Jewish Jow Forums Get in here Hebrews

This is a secret meeting: Goyim are not allowed. We plan to discuss Jewish power and domination, so be gone Aryan. Naw, I'm kidding. That's all tin foil hat conspiracy theory nonsense. We just want to live our lives and not become extinct, the same as you. Please tell me how we are different?

Attached: keks chosen people.png (500x610, 124K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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I'm 100% European. Whiter than you, Achmed.

Come on, ask me any questions. I am an open book.

Jewish collective power is one of the main forces behind the Islamification of the West.

==The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:==
Educate the general population world-wide about the Jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all Jewish interest groups in the West (along with all Muslim interest groups);
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to Israel;
Ban Islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban Judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Kosher meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about Jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.

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OK, dude, civil discourse, not propaganda.

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I want to teach all of you how to hurt (((them))).

●Start by fucking (((Wallstreet.))) 99% of mutual funds fail to beat the market average, and they charge you outrageous fees for inferior performance. They're literally fucking worthless:

●Bonds are pointless until you're close to retirement. Just another way (((they))) rip you off, if you have a 401k you're probably buying them for no reason:

●Next, close your (((bank))) account and join a credit union.

●Never give money to Ben & Jerry's, Dell, Dunkin Donuts, Facebook, H&R block, Intel, Pampers, SodaStream, Snapple, Starbucks, Victoria's Secret, Vodka Perfect, or Uzi.

●Next, science shows you can buy happiness, just don't buy all the shit (((advertisers))) wants you to buy:

●Use Firefox with the following add-ons: U-Block Origin (subscribe to all lists), cookie master, privacy badger, and https everywhere.

●If you have a son, don't circumcise him, it's just fucking retarded.

●Finally, torrent or avoid all TV and movies (I recommend RARBG and 1337x) Never ever give (((Hollywood))) your money. Ever.

Feel free to contribute.

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What do you think of how members of your race dominate the media and are subverting other nations. Or are you just a political and not personally bothered?

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I’m a universalist and don’t believe in sin.

My dude, are you open for discussion or do you just want to copypasta?

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> How are we different

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>"american jews"
Loving money doesnt make you jewish

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>What do you think of how members of your race dominate the media and are subverting other nations. Or are you just a political and not personally bothered?
OK, well I am white, so matter how you like it, I am of the white race. Seeing as though you are Portuguese, and I am Ashkenazi, I am probably far whiter than you.


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>We just want to live our lives and not become extinct, the same as you.

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>Loving money doesnt make you jewish
Dude, I know in reality it's not the case, but these people expect you to be on my side, so at least throw me a bone.

Sorry, not bait. I am Jewish. It is what it is.

So what do you think of his infographs then?

Reminder frens, Jews aren't White.

Attached: Jews_are_not_White_big_graph_4c.png (1080x9999, 3.66M)

I am not Portuguese. Also aren't Jews their own race a mixture of east European and Semite and stuff.

He is a subversive kike, he will just ignore every fact throw at him and keep trying to gather some sympathy for his subversive people.
More on this.

Attached: 6_US_court_Jews_race_not_White_1964_archive.jpg (566x714, 60K)

i don't even know what you mean. stop talking to me like i'm not human or know something you don't

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Are you into that anti-Christian book called the Talmud or whatever your silly book of superstitions is called?

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We've been in Europe for 2K years. I don't care what anyone says, we are white as fuck. I get sun burnt in 10 minutes of direct sunlight here. I am pale and white, Northern European.

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I am not being rude though. I know other Jews are often just normal people

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I agree. Also, if whites die out, Jews die out. I know not every Jew gets this, but how are we supposed to make it on our own as the last white people? Yes, we are white.

In the sense that their not the ones in power like Rothschild or Soros. Saying that a lot of them seem to have racist and far left beliefs

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>throw me a bone
Is that your gay slang for sucking dick?
Kill yourself gay, kike, commie, nazi amerimutt

Yeah I know a lot of you are pale. A lot of Jews have Semitic noses though. Also I think white, black ect are a generic term used in the US due to lack ethnic identity.

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An Israeli calling an American kike a gay is something super rich.

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מה מצב אחי

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I meant to type normal where its says other.

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Sure Shlomo

Is the far leftism a US diaspora thing then?

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>practicing the talmud
>calling yourself a hebrew

fucking kikes, every fucking time

Attached: Jews blosheviks.jpg (642x591, 65K)

What's your favorite type of goyim?

but still (((they))) oy vey we dindu nuffin, why do you persecute us so

Attached: Jew commies in Poland.png (1560x1008, 143K)

Read this.

Attached: Hostily_towards_Jews_why.jpg (1005x1666, 579K)

only remedy for the world is to exterminate you to the last

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miasma, rats, parasites, tapeworms, anything but human

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These are delicious Sephardi milkers, not even Ashkenazi, how can you deny the beauty of Jewish tits?

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I wasn't born yesterday I heard of that.

And this.

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different race
different religion(s)
the fact that whether you're colluding with each other ('conspiracy') or just have so much power that it seems that way is irrelevant. bc you've made it clear you don't care about logic you can't invert and use against us which leads to only 1 logical conclusion.

Attached: world racial history.jpg (1280x936, 485K)

oh, oh, oh, we so good we so common sense.
still all the evidence point to the contrary.

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> kike
> European

That's not possible.

Attached: 1_Rabbi_disregards_security_pushes_multi_culti.png (1217x689, 448K)

Shapiro is dishonest.

Attached: shapiro shill.png (960x478, 129K)

nobody falls for this shit anymore, except your own "fellow whiteman" shills.
go to hell and take your prostitute agents with you kikes.

Guys, I'm kind of drunk, and you are overwhelming me. I'm just a normal white guy like you, but with a 140 IQ and a bank account.

Attached: 2_Muslims_and_Jews_sticking_together_archive.png (585x578, 356K)

Shapiro is an Israel first kike who deserves the rope.

Attached: Ben_Shapiro_hyprocrisy.jpg (1024x673, 129K)

Yeah guy worked as radio host on uss iwo jima, but forgot about uss liberty.

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>I'm just a normal white guy like you
fucking invariably!!!

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While I don't blame random Jews its a fact the globalists and international finance is dominated predominately by a group of Jews.

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Shapiro is a kike, thus he deserves rope, or gas, or oven, or spike...

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Shapiro is a known hypocrite.

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how does it feel, kike, when all your previous established tactics and stratagem start to fail?

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In the curse of my job I helped a wealthy jew save some money, and then asked him if he had a place for me in is organization. He asked me to send him my contact info. Would a jew really help a goyim like that or am I just being jewed? Honest question.

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ah, you just began your journey, still clinging to that moderate notion of
Oh my sweet summer child!

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Lol at the Nick Fuentes tweet

I'd fuck her and red pill her. Jewish women are submissive if you are alpha.


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