Why are anti-Trump shills so economically retarded?

Why does listening to them talk about the American economy have the same effect as breathing in paint thinner fumes? Is there any way we could convert this level of stupidity into energy so California could finally get the green energy they always wanted?

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because they believe every single retarded lie they're told by their retarded commie professors and the retarded talking heads on some retarded shill channel and the absolute fucking retarded trash on whatever retarded blogs they read

>We'll build a wall and ̶M̶e̶x̶i̶c̶o̶ tax payers will pay for it!

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The US federal deficit soared to $310 billion to start fiscal year 2019, up 77% from the year before
>Fiscal years for the federal government run October through September, so the data reflects the shortfall from October 2018 through January 2019. Based on the data, the deficit increased by 77% compared to the same period the prior year. The shortfall was due to a 9% increase in federal spending, while tax revenues dropped by 2%.

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In Blow to Trump, America’s Trade Deficit in Goods Hits Record $891 Billion
>America’s trade deficit in goods with the rest of the world rose to its highest level in history last year as the United States imported a record number of products, including from China, widening the deficit to $891.3 billion and delivering a setback to President Trump’s goal of narrowing that gap.

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Okay but the debt is still sitting at $1T.

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Deficit dumbass, and Trump increased it.

Deficit doesn't mean shit until the debt increases.

TRUMP os a kike puppet.

(You) os a cock puppet.

Trump wants debt ceiling hike passed quickly, will not link to wall funds: Mnuchin
>A debt ceiling suspension expired in March, and the Treasury has employed extraordinary measures to continue to borrow under the limit. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that these measures would last until September or October.

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Mick Mulvaney admits Trump admin is ‘spending a bunch of money on stuff we’re not supposed to,’ as U.S. debt soars
>Mulvaney made his comments in response to Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows recent accusations that the former Office of Management and Budget director was “losing” after his administration helped contribute to a record-high national debt of $22 trillion.

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>we built 1,7 miles of wall!
>Oy Vey, a group of boomers managed to build 2 miles in a week out of their own pocket in one of the most dangerous places, better fucking shut it down!

>U.S. debt soars
Still not seeing it. Perhaps because Trump is cutting costs else where.

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I mean, it's not like the Democratic Party has a monopoly on economic stupidity. Tariffs and some other right-wing policies (like starve the beast) don't have much economic basis either. It's probably just cognitive dissonance; you're more likely to notice the people who disagree with you are stupid than the people who agree with you.

So you had these all lined up for your bait thread like the shill faggot that you are

Trump works to maintain illusions of progress, as his main promises go unfulfilled
>Yet the bill included just $1.375 billion to construct new bollard fencing on 55 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border — far short of the $5.7 billion he demanded. So far, the only construction underway has been repairs to existing stretches of wall, built under his predecessors.

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They have only their handlers as teachers.

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"ohhh haha I'm gonna spen 10 minutes lining up 10 links then bait them in here,,,,,then POW!!!! BTFO!! HAHAHHAAAAAHHAA"

WHat a fucking faggot

Obama leaf has developed a portfolio of bullshit to inadvertently cocaine threads he doesn't agree with.

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Oh wow, seems you struck a nerve OP Look at the poor leaf.


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>Why are people who are too stupid to do one thing too stupid to do another thing?

The biggest mystery of the universe, user.

and back to the points i was trying to share

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You and your loser butt-fuck buddy are prepping bait threads like fucking losers. Have sex, faggots, with each other. Stop wasting time with such elaborate plans

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Border crossings by undocumented migrants in March hit 12-year high
>U.S. officials encountered more than 103,000 undocumented immigrants crossing the country's southwest border in March, Homeland Security officials said Tuesday. The DHS officials said that Customs and Border Protection is holding more than 13,000 immigrants, and that Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which holds immigrants long term, is at capacity. As a result, hundreds of migrants families are being released to nonprofit organizations or simply dropped off at bus stations.

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OP your picture gave me fucking aids.

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Trump administration launches global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality
>The U.S. embassy is flying in LGBT activists from across Europe for a strategy dinner to plan to push for decriminalization in places that still outlaw homosexuality — mostly concentrated in the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean.

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Dear god no he is not my fuck-buddy lol. You can tell his fuck buddies apart from the rest of Jow Forums because they metaphorically suck his dick.

