What do you call this type of chad?

What do you call this type of chad?

Attached: chinked.jpg (564x725, 73K)

The Chid



a confident man

discord trannies are really at work tonight


smooth ping pongs



laugh if you want but black pussy is the best pussy.. something about it just feels better.. maybe it has a better texture or just grips harder..




Black pussies have extra muscle fibers due to sub saharan environment wherein rape is common and this the negroid pussy works to grip the cock and force ejaculation quickly, in order to make ready for the next rape.

Source: phD in niggerology

The Choid

You can tell by her posture she's not really into him but putting up with it because she's desperate to not be alone.

my sides

The Supreme Breeder

Chad asian

The common term for an Asian Chad is Chang

all nations bred by rape until recently so its not a thing


You fucked a gorilla, no ones laughing buddy

>"tell me where I can find the Nobitsura Kage or else I will burn all your food stamps and revoke section 8"

its all pink on the inside

Arroz con mole

Attached: mole-con-pechuga-de-pollo.jpg (550x309, 46K)

>What do you call this type of chad?
Master Won In Choo

What even is mole sauce? turds?



Top Kek. My sides flying off.


Can someone tell me how to make conversation? I havent talked to anyone in almost 6 years and I've forgotten how.

Chang Dragoncock.

Attached: Chang Dragoncock.jpg (667x891, 138K)

it's a disgusting unsweetend chocolate sauce with a bunch of other really nasty shit in it that the mexican subhumans here love. indian neckchopper goblina food.

Chinks will rule us all soon.

Get used to it.

Attached: 1418008953001.png (493x402, 9K)

Someone tell Chang to stop filling africa with blasian children.

It's hard

how can black bois compete with the Chid?

Attached: how can black bois compete.jpg (1600x900, 206K)
