Fuck white people, actually just white men. I like fucking your women though

Fuck white people, actually just white men. I like fucking your women though.

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Jew. Move along chans...

I like to pretend I'm a nigger when I'm eating my own shit. I rub it all up in my face, just like an animal. Are you mad yet, get mad.

lmao what?

Unironically slaughter every nigger like the cattle they are

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Pretty much, Asian guy here, I always fuck white women, pink pussy is the best.

nah, jews are more subtle
this is most likely a hapa or asian faggot, theyre more obnoxious and pathetic but overall less harmful than kikes
both should be treated with disdain though

based asian brotha


You big fucking baby. What's wrong with you that your so damn immature man. Take a brake for fucksakes you think your the next best thing around here. I've been at this site for 8 fucking years & you take the cake dickhead with your fucking pathetic arrogance. I've seen you at times telling others how glad you were to have them at Jow Forums like you were management for fucksakes. Here's a news flash for you, your approach to being somebody at Jow Forums is going to stay right were it fucking is, in your fuckuing imagination, they don't want pretenders & that's were you blew it you big asshole wannabe. God damned I'm fed up with you & your self righteous bullshit, This isn't reddit.

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i dont know this pasta

i lifted it from the comments section at kaotic dot com, substituted the website names.

>Fuck white people, actually just white men. I like fucking your women though.
You wish you stupid faggot only 8 percent of white women date outside of their race and those are the ones no self respecting white man would fuck anyway so you can have their nasty asses. You going to repeat the muh dick lie now? I can debunk that shit too you joke of a human.

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I don't blame you for enjoying our women, yours suck...

seething whiteboi

You're literally a poster boy for intellectual inferiority.

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Don't black people sling their feces when they are anxious or enraged? I thought I read somewhere that it's a involuntary reflex...

I live in Israel, we have blacks, your kind is like nothing for israely girls here. We have no racemixing propaganda all over the media and I personally witnessed close to zero (((white)))-black children here. Don't think you have any powers besides those we gave you - what was given can be (and will be) taken easily by the givers. You are nothing and always will be, now get back to the cotton field.

You tell him chaim.

hahahahahahah stay mad wh*tey

Fucking. Dumb. Underage. Nigger

I hate white women, because there idiots, can you kill them after you fuck em plz thanks

That is because your women are complete shit.

Based and ZOGpilled

Okay kill you later buddy

black women look like black dudes with wigs. You guys are completely interchangeable.
No wonder you would prefer any alternative.

There's pretty light skinned girls out there, but dark skinned girls are repulsive and they all have bad attitudes. sorry your shit literally looks like roast beef ho

Holy fuck based

fuck your race and talmud, kike

based, however i will still gas you on sight filthy rat kike

> 97 % of white man exclude black women
I agree. I challenge someone to show me an attractive black woman.

Point Taken!

Germans make up the remaining 3%.
Used to work in a bar (S.africa) that had a lot of German dudes drinking. (Merceded Benz factory in town).
They would always rock up with the most basic straight out the bush floppies, everyone would be staring at them thinking "what the fuck?!"

Fuck monkey niggers and cuck crackers. Long live Israel!

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>YOUR women
Because, subconsciously, you know they aren't yours.

Maybe still better than this

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no excuses.


>muslim flag
You rat faced satanic fucks can't keep from subversion for one minute can you.

Lol, comic shows blue jewish eyes.

Those are not yours you Untermensch faggots.

You're allowed to hate your masters, it doesn't matter.

This is considered the most attractive black woman lol

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Could be a Ron Perlman tweet if you replace 'a nigger' with 'Donald Trump'

Based, fuck inferior niggas