National geographic have determined how Russians are gonna look like in 2050, and its beautiful

>national geographic have determined how Russians are gonna look like in 2050, and its beautiful

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Kys kike

Isn't this how Bulgarians look today? Three quarters Turkish?

Russians and Bulgarians are both not slavs

>This was stated by the doctor of historical sciences, senior research fellow of the Institute of Ukrainian History of the National Academy of Sciences Borys Cherkas

>"Among the Slav peoples, there are two peoples who are not Objective Slavs, but Slavicized - they are Bulgarians and Russians. The problem is that the Bulgarians do not hide it, but rather show it all the multifaceted history , its uniqueness, its ability to find a common language between the Turks and the Slavs. In Russian history, on the contrary: they are offended when you say this to them, they do not recognize it and never recognize it. And while they will recognize Kiev as their history, we We will have these problems - which we had in the past, today we have and will be in

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Bulgarians are turks, change my mind

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Russia 2020

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Some Ukie says something anti-Russian, quick alert the media.

All the Balkans are a mix. Ukrainians have Iranian blood and who knows what else. Russia is multi-ethnic with all kinds of lineages.

Big whoop retard. Wait til you find out on Wikipeida how mutty almost all countries are.

Why are you guys feed this nigger?

Was hoping for fresh bait instead of this canned stuff

Fetal alcohol syndrome

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Russia is the main reason white people are going extinct they are the jews most vicious golem. propagated racemixing and nigger acceptance in the west, allied with nigger beasts to genocide proud whites from rodesia and south Africa, promoted tolerance for gypsies in the Balkans ,before Russians we used to burn gypsy scum alive in barnsbut when the besat from the east came gyppos become protected class who can live and mix with us freely

for the white mans existence to continue the Mongolian savage hordes from the east must be slain ike the feral dog it is

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>Donald Trump has 1% of winning election

Get help retard. How many kids do you have? Zero? Why not 4? There's your answer, no need for demented conspiracies.

>and it's still better than what America will look like

kek this is the dream of the yellow fever faggots

good to know that doctors always tell the truth and that they can't be payed to say whatever

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how many kids your wife has Mr.American?

>tfw no sabina gf

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>tfw no kazakh mutt gf

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hmm, nigger that's a ton of make up not a beautiful woman

no, they look short, Jew-nosed and hairy like modern day Turks do. modern day Turks are Semitic rather than Turkic because of Arabic. cultural enrichment

They already look like that, just less attractive.
The Russian "people" are a mongrel race of Mongolian goat fuckers, and it is only recently that they have come to be regarded as anything else.

>Ukrainian History of the National Academy of Sciences Borys Cherkas
>((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Ukrainian History))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I see what you did there.
Sciences of what? Urine therapy?

>nasty gook tier eyes
No thanks
There has to be a balance for them to be attractive and gook tier eyes aren't attractive.

how are Russians handling the fact that in 30 years their country will consist mainly of Asians and a mixture of Asians/slavs/turkic?
do they even know whats going on or is putin keeping them in the dark and jails the dissidents?

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I don't fucking care i'm udmurt anyway.

its pretty amazing that even though Europe is in such deep shit(islamization in the west and gypsyfication of east) we will soon become the only place with white left
usa, Canada, nz, Australia, Russia whites there are going extinct and they are to demoralized to even give a try to stop it

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ofc you don't you'll benefit from the extinction of the russ. i'm asking you whatdo russians think about this development

They doesn't exist. All that professional (((((russians)))))) is just jews. That people who you call russians is mix of finno-ugric. tatar and slavic. All that WE WUZ SLAVS AND SHIET is tsar time propoganda for having reason to fuck turks.

wow that's grim, bro. Russians have been shilling pan-Slavism to the rest of us for the last 200 years so this is a surprise but I guess it does make sense, make themselves more appealing to the rest of us with "muh Slavic brothers" "muh orthodox brothers" only to conquer, enslave and rob us blind.
fuck Russia tbqh

Looks like a so called man from Melbourne

russians was ruled by germans, kek

>t. Turk rape baby

>ukr*nian scientists

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Ukrainians have plenty of turkic blood, too.

You idiot, all this bullshit is coming from the west itself. Even communism is a western invention, and it was western countries which harbored all the expelled bolshevik scum, financed them and helped them take over Russia and install communism. And the golem actually turned on its creator.

And you are not white, you bulgar turk larper.

Why do you worry about Russia instead of your own dying shithole? How many you lost already, more than in ww2? And more to come.

We is obviously not you. Show your skin and hair color, you swarthy mutt.

Germanic monarchy shilled that. And you love to suck germ cock so much!

A lot of Russians look like they right now. Always have. Considering their border with North/South Korea and China.

We’ll all be dead

Russians exist and existed for more than thousand years. But it doesn't have purely Slavic origin, yes. Original Rus' were Scandinavians, the state itself was founded by Varangians, Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes. Slav element was the most numerous and eventually dominated culturally and linguistically. Turkic admixture in Russians is pretty small actually.

Isn't this already how far east Russians look?

Anyways hapas are beautiful and the men benefit from high IQ

Men benefit from more than high iq. See Pic related

Nathan Adrian, for instance, is a 6'7" Olympic athlete giga Chad.

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Ikr? Hapa mongrels women are literally fucking drop dead gorgeous, pretty and pure enough that I'd consider eating their pussies.

Russian are mutts since they capture muslim republics like kazan, astrakhan.

>>slit-eyed bleached mongol chink calls me, a blue eyed thraco-daco aryan masterrace a gypsy

ass-blasted russgol occupant, take your horde and yourt and go back to your frozen tundra shithole before some white nationalist burns you to a crisp in some run down commie block in Odessa

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