a Jew it would be denying your own faith.
Wrong. Early Christianity had its roots in Hellenistic Judaism and the Jewish messianism of the first century and Jewish Christians were the first Christians.
I'm both but anti-Jewish first and foremost. What now, kike?
Original Jew tradition was good. The Old Testament, for its time, the purpose was to raise them up.
But something went wrong along the way, and a sect was formed. A satanic one.
This sect took control virtually of all of the Jews, and are the reason the Talmud exists.
Now, the Jewish name itself has unfortunately been sullied. It can be cleaned only if they reject the Talmud, and baptise under Jesus Christ. Anyone in Government frankly who is not with Jesus Christ, is against him, as it is written. It has to do with the name within that name. He'sJustRight. It has to do with proper existential education, which would allow you to possibly properly raise people, as a society, and what to do when and so on. It is a higher form of learning that you will be discovering within the next 30 years with ai, and be unable to replicate only barely glimpse at with all the computer power in the universe.
If you want to look at it via simulation concept it is like a bug, a flaw because in this universe nothing is perfect or good, only God is good. A flaw that you see physically manifest as a virus, and like all physical things there is a metaphorical equal for why the physical aspect exists and that is Satan worshippers, essentially.
So, like how there is dirt in the ground to form a pretty rose or woman, with thorns always, so is the invisible yet preventable if vigilant reality of evil sects of Satan worshippers.
At the time of his coming, the inheritors of the world, the meek, were being killed in every way possible, not just physically but culturally. Almost no temple was without 'people' trading coin.
Why trade coin in a temple? What the fuck is their problem? No respect for the law. They write laws and disobey the same. Why make a law outlawing cannibalism and then allow people to do it, and even post hints on social media! Infinite love requires evil to be purged. Cannibalism expression is what Amazon is for.
>Reminder if you are anti-Jewish then you are anti-Christian too because without Judaism, Christianity would never exist. So if you're a Christian it would be denying your own faith.
>reminder if you are anti-fetus, then you are anti-human too, because without fetuses, humans would never exist. So if you're human, it would be denying your own history.
Except Jews denied God and He rejected them.
pharisaical judaism is far older than the roman created jesus myth which was created to replace sadducee judaism which is a century older than christianity.
you're really fucking stupid
blessed trips of truth
This. Jews are a cancer on earth and (((modern))) Christianity is a subverted religion. If it's on (((TV))) it's jew approved. You never see Catholics on TV except for the pope and he's a crypto jew.
>the pharisees were here first
begone talmudnigger
This. Jews love money. They would sell their own mother.
>muh Judeo-Christian heritage
You have to go back
Because the religion that Jesus and Saint paul created was Catholicism not Christianity. Jews needed to subvert Catholicism so they copied it and made a few minor but important changes to it in their favor and named it Christianity. They sold it to the masses as the religion of Christ much in the same way they sold the American people the Federal Reserve making it sound like part of the government when it is in fact a private company. Jews are good at subversion they have had lots of practice and their talmud is pretty much a very hateful book about getting revenge by subversion.
Nice false dichotomy Schlomo
Da joooss hurrr
Kill yourself.
Judaism was ripped off from pre existing Babilonians texts, Jews didn't invent it stupid moron.
And low iq retards like you aside...
Judaism is absolutely based, no other thing has ever promoted unity, cultural bonds and single mindset as religion has done before.
Why Jews rule te world? Religion
Why islamists are taking over? Religion
Why the west is dying? Abandoning religion
Religion is an extreme source of power, Europeans conquered the world when they were overly religious.