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Is there any way we could convert this level of stupidity?
You'd have to add in some Migapede stupidity first

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>Everything I don't like is a slide thread

Total immigration to U.S. ties all-time record
>The U.S. has just tied its all-time record for new immigration — both legal and illegal — back in 2016, with 1.75 million arrivals according to a new study Wednesday. The surge was driven chiefly by Latin America, which saw its numbers double from about 335,000 to 668,000 pushing it past Asia as the top-sending region.

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Yeah......The Assad chemical attack from 2017 as te dates in your graphic state...nice reverse op attempt faggot

Trump says he agrees '100%' with keeping U.S. troops in Syria
>Two months after saying all U.S. troops are leaving Syria, the president wrote members of Congress that he agrees with keeping a U.S. presence in Syria.

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I think obamaleaf made a bot.

>Trump shills so economically retarded

Remember those one-time bonuses some big companies announced at the start of 2018, when a large corporate tax cut went into effect? They added up to $28 per American worker.


Other aspects of the Trump tax cuts were barely more generous to ordinary workers in 2018, according to new analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service. The law slashed the average corporate tax rate companies actually pay by 48%, while cutting the average rate for individuals by just 4%. The tax cuts had a minimal impact on GDP growth last year, and overall incomes rose just 2% when adjusted for inflation.


“On the whole,” CRS found, “the growth effects [of the tax cuts] tend to show a relatively small (if any) first-year effect on the economy.”

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>Impose 5% Tariff
>Everything from Mexico increases 5%
>Americans pay 5% More

>LOOK LOOK "Mexico is paying for the Wall"


Large corps weren't the only ones who got a massive tax cut too. Lowest Bracket gets a $12k tax deduction which effectively makes their taxes $0. Even though incomes have not increased, money has gone back into the pockets of americans who are in turn putting back into the economy through spending.

This is why I do not trust professionals these days.

>this won't force companies to move to the United states like the other tariffs did

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Why are you a fag?

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They don't know shit, they're just told to do whatever they can think of to drive people away from Trump. If you've been around long enough you can watch them all pivot at once like a flock of cows.

>Move your entire production & company
>Charge mutt consumers 5% more
Hmm... which is more likely...?

But lets say they DO move to avoid Tariff,
So then there is no 5% Tariff income
HOW is Mexico paying for the wall???

It is going to gradually increase to 25% by october. So they are going to have incentive to move.

>doesn't realize the tariffs are a tool to get the other side to the negotiating table
Dumb as a canadian.

Trump is economically retarded

That might work

so WHY didnt he do this 2 years ago????

And you are literally retarded.

you should stop bootlicking, you know he is a failed businessman who went bankrupt multiple times, evaded tax and isn't going to build the wall but ok keep coping if it makes you feel better

Focusing on other things. He's one man, user.

Have you been paying any attention at all? Do you know this isn't like a videogame where you press buttons to see what happens then if you fuck up you savescum and try a different set of buttons? Do you know what political capital is? Do you know what a mandate is?

>same old tired corporate media memes that aren't even half true
It's all so tiresome.

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Do you know to not put infeasible promises and then pretend to make excuses about it

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You're such an inbred retard and you've been taught to blindly hate for so long you can't figure out what Trump is. I know what you are though, whether you know it or not.

Trump is pro-corporate which explains why he arrested Julian Assange

>any critique of Trump is now anti-trump, especially when it is about his love for Israel first and Jews

wew lad

I agree 100% but I feel the same way about Trump supporters. Republicans and Democrats are the same and they’re destroying the country.

>im just going to through out random unsubstantiated accusations in the hopes you stop supporting trump
Yes, I know.

How come sub Shara's niggers don't fuck their doughters, sisters and cousins? Looks fake.

>if you criticize a incompetent president you are a shill
Nice to see you became the same NPCs you despised oh and btw you should stop name calling people to cope

When all the shariah blue shills started saying the same thing at the same time, someone with a brain would get suspicious. Maybe you aren't a shariah blue shill yourself, but you fell for the memes anyway, and you DON'T get paid to spam them.

You repeating the same old tired tripe without even trying to back it up is not criticism, it's shilling.

It's not random, he didnt give two shits about julian case of blatant censorship, he could have the chance to improve his credibility but he threw it of because he didnt want to destroy his corporate elitist relationship

>completely ignoring his successes despite the large amount of rich and degenerate people stonewalling him at every turn is critique

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They're either too stupid or accidentally geniuses for not keeping records. Most of them don't even know how is babby formed.

