Hell just froze over

This can’t be happening

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>a clean bill
>in Congress
That will be the real frozen hell haha.

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I can not imagine AOC writing a bill. I have a feeling The Zodiac Killer would be doing all the work.


Ted Cruz is more diplomatic than Trump.

She's our girl

My cynicism won't allow me to think this is anything but a stunt that will either never happen, or if it does be grandstanding to trick goyim with a jew work-around already in place.

Something something bipartisan something something trickery afoot

I can’t understand why the right would want this, because this is literally how they make all their money, but it’d be dope as fuck they could get something like this passed and it was actually this and JUST this.

Doesn't matter anymore. Yang will be the next President.

>I can not imagine AOC writing a bill. I have a feeling The Zodiac Killer would be doing all the work.

AOC has ZERO successful bills.

Mister Zodiac Killer has TWO(and hes been in office for years). one bill was to make it illegal for foreign spies to enter the US(protip: it was already illegal lol) and bill two was a 5 million dollar reward for a kidnapped israeli. hes a fucking blowhard who doesnt do shit.

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This would be based as hell if it happens.

AOC shills. No tanks. You have sex.

The rest of the staff must have been some eldrich abominations then.

Her feet are VERY disappointing. They just aren't that cute.

Literally wrong. Hungary, Japan, Both Korea’s,Singapore, Philippines, Brazil, Croatia, The list goes on

she does realize Ted is a senator, right?
apart from that i think this would be hilarious

Kinda confused about this one. I can see this as preventing someone from becoming a lobbyist with too many deep connections to powerful people right off the bat and knowing the system too well. But literally every lobbyist out there is trying to work themselves into the political system, trying to make those same connections with influential people on various committees, etc.

Seems like a symbolic and largely pointless bandaid

Wait a second- yeah he is. Can they do that? I’m not really sure how that would work

it's literally a bill that would not matter

how often does news even cover people within lobbying groups, aside from the group itself?

the fact is 90% of the world isn't going to look for that shit themself, they are all tied up just watching entertainment rather than thinking for themselves about what is right, or who is really calling shots.,

>poison pills

>bartender uses corporate legal jargon in regard to legislation

christ, she really want to sound smart

Lmao of course she doesn’t know that, she thinks because she’s in the news that she’s equal with any other in the news people

They're both jews

She'd be too stupid to even find those hidden clauses kek

>This can't be happening

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Jow Forums should spam AOC with redpills about trump/acosta/epstein connections and see where it goes. Epstein is the keystone to EVERYTHING famalam.
Vids very related

I hope that this gorgeous Mexican lady will become a new President of the United States, fully open the US-Mexican border, and all Mexicans, Colombians, Venezuelans, and Brazilians, who suffer from poverty and felony, will move freely to the United States to live a better life.

I want AOC to redistribute the means of her pussy

Haha too true.

>who suffer from poverty and felony

>giving the enemy an inch
yeah... im sure itll work out real well for him

Imagine being so stupid you can't recognize a plant right in front of your dumb face. Cow farts? You believed that?

If you were in Congress for thirty years, you have a bunch of buddies on both sides. That's a lot of influence, and lobbying firms pay millions for such a person. It's a lot more than symbolic.
I'd also like to add high ranking retired military officers. Those fuckers working for the military industrial complex as lobbyists had a lot to do with us going into Iraq.


idc man. I want her pussy in my face

>23 iq post
>muh diking
You should kill yourself. Waste of air.

idc. shes fucking sexy. I want to eat her ass.

He would sponsor the bill in the Senate, and she would sponsor the bill in the House. I can't remember his name, but a dipshit dem Senator sponsored her green new deal. That's how McConnell was able to force that vote.
This really would be a great thing.

>clean bill
things that don't exist

Now it's getting creepy and desperate

You know you can get a cheap beannigger hooker to sit on your face for like 40 bucks and a meal from Wendy's right?

AOC is a godess

How old are you faggot? You must be 18 to post on Jow Forums

She's a 6 for a Latina. You're a thirsty ass faggot

stop being a faggot


she looks like a fucking donkey

Lmao. Take your meds

He noticed she was feeling bad about all the cute white girls getting all the attention so he held a mock beauty contest and rigged it so she would win.

we're due an Ice age because the sun is on a cooling cycle

Ted Kruz said in an interview with the largest South Korean media that he hopes that America's closest Asian allies, South Korea and Japan, will grant and open more rights and citizenship to more ethnic minorities, immigrant, women and people of other faiths. What a thoughtful and compassioning beautiful man.

Pfffttt imagine actually believing this, delusion must be why you're poor

im willing to give up the ethnostate and white supremacy for her... shes one I could follow, a true leader.

