The only solution to the problems plaguing the world is anarcho-primitivism...

The only solution to the problems plaguing the world is anarcho-primitivism, and deep in your heart you know this to be true. Uncle Ted was right.

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Going innawoods soon.
Just preparing by learning basic survival stuff.

Uncle Ted killed and maimed innocent unintended targets... As if was justified in any way... He's a Stupid Fuck!

Go back to Jow ForumsThe_Donald, grandma. This is a board for intellectuals.

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Industrial Domestication

the story of how the industrial revolution was fiercely resisted

Against His-Story, Against Leviathan

a 1983 book by Fredy Perlman, for which he is best known.[1] It is a personal critical perspective on contemporary civilization and society. The work defined anarcho-primitivism for the first time and was a major source of inspiration for anti-civilization perspectives in contemporary anarchism

Fire At Midnight Destruction At Dawn

Originally published in the first issue of A Murder of Crows, this pamphlet is a good explanation about how individual acts can fit into collective revolt and not become isolated in specialized armed struggle

"Sabotage can be used in all situations, in all terrains, and by anyone who wishes to use it. It requires no specialization or skill, just initiative. While news of sabotage is difficult to find, obscured and negated as it is by those in power, there are some notable examples of its use that we would like to examine. This list is by no means comprehensive but rather a sampling of relevant examples."

Progress and Nuclear Power: The Destruction of the Continent and Its Peoples

Written in 1979 by one of the foundational authors of anarcho-primitivism, this text was a brilliant indightment of the infamous accident that irradiated the human & non-human communities surrounding the upper Susquehanna River in the same year. It dives deeper into the driving narratives of the United States of America, starting with its obsession with disregarding original notions of existence for the sake of "higher" abstractions, its sickening disconnection from the web of life

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Stupid Fuck! Uncle Ted not you, though you could use some work... Find Jesus...

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>implying anyone participating in the system enslaving humanity is innocent
The only thing Ted did wrong was he didn’t send enough bombs

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I've seen enough here. Take him away.

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problem = i'm not white

solution = you pretend like i am let me live in your ethnostate and let me fuck your hottest women

So he could maim and kill more unintended targets?

Ted wrote an entire essay on the stupidity of anprim, christ people

Anarcho-Primitivism got BTFO 8,000 years ago.

enjoy your bio metric profile

This ancom faggot posts in every Ted Thread. Please ignore

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fuck white people

btw look the scene with that cuban guy and mimi allen

stay mad white boy

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i love race traitors like you, i hope you keep this white boys down forever

Life would suck without a computer and internet. I am for frugality and not having unnecessary technology but no technology? fuck that
i need a form of escapism to deal with this shit world and my laptop provides that

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Why would anyone need an ethnostate when white women are some of the easiest women in the world?

white nationalists should encourage me to race mix since i have inferior genes.

mixing with white girl would pollute the gene pool. do you want more autistic neets among the white race?

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fuck the ethnostate if i'm not going to be included in it, that's what i say

so you need technology to escape the shit world of technology? this is how the white man gets you -he gives you the poison in one hand only to give you the "medicine" in the other.

Same here. Im white, but since I have an asian wife and kids I would be rejected. So I do everything in my power to stop one from forming.

Primitivism ultimately leads to our near term extinction (cosmically speaking) if we don't find a way off this rock.

primitivism leads to muslims blowing your ass up because you reverted back to a primitive state before technology

Lol you’re not white, you handed in your white card the second you decided to racemix

Because pre-1600s Sub-Saharan Africa is such a model civilization.

You participate in it. That's basically just a mental backflip to enable you to slaughter anyone who isn't you.

how do you even have national defense without technology?
anarcho-primitivism would lead to muslims coming over here in hoards. you can't have a strong border without technology(technology that is more advanced than the enemy's)

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I do participate in it. Hope I can get innawoods before I get bombed

jacques ellul should be required reading to post here.

That's hilarious.

So you are using and plan on having used the system for your own benefit/survival and aren't going to bring about its destruction. Seems like you're a valid target by Kaczynski's rules. He'd probably bomb the woods and set them on fire once he realized people were fleeing there, since they could coalesce back into a civilization.

Shame such a gifted intellect was wasted on such a fucking retard desu. Anprim is some of the gayest, dumb faggot shit out there. Unsustainable from an area/resource standpoint and why would I give up the luxury of modern living (and hope society engineers itself out of ecological failure) then hide innawoods until the world ends?

Anarchists of all flavors trigger me with their unmitigated retardation.

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Take pride in the 1488 LARP only having your hand to satisfy you.

that's retarded virtue signalling horseshit, he's still genetically white

this is about genes, retard

there's nothing funny about life, white boy

you're going to take us in or we're going to aid the muds in murdering all of you

>literally milkshaking

and i'm not some moron who wants to include muds, fuck that

include me but keep the muds out

The world wide be better when you delete yourself from society by either (1) receding into the woods like the frightened animal you are or (2) killing yourself from the hormone imbalance in your miserable, walking corpse.

>Let's hand society over to the third world hordes because me rikey the flied lice
You thought with your dick like a nigger.

Without progress life would be unbearable.

Of course is right.


We just need small city states that specialize in the mass production of certain goods.

Barter systems would exist between the city states, and a global constitution would grantee the right to leave said city states; entry to city states would not be guaranteed.

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