Caring about politics when it's all controlled and staged is like sucking cocks and denying it

Caring about politics when it's all controlled and staged is like sucking cocks and denying it

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We’re all voting Trump and there’s nothing you can do about it, pedo.

Been thinking the same thing list few months

Participating or caring about politics is be almost expression of slave morality

Pic related is perfect

You’re worse than the radical centrists

*the ultimate

We'll see how ignoring everything works out for you when the streets of Italy are filled with muslims and niggers,your opinion is censored both online and offline because it's not politically correct and you can't get a job because the diversity quotas will choose a useless vagina or a foreigner over you any day

Nothing wrong with sucking cocks if you are gay. In fact it's normal.

Wow a smart thread
Havent seen one of these here since ever

extremists hate it when you don't play their game. They act like there is always only two choices. For example, abortion.

They'll never tell you about the third choice, abstention. I'm not required to pick a side.

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I think it comes down to if you wan to vote or not, or if you want to defend your opinion. Because that's whats politics is. If you don't want to defend your opinion then your a pussy dude.

No we aren't. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, huh, c-cant fool me again

Nothing wrong with sucking cocks if you are from western europe.

So in the next 10-15 years when whites are no longer the majority and since whites are basically the only people who vote for Conservative values, will you still say the same thing? Hispanics will be the majority and they mostly vote Democratic, think hate speech should be illegal, don't believe in 2nd amendment, want socialism, want bigger government, more welfare programs, etc... then what do we do?

Trump is probably not only the last Republican, but probably also the last white president... what do we do then?

>Eastern Europe
>full of trannies and closet fags
Alright fag

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So what?

Politics is theater. It’s all lies

>Yes goym vote right wing so we get to replace you """"legally"""" while kicking out 3/4 of the negroids!
Conservacucks unironically believe the right is going to save their asses.

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Read SIEGE by James Mason!

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Not voting is what everyone who doesn't agree with you wants you to do, voting is the middle finger to everyone you think are retards.
Any other opinion is straight judaism

You think voting will change that? It's morally better not to play the game. Spend your time and energy preparing for the inevitable collapse.

Fuck you goy. Vote for one of our parties!

Caring > Obsessing

based bush memes

Incredibly redpilled.

This is something that I always kept in mind.
Politics is dumb and most politicans, leaders, kings and other scum are shit tier people who should be kept out of my life as long as possible.

Politics is just reality TV for 115 IQ. It stopped being fun when the media caught up to Trump, and when Trump showed that he didnt get "it" anymore. Maybe it will pick up again in 2020, but for now, Ill go back to daydreaming of being a privateer in the mediterranean, sinking "refugee" boats off the coast of Libya.

Nihilism is like sucking year old smegma from a circumcised dick and say that you dont care.

Begone Satan you most pervasive of spooks, you won't get me to care about "causes" and spend myself for ideology.

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Politics is gay, tho.

Yes because it fucks you in the ass.
You know who else get fucked in the ass for billions of dollars? Hollywood normies and they wine and break.
Yet here we are for free and not complaining. Exept about the shills.
We can do this. Hell, we are doing it.

Underrated, based and redpilled.

True. I only supported Trump in 2016 because it was making people I hate go insane. I guess if we want to break the spirit of our enemies, you keep making them lose in these fake political battles until they snap, and then the monopoly of force than is the state, will crush them. Alright, Im back.

Botted, npcd and lobotopilled.

We now only have a chessboard and we have to play chess. Its shit but our antecessors didnt have gigabites of data per second and the kikes planned worldwide. Yet we fucking caught them.
Israel its kind of a doom for these fucks because they are being inbred as fuck and the goyim its more pissed and has acces to more information than ever.
This is gonna blow. Note the shills.
One day we will look at zionists to the face, burn the fucking chessboard and point a gun to zions eye.
Dont lose hope brother. Redpill who you can.

>Being a Jew and posting on a Buddhist Fishing forum

You're a bunch of commies.
You are worse than Spics, and I mean that.

Yeah and you are romanian.
Yes my country is fucked asshole but who do you think is fucking it? The same people that is fucking yours. Stop being a divisive faggot.

>We now only have a chessboard and we have to play chess. Its shit but our antecessors didnt have gigabites of data per second and the kikes planned worldwide. Yet we fucking caught them.
>Israel its kind of a doom for these fucks because they are being inbred as fuck and the goyim its more pissed and has acces to more information than ever.
>This is gonna blow. Note the shills.
>One day we will look at zionists to the face, burn the fucking chessboard and point a gun to zions eye.
>Dont lose hope brother. Redpill who you can.
Scripted like a fucking NPC

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Thats true, no go cook my hamburger Dylan.

>mutt memes.

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It is a theater, and goyim buy it.

Not ignoring it, just hating it. That's a difference.