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They should ban lobbying all together.

Great. She is still a cunt

imagine those big beautiful eyes looking up at you as she sucks your cock

Actually agree. But also ban corporate funding for campaigns, limit donations to 1000 per person per year, ban web censorship on social media, ban payPal and CashApp from extorting or colluding to shut down gab and others.

how so?


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>a politician said a thing
I'll believe it when it happens.


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Entitled, arrogant, inexperienced, altruistic (in a way that is dangerous), divisive, hateful, and misguided. She is smart and beautiful. I think this is a good move on her part. But she is still a cunt

It's pretty clear that, if you want to be a politician and there is a corruption worry, the bill should actually be "no member of congress, the house of representatives, or the judicial or executive branch shall is allowed to own or trade stock."

If you truly want to eliminate corruption and have people serve who honestly want to serve the nation, this is how it is done. There should be a salary only and a pension only.

INB4 a pension is a stock. Depends entirely on the plan details and it could easily by designed as a simple DC plan, but there are many possible options. If the "pension" is run by a 3rd party recordkeeper and the politicians are not actually able to dictate fund choices or perform transfers and so on, then there is no manifest involvement for them, and no reason for them to be influenced by "da evil lolbyists."

Another option is simply to say "who fucking cares, lol, even if you pass all this shit there will still be interest groups lobbying for their interests even if there is no manifest financial kickback, there are still reputational and cultural kickbacks so who fucking cares lol"

Well, she definetly has anime eyes, that's a huge pro point in her favor.

these new democrats are more reasonable than old democrats

implying this nonsense sideshow will ever actually hurt the jews, stop deluding yourself

Who do you think wrote the code for the Internet?

that dancing video of hers goes straight to my nuts. those fucking tits. they look smaller now but she would still get all 4-3/16" right down the neck.

There's no way to legislate away corruption. Disclosure is all that should be mandatory, because it's all that can really be done. Even if you went full-ham and passed some kind of law like I mention in it's impossible to keep politicians from favouring certain groups over others. The only way to truly attack it is to limit their power. Which is what I keep telling people, but they don't want to hear it. It's like they refuse to see a powerful government is disastrous despite endlessly bitching about how corrupt government is.

lol you are truly mentally disabled.

imagine driving your thumbs into those eyes as you cum in her lungs


Of course AOC is correct

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This desu

I agree
the state of the average American is truly sad
>Government is corrupt
>lets fix it by giving them more power

Republicans will still hate this even though it combats the swamp. Just because it'a AOC.

Lifetime ban? What for?
I guess I don't quite follow the harm in a former legislator working to promote bills.
Someone is going to have to explain the difference between a former legislator and anyone else in this position?

>Bernie that high.
Holy fuck, but how?

Yeah, but that’s retarded. Parts of the government might be corrupt, but the concept of having one isn’t. It’s like if you had structural problems with your house- the basement was flooding, the roof was caving in- and instead of repairing it, you thought it would be better to burn it down and sleep in a tent in the backyard. Or even worse, use the same flawed blueprints to build an identical new house with the exact same problems and swear up and down they’re the best blueprints ever devised and we can never do any better. The point of this bill, and a lot of the ideology of the socialist left is to set up laws that prevent the people in government from ever being corrupt. Repairing the house as opposed to completely tearing it down

The people trying to act smarter than her actually aren't.

The idea is to eliminate the elected office-do a favor for a company-get a job bribing elected officials route

>waiting tables
I call bullshit.

>says the person that put in SJW bullshit in something that supposed to help environment

Told you AOC boyfriend is a secret white nationalist you watch.

attaching AOC to something you want to succeed is a sure fire way to kill it.

Beware the latin jews (cubans)


True. At that point we're talking about Hell having frozen over, the city of Dis having won the bid to host the Winter Olympics, Edward Teach, Grigori Rasputin, Pol Pot, and Judas Iscariot having formed a bobsled team, won the gold, and gotten on the cover of a box of Wheaties.

Cruz 2024

>bernie 16%
>unsure 16%

yeah well ted cruz also put incest porn on his official twitter, nobody here in texas actually likes him - hes not even an american hes canadian

Uh, not everyone on the right is a Jew controlled neocon

The most hated person in the Senate teaming up with the most hated woman in the House. The memes are going to make themselves while AOC prepares her cunt for a direct hit from a big ol’ Cruz missile.

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Welcome to the present; I'll be your guide.

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it’ll simply read “except for Jews”

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Don't like him but most of us still vote for him. He's slimy and tacky but sharp as hell and one of the best debaters in politics. The right could use a lot more faces with Cruz's skills.

the swamp is losing control
AOC is deranged but she's not the swamp