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Julian Assange's story isn't over. The corporate elite (whoever the fuck that is, give names) hate Trump. They trip over eachother to insult the man, well they did, until the Mueller shit ended with nothing.

Who the fuck is stonewalling him, famous singers support him, his buisness partners support him and millions of sheep like you but ok because
>orange man good

isnt the trade deficit the result of mutts wanting everyone elses products because its cheaper?

yeah thats why he is a booming billionaire with thousands of assets and bunch of towers in NY, you got me he truly hates the elite

>Who the fuck is stonewalling him
Do you watch anything other than CNN over there in dumbfuckistan?
You clearly don't care enough to even do a 5 second search.

Oh. That explains it perfectly, thank you.

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Yeah he has all that stuff because he's such a failed businessman who had to file bankruptcy a bajillion times.

Here's what i think,
Re-election is coming up
Trump has to PRETEND to be a "nationalist" again.
IF he wins re-election,
He goes straight back to being an israel first globalist.

>nearest safest port
>goes to italy instead
I know tunisa probably had nothing to do with the migration crisis but the thought of italy's asshole being perma gaped because of NGOs get me going.

>Trump has to PRETEND to be a "nationalist" again.
Oh so you can read minds now. Neat. What am I thinking of calling you right now? I'll give you a hint, it starts with F and ends with T.

>Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya
>No repeal and replace Obamacare
>Trump couldn't stop the caravan
>Trump couldn't end DACA
>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act
>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law
>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood
>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban
>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs
>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria
>Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO
>Anti bds law
>Gave israel 38 billion
>Increased the National debt by $2trillion
>Gave the 1% a tax cut
>Farmers bill
>Omnibus bill
>Amnesty bill
>Crime 'reform' bill
>No unclassified FISA
>No Awan indictment
>No Uranium One investigation
>No voter fraud investigation
>No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation
>Sessions did nothing
>Pedogate has vanished
>Assange has vanished
>55k sealed indictments went nowhere
>Hired a bunch of neocons
>Continued middle eastern wars
>Ramping up for even more wars
>Global LGBT crusade

>Full amnesty omnibus Bill

>Summary of bill:

>Combating European Anti-Semitism Act

>Assembles a cabinet of bankers, generals and chickenhawks who precum to the thought of war with Iran.
>'Gives' Israel Jerusalem.
>'Declares' all jewish settlements to be Israeli land.
>pulled out of missile treaties with Russia
>fired McMaster and replaced him with Bolton because McMaster dared to criticize Israel
>the Trump Dept of Education makes it illegal to criticize Israel at public universities as it constitutes 'antisemitism'

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first word came to mind: Fat.

What will stand out in the historic record is how detached the Trump administration was from the real economy & the denizens.

He and all the Presidents Men claiming how fantastic everything is and the greatest economy ever will not even be close when compared to the historic data.

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Traitors on the inside are

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Killary and king nigger are directly responsible for the migrant shit circus in Europe right now because their actions lead to the death of Gaddafi.
>"There are millions of blacks who could come to the Mediterranean to cross to France and Italy, and Libya plays a role in security in the Mediterranean,"
>"Libya may become the Somalia of North Africa, of the Mediterranean. You will see the pirates in Sicily, in Crete, in Lampedusa. You will see millions of illegal immigrants. The terror will be next door," he

Feels over reals..

>Oh so you can read minds now.
I judge his ACTIONS.

>>No unclassified FISA

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Most presidents get court blocked it's not a big deal

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Yet you gloss over all the good he's done despite the constant obstruction from king nigger holdovers.
Tell me, of all the democrat candidates running right now, which one stands the best chance of fulfilling that big list of shit you posted?

Continue thinking that but Nationalist is not isolationist. Civic nationalism is what nationalism was called before ethnonationalism became a thing and distinguished itself. He turned the economy around. America can now destroy the world by crashing the world market they control. There are too many jobs available. Consumer's buying power is up. The wall eventually got it's funding and a large portion of it is already built

Pretty nationalist so far.

>Dems wan to protect only legal spics

it may or may not be true

Civic nationalism is what made USA 56% it was created large amounts of illegal immigrants

Just like with Assange, you and many others have been duped into watching this spectacle unfolding and likening it to an HBO drama. You expect things to be resolved in a single season when the reality of the situation is you only just started paying attention to politics because of Trump.

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