Do americans realise that to 90% of the world, they're the bad guys?

do americans realise that to 90% of the world, they're the bad guys?

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The weak should fear the strong.

We know we just don't care.

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Only brown people think that and they would all rather live there than their own shit countries

>dont care
>get fucked

American individualism has kind of destroyed the west, but things would be a lot worse without America, for example if America didn't become the superpower it is today communism would have destroyed all of western Europe maybe even including the UK.

America is a complicated mess, that is the best way to put it!

>Q: why don't you care about what i think of you?
>A: i don't even know where your country is on a map

We don't really care.

Do we care about that? Are we caring about that, fellow burgers?

the american psyche perfectly summed up

Nice post cunt.

Enjoy being Chinese if you ever piss us off. Shame, apart from your general liberal pussy politics and views, you fucks are good people in my book. Nice beer too, and your women know how to stop fucking eating. Cheers.

I hate them as much as you do, they will learn in due time.

If you faggots didn't bomb Dresden communism wouldn't have spread beyond Russia

You think those arent all the same person?

From my perspective, 90% of the world is the bad guy.

i blame the glorious revolution and the French revolution.

most americans are too busy worrying about what goes on in their unimportant lives to worry about what part of the world their zog masters are fucking up.

I support the Sinofication of australia, I am half-Han my self

>Implying you're gonna do anything

Half the countries that consider us the bad guy just don't like that we run the planet. The other half want the secret sauce that gives America its power and are deluded enough to think they can steal America's power and retain their identity. And they still eat at McDicks or KFC.

Might makes right. We literally cannot be the bad guys because we are the ones who decide who the good and bad guys are.

Get fucked etc.

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Why does my post imply that I will do something about it? Dumb zoomer retard

burgers are amazing and yes nobody cares what shitskins think. sage

>I support the Sinofication of australia, I am half-Han my self

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What are you gonna do about it, bitch

Does OP realize Americans can tell a lying lymenigger when they see one?

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nobody will do a thing.
America will destroy itself. It is well on the way.

it is coming sooner than you think, and then we will be free of american influence

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Jow Forums Americans -- yes
Not Jow Forums Americans -- no, completely oblivious good goys.

Wake me up when the PLAN can get past the south asia sea without losing half its fleet or being blockaded out of its own ports lmao

dO AuStRALiaNs ReaLiZe tHaT tO 90% oF ThE WoRlD ThEY aRE AuSTriAn?

China becoming exponentially more powerful, your days as hegemon are numbered.

I dunno man you're closer to them than we are, you're more in danger from China. Wait what am I saying Australia is a Chinese colony.

Which population you think will replace you faster? The Chinese or Muslims?

Good. America has no allies. America needs no allies.

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You can love us or you can hate us as you wish. We do what is in our interests and we will not stop for you.

>imagine thinking America isn't the only bastion for hope amd righteousness on Earth
Even now in its distracted and less-than-ideal state, America is the greatest nation. What the fuck did Australia ever do? Go fuck an abbo.

hate us cause they ain't us

French Revolution and Fall of the Czar were disastrous events.

I work with a guy that immigrated from Tehran five years ago. He would laugh in your face. All but the religious nut jobs like us. And that’s Iran you fucking moran. KYS

I sleep, chang. Have sex.

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do other nations not realize that we have a government occupied by Jews and Christian Zionist that all support Globalism? The average American doesn't support our troops policing the world. How about you deal with your shithole islands Muslim problem and stop worrying about America

110%, the world would be a very-very different place, but oh-well we've got to fix things now ourselves.

Side note If Russia didnt turn communist today it would be 2.5x richer than than America GDP, that still taking into account they went into ww2 & had the cold war, crazy!

Yay the RAF was getting revenge for ww1 & ww2 Blitz attacks.

Also just so you know the UK wanted to kick Russia out of central Europe but America had had enough fighting on two fronts & wanted a quick end to the war, that was the main reason for the nukes dropping in Japan, to put a end to the war & to warn the Russians to stop & not take over any more of Europe.