Have you ever been mugged Jow Forums

have you ever been mugged Jow Forums
what race were your muggers

I've been mugged twice
both times by blacks.
once in a sketchy park at night by a lone crackhead, the other time in a public and crowded train station during the daytime by 5 gangbanger "youths"

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please share your stories so I dont feel alone

the absolute state of slide threads

i just grabbed the first result from an image search
I dont know what you would have preferred

Robbed at gunpoint by a black dude I’d known since elementary school. Shocker, I know......

I was once mugged by a black dude in New York in the most storybook way possible.

>Pulls a gun in a parking garage and has me take out my wallet and open it.
>Says if I answer his riddle correctly he won't take any cash.
>If wrong he takes all the cash I have.
>"What travels the world but still stays in the same place?"
>"No idea dude, a plane?"
>"Naw man, it's a stamp"
>Homeless gollum snatches my cash and scampers off.

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what the fuck lol

I have. Two scum bag scallies with huge knives held to my throat proceeded to kick my shit and face in. That was the moment where I realised how cucked this country is, and how much we need the right to self defense. I'd thank the two idiots now, if I ever saw them again. They're in jail though.
And nah they were 'white', but probably irish. We don't actually have any shitskins where I live though.
What do you think of my design, lads? Is it gay?

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lol, quite clever....For a nigger.

Here are all the events I have direct knowledge of when it comes to muggings.

A black guy I knew got 5 years for mugging people.

I was mugged at gunpoint by a black man.

A close friend of mine was mugged at gunpoint as he was getting into a car by two black men.

A few months ago I chased two niggers off my block who were breaking into people's cars at 2 in the morning.

>Niggle me this, cracka
>what travels the world but stays in the same place?

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ill never forget the stares of everyone in the train station
all my fellow whites
just watching blankly as these 5 nig thugs grabbed at my pockets and held a knife to my stomach
they all just fucking watched it happen

when it was over nobody would make eye contact with me

I haven't, but I imagine it'd go something like this:

Correct answer was, "honk honk nigger!"

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2016 New Mexico leaving a grocery store after dark. I had noticed on the way in 3 Hispanic males on bikes asking people for money who were entering and leaving the store.

When I left the store I made sure to head out and move away from them to avoid contact and having to deal with their bullshit.

The three of them started coming after me asking for money "for food". I politely told them "No thank you" and kept walking, at this point they closed to within 15 feet. They began demanding money and cussing at me. Underneath my jacket I was concealed carrying a semi-automatic 9mm in a Safari land thumb-break retention holster, I placed my hand on it and turned towards them.

When they noticed I was armed and had the drop on them they turned away on their little bikes and booked it, bitching about it as they did so.

I highly suspect they fully intended to jump me, I hadn't had that fight or flight instinct kick in so hard in ages before or since then. Those faggots were trouble and were definitely looking to harm me.

tldr; carry a gun or get mugged by sub humans eventually.

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honestly couldn't tell what they were: some combination of Maori or Abo (I was very drunk and it was dark). One guy had me in a headlock and another was trying to grab my phone and wallet. I said "Ok ok you can have them" so they let go, expecting me to hand them over. I punched one as hard as I could in the face and ran for it. They chased but couldn't keep up.

Get fucked cunts, you're not getting my shitty old Nokia


He took maybe 16 bucks in mostly singles and some receipts I had.
Fair trade for the story. I should do stand up and sell out

Nah, closest I got was being followed home by about 5 dudes after I left a store they were waiting out the front of, an old lady pulled over and warned me I was being followed and asked if I wanted a lift, I said no but thanks for the warning, then proceeded to parkour my ass through an old abandoned high school in pitch darkness because I'd done it a hundred times before. Felt pretty badass.

>Fair trade for the story. I should do stand up and sell out
Ya, the nigger that pulled a gun on me got nothing because I didn't have anything in my pockets. They are impulsive and stupid mostly.

Poles steal from Germans and tourists so no problem with being mugged

Not a mugging but was rather enjoyable.

Around 1 AM on a Saturday in El Paso,Texas I hear tires squealing and a commotion outside. From the upstairs bedroom I'm in I can see two adult males fist fighting outside of a idling car in the middle of the street. The combatants end up on the side of my car bouncing each other into it.


