Why is america such a war mongering country? Why cant it leave the rest of the planet alone...

Why is america such a war mongering country? Why cant it leave the rest of the planet alone. 600 military bases all over the planet sounds bit too much. You could feed all the hungry with that money ten times over

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Because that's how humanity works. You're always going to live under someone's sphere of influence. May as well make it your own

Excitability, this should be shoved in every Austin brain in psychology offices until they start acting normal. The only time ever you can have peace, is when you own the whole world, or they become an ally to the cause.

It's the Jewish overlords that benefit from the war machine.

Why is there a jew in the pocket

global influence is power, and power is wealth. you don't become one of the biggest empires in history by sitting at home and minding your own business.

>You could feed all the hungry with that money ten times over

Yes, we should give all our tax dollars to third world shithole dwellers so they can have enough food to not worry about having as many children as they want, eventually leading to overpopulation and causing mass migration to the West.

Glorious point. What is the cause? $$$$?

Well, its pretty much just annoying dealing with Austin, because they dont understand that humans are political animals. See all they want to do is larp about how good yet are at something they cant get a degree in. And the fucking psychologist are to stupid to teach them anything of value. So instead, we are left with beta male Austins, that sit there and fucking never shut the fuck up about how good they are. Its one of the things, they think like children thinking its all about just learning how to use technology their whole lifes, and they only ever act like men, when they feel like they are being bullied. Its like you cant bully them enough. We need to make the bullypill or something.

Lived in Portland OR. Now live in NH. Massive difference in behaviour. Not quite sure what a psychologist can do about that. But I did meet a girl out there from Austin, and the culture seemed to be similar. Out here it is a very much testosterone-driven culture. Not so much out there. Which is weird because you have this history of fucking COWBOYS.

>You could feed all the hungry
No, we could not, for in 99% of the case, the government or lack of is what is causing the famines.
We can feed the whole world, but for that we would have to give people with guns, not food.
With security and stability, people would be able to till the soil and be confident they will be the ones selling the harvest.

Litteraly perfect world

The compulsive need to help other people that we inherited from daddy UK.

why does America have peace with countries that have attacked it like Saudi Arabia but invades random countries that never did?

>600 military bases all over the planet sounds bit too much.
yeah, the white mans burden is a terrible thing. Imagine if there wasnt bases in all these mudslime or other subhuman shitholes.

[spoiler]the chinese would be there enslaving the brown folks[/spoiler]

How is raping a country to death helping it?

>feed the hungry
The hungry should feed themselves nigger. If they were to feed the hungry, then the hungry people (who are mostly 2-digit IQ fucking retards) would multiply too quickly. These people have shown to have complete disregard for environment and will create mountains of garbage. The poor are subhumans for the most part, they are diseased, dirty and frankly disgusting, greedy people. The poor don't want to get out of poverty, they want to drag everyone else down to their level.

All the people you helped

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>how is this thing that never happened something
Both the UK and US's empires COST their respective countries trillions. If any raping occurred, it is literally 180 degrees from what you are pretending.

Every country you've invaded is a smoking pile of rubbish now.

Everything on there either did not happen, or was empirically done with the intent of helping.
And for the record, I'm not saying that the outcomes were always good. The problem is that we assumed niggers and sand apes were humans. Which is a mistake for now obvious reasons.

How fucked in the head do you have to be to think you're helping someone you're raping to death?

>countries run by spics and sand apes are shit
It is stunning that you're surprised by this. Ironically, the reason our good intentions didn't work is because people believed your shitlib propaganda.

Again, this "raping to death" never happened.
That being said, yes. Liberals are sick in the head.

Okey mr goldenblum
How does droping agent orange on cietnam helping the country?

Like Japan? Show flag fag!

When you are dying in a venezuelan jungle or iranian mountains just tell yourself its not realy happening

Here's why.
You're literal slaves to the Jews.

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American Exceptionalism.

>do something
>America, why did you screw this up?

>do nothing
>America, why did you let this happen?

Yes, it did. Nobody can deny it even now, while you still have some grip on global propaganda, what do you think they'll be saying about you once chinks who will inherit the history of this century, culturally and demographically, will be the ones in control of the global narrative and writing history books?

Japan is the most degenerate country on earth

Japan among other things, it's a dead man walking, a self-hating empty husk of a nation with no children.

Japan has been a cucked proxy state since you animals nuked the shit out of them, twice.

No, that is how factory called United States of America works. Your biggest industry is war.

That's supremacist aggression, not exceptionalism. You might as well call Hitler, Stalin and Mao exceptionalists.

Being weak is the most horrifying thing that can happen to people or nations beacuse it means that someone who is stronger than you can stop you from doing the things you want or make you do things that you dont want to do. In order to get rid of this anxiety one must constantly aim for the top and beyond. America is simply playing humanitys game correctly and is currently best at it. To blame them for this is incredibly ingorant.

It helped drop communism for capitalism!

Like you would know!

Ah the JIDF in action folks!

I would also like to add that freedom is one of Americas core values which makes the pursuit of being constantly number one even more important for them because the only way to truly operate freely is to be the strongest so that no one can get in front of your goals thus limiting freedom.

So you admit it was all for the profits of capitalists and not helping the country you lying mutt.

A bitch learns after you hit them twitch!

That was at one time the structure of the world at one time, till your land and eat, we have flipped it opposite so hard that flipping it back will take more time than any of us have.

