Cycling is the whitest sport in the world

You can't call yourself white or European if you don't own a touring bike

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I've never seen a negro curling.
Just saying

Nogs are petrified of Cycling and Swimming

hunting and hiking is white. niggers live in cities

You'll see more cyclists in Asia than in Europe, OP. Don't be a fucking faggot!


You do realize most "niggers" before colonization were NOMADIC herders and HUNTER-GATHERERS, right?

And now all they hunt and gather is weed and yeezys

you mean killing endangered gorillas? fuck niggers they don't know shit. only half decent niggers are abos.

we talk about hobbies not something people had to do because they were too low iq to develop modern civilisation

How come white people only specialize in sports where they can have twink bodies?

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Strongest man on earth. Pic related.

Fuck you Nigger.

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You know what I always found amazing? Go online and price out a pair of skis and bindings. 500 to a grand, easy. Go to any ski resort. Hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment just laying around at all times. No one locks it up, no one steals it. The entire country used to be like this.

yeah great way to kill your ball sack
show your real flag rabbi
of course you want only whites to ride push bikes has Jow Forums ever seen a healthy looking bike rider?

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cave diving
base jump

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Very good, very good. We should keep cycling, my fellow goyim. Just ignore the Aussie shitposter. The planet is overpopulated anyway, male fertility is literally a non-issue.

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Roadies are fags.

Get a real bike, like a mountain bike, and hit the trails. Stop being some faggot road hazard. A place bicycles don't belong.

Saw a nigger on a bike in the Giro the other day

>muh strongman

That guy is no where near athletic. That's just a bunch of droids and synthol. True strength and power comes from real athletic activities that require strength and speed, basketball, hockey, football are all good example. The mountain wouldn't even be able to run for 30 seconds straight without risking having a heart attack.

wtf are you on about niggers steal bikes all the time

I really do never see niggers taking selfies while on camping trips.. they don’t go camping or even go on hikes. They enjoy their concrete jungles

no niggers allowed

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White men invented bikes my dearest fellow.

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Spot the nigger ( hint, you can't ).

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>Nigger cope

Whites are just better than blacks across all spectrums. Greatest footballers? Messi and Ronaldo. Even some 17 year old white kid in Texas is BTFOing Bolts records.

I bike but I hate faggots nearly causing accidents acting like they're a car that belongs on the road.
We don't have a bike lane, get on the shoulder if you have to and use the fucking bike path you're constantly parallel to.
Use the bike path, you're not that fast it's not dangerous.

I have a flat bar ultegra.

Leave it to Sweden to crush your illusions.

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Fuck cyclists they fucking behave like they're a car on the road when there's a fucking bike road just beside them and when you confront them they tell you they are fast enough and you should slow down like what the fuck you're doing 30 on a 90kph road fuck you

I think it's time for pol to address the Cyclist Question. Why do White men start behaving like kikes the instant they get on a bicycle? There is nothing more infuriating than an uppity pedal nigger who believes the words "right of way" actually apply to them.

Hang the pedal niggers, gas the Lycra kikes.