Why are Japanese so fucking racist?

Why are Japanese so fucking racist?

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>niggers will do anything to not have to live around other niggers

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maybe that nigger should have stayed out

The Japanese are race purists like the Jews. They want to keep the bloodline pure

those three degenerates need a bullet in their brain

Japs have no right to be racist to others considering they are 5 foot tall manlets with microdicks.

>lives in japan
>complains about it on American website
dont ever change whiny liberals

Wouldn't be better to move to Africa and leave the Japs being cute Japs?

why shouldn t they be racist ? imagine being a japanese, hard worker, then you see these niggers not doing shit and complaning . you say " nigger no good , whitu no good , japan is besto "

is blackface the only "issue" he's facing? i thought Japan was redpilled

Because they've seen the hellish conditions tolerance and multiculturalism brings.

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what did u expect

you're the racist mr big nose

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I'm surprised the father stuck around

Don't worry, they'll get brainwashed and shamed into taking in all the refugees.

Why are Japanese so fucking based?

>support life-long child abuse
>have a mixed mutt kid
>curse that kid with being ugly and weird looking to not just your own race but the other parent's race
>be surprised when the kid fits in literally nowhere - not on your side, or your spouse's side
>cry about how foreigners view your bastard halfbreed on an white and jewish owned American website

the recent stabby Jap went for the wrong kind of kids

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>Blacks cannot exist without bitching about racism
>move to country where nobody even knows what the fuck a nigger is
>has to write made up article for journal mainly read in a country thousands of miles away just to keep sanity

fuck off weeb

>Racism is bad
Fuck you nigger

What an ugly baby.

Probably shouldn't have moved to or remained in Japan then.

>move to a far-off land
>immediately start bitching, moaning, and virtue signaling because you hate their culture

god i cannot fucking stand niggers

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Nigger nigging out as usual.

so i normally dont find asian very attractive, but she seems fairly decent like a 6/10
what is she doing with a droopy faced nigger?

Can you blame them?

Because they understand they need to secure the existence of their people and ensure a future for Nippon and Nihon children.

Maybe I should take this as a hint we don't belong here
Naw, fuck that, everyone else is wrong

Dont worry you'll still be a faggot.

>The Japanese are race purists like the Jews
Bullshit. They love white people. They actually often DEMAND whites are in movies.
They just don't like niggers. They see massive inferiority when they see it.

Seriously wtf is it with this behaviour? Its mind numbing. If I ever moved anywhere I would immediately adapt to it - or try my best to do so. I don’t get it

Funny how they're the most intelligent, too.
Pure coincidence.

Desu senpai

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Because they're just trying to "consume culture" rather than participate.

She's even got that look that I've noticed non-black women who get with black men get. It's like a "sloppyish" tired look—I can't put my finger on it but it's kind of like how all people with downs syndrome look related

Even when they're all dolled up they still have it. The glare.

Pic related.

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Looks better than most “pure” race Japs

are you Germanic? has her manly chin made you feel right at home?

What a piece of shit with retarded priorities.

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Women are always the first ones to become race-traitors

She could not have married any lower being Asian. Her parents are either dead or disowned her.


Oh they know what niggers are and they do not like them. They are getting whispered about behind their backs and getting disgusted looks right to their faces. They are really going to talk shit about her.

Japs are based

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Yeah, It starts like that and then it becomes full blown Detroit, Baltimore or the French banlieues.

What a perfectly reasonable thing to say, tell me who was this Hitler person and why is he waving in this photograph?

This child is doomed. Selfish mother.

japan must keep whites out. if you let in the whites, they will let in the blacks. if you let in the blacks crime will go up. this has been true since egypt.

Don't know why, but I want to see some samurai roaming the streets again.

But you guys said japanese girls hate niggers and love white men.

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Is this the same black man who wrote Gaijin Smash?

im danish so close enough i guess, but what's wrong with her face, i like the full face and jaw

not racist enough, since they didn't beat this coalburner to death

japan is an interesting place, they are kinda progressive but only among there own kind

>move to a 99.9% Asian country
>that is ~98%+ Japanese
>why me no fit in

So are Hispanics, yet Americans are incredibly racist.


>Boohoo, the guest nation doesn't pander to my foreign sjw bullshit

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Dude is like 2 and already so full of test his hairline in to the top of his skull and brow is 5 inches thick.
He is going to get so much pussy.

Their physical form suits their evolutionary history. Japanese females have comparatively diminished sex drive to match the relative neoteny 0f both sexes and diminished secondary sexual characteristics of the male. Their culture and neurobiology lines up with this, too, which is why you'd rather live in Osaka than central Africa.

the gall and ego-centrism is off-the-charts
>destroy all surrounding culture
>reeducate for generations
>shame all inhabitants
>force mass immigration
>manufacture globo-cultural icons
all because my feels.
I'm surprised blacks aren't weary of this nonsense. we simply don't hear any human interest stories without a social-justice/intolerance-victim theme.

>I chose to go into a country where there is significant racial boundaries to the point my black children will have trouble growing up and its everyone else's fault but my own
what a negro

t. literal nigger and or/ leftist pozzbag that can only see the world through "muh dick"

There is 0% chance that woman is not a niggro

t. nigger

Well I guess every country has its own culture and teachs kids different things. We don't all have to be the same.
And it is always nice to find books for kids describing what you should do with other looking people.

