It's happening

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>No more money for Israel

Thank god.


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This desu framalap

>follow your leader to fight for Israel, give your penises to Israel, and give billions of your tax dollars to Israel, and also sell hundreds of billions of weapons to saudi arabia
wow i feel so MAGA

What is a virtual certainty?

>believing anything Cucker Tarlson says




I don't know why he used this clickbait title but it was still a good segment.

If you think the money for Israel would get cut off just because Trump isn't in office then you are truly naive.

Tucker is still the only guy attacking problems like automation, amazon, immigration, corruption where he blames both sides, and so forth. He is clearly very embarrassed about being paid by these guys but that doesn't mean those guys and tucker aren't right.

It's because he has children, lots of children. Those are issues that are going to define their quality of life.

That the Democrats are going to waste all their time and damn themselves politically dragging out an impeachment process that will run flat into a wall if it ever even reaches the Senate.

Gonna backfire like the Clinton impeachment.

They should go after and censure the corrupt neocon cabinet members and other executive officals. That way, it's much more palatable to people and doesn’t make a huge shitstorm in the congress.

Lmao, Tucker has generational wealth that will last to his kids kids kids kids, if he just invests it normally. He's fine.

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Investing normaly doesn't prevent your negroidspic majority populace from voting in communism then killing you.


I like Tucker, but I know he's not a Glenn Greenwald or a Sy Hersh, he presents news and narratives in a fashion that is easy to digest for me (not spending 22 minutes out of every hour apologizing to fags, blacks and mexicans over nonsense)- thats all.

He is infotainment, and far from a beacon of truth. Anyway, his little segment there said that dems seemed to be united on impeachment, but that it would fail, waste a ton of time, and hurt them, which I more or less agree with.

I don't blame him for getting pissed at that guy for attacking the very platform he gave him, just like he did at Davos. Tucker makes about 7 million a year keep in mind and has to keep the show running smoothly.

It's fucking true! A peachmint just flew over my house

it will be the dumbest thing they could ever do but whatever.... ill watch them burn their house down around them

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This right here

People keep showing that one video and thinks it discredits Tucker completely somehow. He speaks the truth far more than any other person in the mainstream media and whether people like it or not he has to play the game to stay on TV to get his message out there. The people who think he should just go all the way and go full 1488 on everyone will do nothing but get him kicked off the air and silence the points he makes about various issues. That in itself sounds pretty subversive to me.

>we need to lock her up!

Literally nothing will happen. It will,be egg on the Democrats’ faces for 2020 as well.

REEE! Tucker is a tranny shill from discord! He's just still sething Hillary didn't get elected!

Trump is not getting impeached, he has build the wall (in Israel) and continues winning! You're just mad librluls!

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Impeachment proceedings will last about as long as it takes for Cocaine Mitch to fart.

Tucker was saying Dems are going all on on it, not that he will definitely get impeached. Just that they’ll try. He probably doesn’t come up with the bars on the bottom himself.

Wrong nice try incel !!maybe have some sex and you will think straight

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Impeaching someone for obstructing justice for a crime they didn't commit. wew

Glenn Greenwald took everything Snowden gave him, released less than 10% of it to the public, and did who knows what with the rest. He's a degenerate jew faggot.

The president cannot be impeached unless he has committed a crime. There is no evidence of wrongdoing on the president's part. There was no collusion with Russia. Innocent until proven guilty, and Mueller has failed to prove guilt in any capacity.

>impeaching a president because he hurt some faggots feelings


Hurray and who will take his place? Pence?

Stop posting.

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>automation a problem

Learn 2 code or starve fag, survival to the fittest.


Tucker is one of very few in the news media who will criticize the CIA in 2019. He's going to be gradually poisoned until his skin turns gray and all his hair falls out, all the while leftists will gaslight anyone who says there's anything suspicious going on.

impeached for what? and if you know what, then where is the evidence?