I threw on my plate carrier I keep by my bed and grabbed my Waffen Werks AK74. Ran down stairs out the front door and using the rather large and thick brick over concrete columns in front of my house as a rifle prop and hard cover brought my weapon onto them and lit them up with my weapon light on strobe.

Yes I know this is assault with a deadly weapon, no I don't give a fuck and no one is going to believe a pair of drunk spics fist fighting after midnight.

As soon as I yelled at them to get the fuck out of here they both stopped fighting, jumped back into their car and peeled out. Never came back.

Car was fine.

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white heroin drawn out shithead

They rob me daily

Got mugged by a khoi in South Africa. They're Abo tier and worse than niggers.

did he have a spear or a bow and arrow

Never been mugged but one time was pressured into buying a shitty home made rap CD by a dozen African American fellows.

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>Be Me
>Stuttgart 2008, not many niggers back then
>About to take a bus home, it is night time already
>Bus still not coming...
>At 23.50 the bus finally comes
>Couple of niggers inside near the front, decide to sit all the way back.
>One of them comes closer to the back
>Panic was around 10 at that time and they were well over 30
>Speaks to me in English
>Not able to speak good English at that time
>No camera inside the bus then, they could very well kill me and sell my organs or some shit
>Bus stops
>More of the niggers coming near the back
>The one who tried to speak to be started to get agitated
>Dash with all my might out of the bus
>Doors quickly shuts off as soon as I leave.
>It was around 5 km away from home, but I ran like crazy anyway
>Realize that there was an old bus driver inside that closed the door quickly
>Never thanked the bus driver for his vigilance
>Next day go to the same bus stop, can't find him
>Try more for a couple of days
>Go with my dad at night, still different guy

It was probably the only time I wanted to thank a bus driver, I hope that old man is alright... I remember I cried kind of when I was home. My dad was mugged a couple of years back by a group of niggers too, so this pretty much made us move within a couple of years, I left all my friends behind... Pretty much it was around that time that I was redpilled on niggers.

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what are you doing in bangladesh

I work for a telecom provider here. They have operations worldwide.

>A few months ago I chased two niggers off my block who were breaking into people's cars at 2 in the morning.
in texas you can kill a nigger that's breaking into your neighbors car

I don’t want to be raped by gay men, so I don’t hang out in gay bars and drink until blackout.
Wtf were you doing in a sketchy park after dark? I’ve lived in the most ghetto shitholes in California. I’ve never been even approached by a mugger because I understand they want money.
Don’t carry any. It’s so simple a child can understand it.

I was young and stupid

I never had to experience that to learn, but I’ve got plenty of scars from other things.

I got mugged in LA by 2 Mexican teenagers who literally looked like la creatura memes but more realistic and nauseatingly greasy. I was wearing running shorts and didn't have anything on me at all, they actually stood around confused for 10-15 seconds pointing a gun at me before the6 realized that murdering me over literally nothing wasn't a great idea.

So what happens when the mugger doesn't believe you have no cash?

>in texas you can kill a nigger that's breaking into your neighbors car
everywhere else, too

Robbed by a gang of kebabs while vacationing in Nice, France.

Don’t know. Tell me what happens in your fantasy land. I don’t dress up in Armani suits to walk my dog in the ghetto, so who knows?
I dress in rag bag tattered jean shorts. I wear a dark t shirt that’s seven years old. I have a big dog. I carry a mag light that’s the size of a small bat.
Muggers look for easy prey. I’m over six feet, and over 200 pounds of construction muscle. If they even try to talk, I tell them to fuck off and shake my dog’s leash. It’s never progressed beyond that. I don’t have the problems you do because I know how to avoid them.

1 time, blacks


Once. Robbed at gunpoint by spics on the beach in Cali. They only took our booze, though.

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Every state differs and even regionally in each state based upon your local District Attorneys Office. You need to be very sure of what you're doing because anything and you say and don't say will be used against you.

Make sure you study what goes into threatening or using deadly force before you go down that road because even though it's better to be judged by twelve than carried by six I'd rather avoid getting fucked in prison.

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