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They are collectivist and one of the last inwtances of a contiguous nation-state with any will whatsoever for self-preservation. As for "progressive," the late 20th century or modern usage of the word doesnt exactly fot Japanese culture. They utilize and contribute to commons more than we do in the USA because they have a high trust society but that doesnt make them socialists

The church and local goverment have a role to play in teaching local culture too. Without them paying for sacks and hay, there could be no yearly beat the sinner fest.

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Why is tyreese going there to cause trouble as usual

>yearly beat the sinner fest
Absolutely wholesome. God bless you Jow Forumsand

Blappa kid will be riced by a 100% nip, kids turn 75/25. That kid wil get riced by another 100% nip. As long as Japan stays 99% nip it will be fine.

I am glad to know that not all Catholic European nations have forgotten who Jesus' (((enemies))) are.

You know for a goddamned fact that is not how these things work. YOU CAN'T UNSHIT THE GENESTREAM

you can't make this shit up

“Daddy, what is that?” my 4-year-old asked me last November. We were standing in a subway tunnel, staring at an ad of a blacked-up Japanese man. “Sorry,” Haruki said to her, pulling Kantra away, “It’s bullying,” my wife said. “That’s scary,” Kantra replied.

yeah, kid instigated that conversation completely devoid of context

either that or the kid is calling the paint scary whilst the parents insinuate the racist spin

this wife might be humoring her husband but fucking japan wont



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Because Caucasians are the only ones that suffer from white guilt.

That's cause like Blacks they find pride in things that based outside their substituted reality are nothing worth any sort of pride or value.

For blacks it's their race. For Hispanics it's their country of origin and speaking their conqueror's tongue.

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>speaking their conqueror's tongue.
They're patrilineal Catholics, from their view they're the conquerors.

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The kid will absolutely be bullied throughout her childhood, its inevitable in such a homogeneous, conservative culture. It's pretty cruel to raise mixed race kids in Japan.

True. Same happens here. We had a dude who didn't want to go to religion classes or attend any of the festivities, because his parents became jehowas vvitnesses. He was not to be envied. And not because he was bullied 24/7, that got boring very fast. But just imagine it. First confirmation everyone talks about the stuff they got, he gets nothing. Patrons name days, everyone talks about stuff they got . Christmas same. Beat the sinner day, he doesn't take part in it, so doesn't get the sweets everyone else gets. Doesn't go on the new years eve parade dressed up as a negro/being a boy,girls dress as Marzana aka water witch/, ,meaning he doesnt get to sing in front of other people homes, meaning he doesn't get any sweets, vodka etc
Dude sucided himself with home made drugs when he was 17, in a way tragic, considering he was good at sports and not a bad person per se.

>Be mid-late 30's nigger
>Go to Japan, one of many asian countries that specifically hates niggers
>Probably spoke no Japanese whatsoever when you get there and still can't even hold a conversation with a gradeschooler to this day
>Meet a rabid-leftist Japanese woman who's probably desperate to not die alone after reaching 30 alone
>Marry her
>She gets pregnant
>Doctors probably disgusted once they realized it was a nigger coming out of her
>Child looks nothing like any Japanese person ever
>Give the child a non-japanese name that's also especially niggerish
>"Why am I persecuted so?"

>Meet a rabid-leftist Japanese woman who's probably desperate to not die alone after reaching 30 alone
>mid-late 30's nigger
>desperate to not die alone

poor deluded woman, it's been a year since that article so he's definitely gone now.

I've never seen anybody in blackface in person here in 15 years. Then again, I've never been invited to the Ku Krux Kran rallies.

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Japanese people might actually racemix decently with whites since they are 10% Ainu who are like 50% white.

Bonus points for making the name sound like something most Japs can't or struggle to pronounce. few things endeer you to to the class and the teachers, when they look up your name and see
Grzegorz Jerzy Brzenczyszczykiewicz.

>I only cared about getting my dick/pussy wet
>now my child has to face the consequences

fuck off. the world isn't out to get you. you're not a good person

Can't find that funny jap in blackface meme

Nobody I've met complains about Western blacks because the ones who stay here don't have criminal records back home. It's a condition of living here. If they can't behave, they get sorted very quickly.

Japs are based as fuck

not with that nappy shit hair. She is going to harikiri her mother for having sex with a nigger

Because they’re smart

>The Japanese are race purists like the Jews
Jews are literally peak mutts
they are not even semitic, the vast majority are ashkenazi eurotrash

Japanese is a piece of shit too as a niggers. Why so worrying?

>I'm deliberating bringing a child with mixed heritage into the world
>yea, in a racially homogeneous country
>no, I'm not the problem
>Japanese are the problem!!1

Might have had a business trip and got a new phone with a different provider. It'd be ridiculously easy to screw over a foreign marriage since you inherently have citizenship elsewhere. But then again we're talking about a nigger complaining about racism after a series of dumb ideas.

Go be black somewhere else.

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Because they're fucking amazing. Never had a problem there being white as fuck. Made some friends, got lots of interesting conversation and a good number of free drinks.

But yeah, they don't fucking like dark people, noisy people, being ignorant to their norms, or anything otherwise disruptive at all.

Be white. Be quiet. Carry cash. Pay attention. You'll have a great time.