They won't succeed in Impeachment.
Trump is a genius tactician though, Pence is a born-again evangelical catholic nuclear retaliation to any success at deposing Trump. So if they somehow did do the impossible, with American sentiment thinking the government just betrayed them with someone like Pence in charge,

it'll be a cleansing bloodbath.

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No you shill! Trump is still winning! It's not like he can just stop sucking jewish cocks, the congres is making him do so! The wall will be build, eventually, any day now, just you watch!

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>it'll be a cleansing bloodbath

Sounds good, get on with it already...


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I don't agree on Tucker's stance but it is still a problem because a the value of menial labor is reduced to even less and there's a lot of basic jobs people do in our country that could be easily automated. Imagine 25 years every restraunt chain becomes automated. What's that going to do the economy? Well the only way people who have the skillset to compete against AI are going to have a job, and a lot of other people are going to have a hard time competing, so they'll demand socialism to survive as the money is suctioned up by corporations who invest in automation.

Wonder if trump even wants to be president for four more years. Shit has to have taken a serious toll on mental and physical health


Why do /ptg/ boomers worship Tucker Carlson? The vast majority of the shit he says is just being written by other people and read by him off a teleprompter.

>doesn't think the next chosen pawn will continue the scam

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Yeah that's called being on cable television retard. Doesn't mean Tucker Carlson isn't the only person on table television who seems to have a grapple on what most of our actual issues are.

>table television
>who seems to have a grapple
Yanks is dumb

The fittest ain't gonna be the moron who learned to code dumbass, it's going to be the biggest nigga who beat the most code monkeys up for their lunch money

I'm on dude weed leaf

How is that different from any speech or monologue ever delivered by anyone who can afford to hire a writing staff? Imagine being so retarded you think this is a deep insight.

Impeached to cause a public scandal so Joe Biden can win the election. The evidence is irrelevant.

if he gets impeached people will actually die...

This lol. Impeachment will be the biggest moment of dem self-ownage that Trump could ever wish for.

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His impeachment will just serve to distract everyone from the invasion happening at the border until the 2020 campaign gets into full swing, which will continue the distraction until 2021. And then a new distraction will be contrived.

>How is he any different
He's not, that's my point.

Trump is a master at strategy and negotiation. Also the GOP fully stands behind him and his new globbohomo agenda. So the impeachment is not happening.

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They're straight out saying "it needs to be on tv". The whole purpose is to effect the elections and shape public opinion. It's going to backfire on them though, even my liberal parents have told me that it's clear he didn't collude with russia and the media needs to let it go.

Impeachment proceedings very different from actual impeachment. Pelosi knows it's a sketchy play otherwise she'd have pushed earlier. If retarded dems go for it it will only help trump

If they actually bother to try hed simply demand evidence theyd never be able to provide and affirm without a doubt everything hes said about these traitorous fucking kikes. Making 2020 a landslide

Let them try, it’ll be great watching it all fail. Career suicide for dozens of congresscretins is a good thing, sweetie.

You don't have a point. People had this same objection to Obama because he was praised for being a great intellectual and orator, but he was just reading some Jewish writer's words. Unlike with Obama, nobody is praising Tucker for his oration or calling him a genius. Rather, he's being praised for expressing a point of view that is unique in the news media. Who precisely wrote the words is irrelevant.


The evidence is irrelevant. The point is to put a scandal on television to be on everyone's minds. You know that normies are too stupid to understand what's going on. The very fact that the Senate will have a trial is enough for them to vote for Biden.

Let them try, it’ll be great watching it all fail. Career suicide for dozens of congresscretins is a good thing, sweetie.

Lots of things are going to get cut off if Trump is driven from office.
Kno my drift.

Q predicted this would happen

>comparing a news anchor to the POTUS
Presidents have to work hard to reach that point and make life and death decisions, routinely. The qualifications for news anchors are verbal skills and nice hair.

He is owned, operated and paid by the same kikes that push degeneracy on children via Disney movies. It just baffles me to see so many faggots on Jow Forums constantly praising how "based and redpilled" he is for telling them what they want to hear.

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Maybe he’ll get impeached like clinton. That seemed to matter a lot and was a good use of resources

many libs are actually seething at the radical left right now, they're just too lazy to say it but you can bet your bottom dollar that they hate people like AOC as much as conservatives do. something is going to happen to make them snap and it will be hilarious and true happening when they finally speak up

and his kids have to interact with the world you know, they can't just be shut in bubbles forever. jesus why don't you boomers always fail to see the big picture.

>dude just get a CS degree lmao
do reddit refugees unironically fall for the STEM meme? do they enjoy working with pajeets for 4 years or are they actualy pajeets?

>Pence is a born-again evangelical catholic nuclear retaliation to any success at deposing Trump
ahahahahahahaha good one, this guy is a flat out neocon that would push the GOP agenda forward like Trump but the media would salivate over how "professional' it looks.

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Ah, the halcyon days of 2015, when Trump tweeted about black crime. Now President Kushner is calling Biden a racist for supporting the '94 Crime Bill that put away so many black criminals that crime rates dropped massively. The GOP has unironically taken up the 2014 BLM agenda as its own.

>Impeached by a Republican senate majority

>they'll surely vote Republican this time!

There blowing there load way to early on this.

How exactly was Tucker in the wrong here? He invites a guy onto his show to talk about real issues and even agrees with him on many points. (((Bregman))) was being a combative asshole for no reason and was just an autistic sperg looking for an argument. He personally attacked Tucker and his employer so Tucker just killed the segment.

And the narrative that this was "censored" by not airing is also bullshit. Shows like Tucker contain 5 blocks (A-E). A and E are usually live. Some of the other segments can be live as well. But usually 1-2 are taped segments. They may film 3-4 segments and only end up airing the best 2. Tucker figured out part way through what a shitty segment this guy was producing and just killed the entire thing.

The fact that (((Bregman))) was filming the entire time shows that he was planning this shit all along.

the house impeaches, senate convicts.
they can impeach him, but it won't work.

Holy fuck. Please learn the proper form of that word. You look like a moron.

the Youtube comments are embarrassing. Make Jow Forums seem smart

>america loves trump cant impeach

No they don't

>innocent until proven guilty

Obstruction of justice

>obstruction of justice
so when Clinton replaced his FBI director right after he was elected, he obstructed every case the FBI was working on at that moment?

I double dare you to Impeach Trump.

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He said America loves Trump, not you anti-American plebbit swine.

And he tried to oust Mueller

on June 17, 2017 Trump called White House counsel Don McGahn at home "and directed him to call the Acting Attorney General and say that the Special Counsel had conflicts of interest and must be removed."

"McGahn did not carry out the direction, however, deciding that he would resign rather than trigger what he regarded as a potential Saturday Night Massacre," the report said.

The Saturday Night Massacre refers to an effort by US president Richard Nixon in 1973 to thwart the Watergate investigation.

triggered over jewtube comments? you must be furious reading Jow Forums lmao

hello jew

post the 2019 memes


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If singles he's president for life and lives to 103

if dub.s he dies from a burger induced heart attack

>he's not a Glenn Greenwald or a Sy Hersh
So not a subversive kike then?

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He is retarded for attacking the company that has given him a platform. It makes other companies less likely to give him the same opportunity. It hurts his own career. It was a childish and retarded, attention seeking move.

If you really listen to the shit Tucker Carlson has to say with your brain switched on you'll come to realize that he is a low key socialist / commie.
Always sneaking socialist bullshit in and selling it as if its a conservative or republican idea.
Hes a fucking rat.

well, who cares?
the democrats are going to start impeachment preceedings, because they can (there are no requirements to start them), and then the republicans will shut them down.
it's just political theater, they know this isn't going anywhere; they need talking points about "trump being impeached".

fake and gay.

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i suck at this

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If your conservative/ republican ideas are the ones that sent our middle class to China and flooded our country with Central American slaves then you can shove them up your ass.

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why dont you just go read something instead of forming questions as insults on Jow Forums?
you will get your answers faster.