Thry sexualize children in thier cartoons.
Countless studies have shown that watching thier anime makes you a homosexual pederast

But it didn't.
All you did was slaughter 100's of thousands of soldiers and civvies while firebombing the country to shit, and you still lost.
If that isn't pure retarded incompetence I don't know what is.
You fuckers can't even win against a bunch of sandniggers in rags carrying rusty AK's even with the help of drones and remote-controlled bombs.

We helped them ya bitch! Pick up a book and learn some history moshe!

>calling others kikes
Wew lad...
But that's an easy one, you're clearly not very bright. The Viet Cong subscribed to an ideology that had not very long before intentionally starved tens of millions to death. Starving to death is a lot more horrific than death by Agent Orange. And if the Vietnamese were white and not an insect person hivemind, that thinking would have made sense.

We lost Japan? What a shill you are mr JIDF! Point and laugh children!

You try it.

>props up the retarded muh blankets lie
>chooses to pretend it's the wars that I'm saying never happened
This right here is why you faggots get thrown out of helicopters.

Lol. Nope. Try again.

>hollywood told me they dont have no bigmacs in communist land
>they litteraly starving!
>we need to throw nukes at them to save them

Thanks to idiots like you jews control our planet. You are to them what fuel is to a car

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We used to be isolationist but retarded foreigners didn't leave us alone. So we're going to keep military bases everywhere so that if we get drawn into your foreign bullshit it will be easier for us to blow you up.

>pretending not to be a child rapist
Suspension of disbelief only goes so far...

Our economy does not unction without an enemy to push over-investment.
The problem is we have had no actual enemy for longer than most people have been alive and have to constantly invent new ones over the flimsiest of excuses.
The more shocking part is how easily most people here will buy into it while not even knowing where the place they hate is on the map or who runs it.

Why are you acting so retarded? I say acting because you're capable of more. If you're a Dutch and not a foreigner.

Now you admit dying for the interest of jewish bankers. Are you schizofrenic?

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>getting cucked into fighting jew wars
If you really cared you'd fuck Israel and the Arabs in the ass since they're the ones responsible for mass immigration and Islamic terrorism.
Stop invading and fucking the wrong countries you absolute mental midget.

>the Holodomor never happened but muh smallpox blankets definitely did
This is why no one takes you faggots seriously. I clearly was talking about the intentional starvation. Hence why I used the word intentional.

America was founded with the intention of being the military branch of freemasonry and operates as such.

>muh holohoks didnt happen but the holodomor did
Do you hae anything aside for mcdonalds grease inside your skull or did a rabbi cut and suck it all out too?

Also, trying to feed and supply areas for free is what has ruined them more than anything else.
Most of the shittiest places on earth already have a constant supply of food and needed goods pumped into them for free.
They will never have a functioning economy while this continues as their people can't compete with free and will never start building up their own nation.
Also it invites in constant warbands and criminals who get fat off stealing the excess of free supplies sent, as that is the only way to get ahead in the land now, in many places the government itself are these raiders and warbands.

you know (((why)))

Yes (((capitalism)))

Wars are started and ended with gov't. Not Capitalism, Capitalism is about trade of goods not going to war for conquest of resources.

The War on Drugs is a gov't policy, not Capitalism. Capitalism would allow all drugs to be legal in their sale and production.

Poverty is exasperated by gov'ts, as is hunger, and preventable diseases resulting in death.

Genocide of Natives is a result of gov't officials, as is the Institution of Slavery.

The consistent thread to this all is gov'ts which enable all of these problems. Capitalism cannot be the cause of these deaths.

Try again controlled opposition.

Zionists love and need war. Jews have out killed any other group in world history. Jews killed more in their creation of the Soviet Union than anything before or since. Jews are continuing their war against other peoples with their control of the American government.

>I believe everything kikes say
Yeah, your flag made that very clear, faggot.

>muh government
All politicians are clowns ouned by kike bankers. President come and go
The external policy of the jewnited sharts doesnt change

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>showing flag of ideology invented by a kike and only ever pushed by kikes
>pretends classical economics are Jewish
Wew lad... Let me guess, it wasn't real Jewry when you did it?

Whats it say? Fraz and baz?

Ah yes, jews are known for wanting to create a world whithout money and banks. They also hate capitalism and want to destroy it
How many D chess are we on already? I lost track

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"Phrases and bases"

You're not wrong. I need to watch something

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>jew Marx wasn't a Jew because pointing it out hurts commies feelings
I... just wow.
And since the head of every communist experiment was insanely wealthy while the peasants lived in squalor... yes. That is literally the most Jewish thing I have ever heard, Shlomo.

I didn't invade shit. One of us might the mental midget.

The Petrodollar, that's why. SA learned the lesson the hard way in 1973 that it's better to be in cahoots with the USA than to try to go it alone.

The cowboys of the old west were mostly black and Mexican. The concept of white cowboys is nothing but a Hollywood invention of the 1920s; herding cattle is such shitty work that even back in the 1800s whites did not do that. BTW, they wore "boss of the plains" and bowler hats. The stereotypical cowboy hat is a Hollywood invention as well.

Completely under threat of collapse. It is why we take out countries. They want to trade in other currencies and bammo, you are whacked.

The problem with trading in other currencies is that the nation doing runs the risk of isolation from trading in the largest economies. Suppose China goes to the Petroyuan. They still have to sell their products to other nations to keep their population reasonably employed. Who are they going to sell to? Russia? India? Europe? Each of those nations or unions have their own problems to handle. They are not going to be charitable when they have their own shit to deal with. That leaves one place, just one that has any economic stability-the USA.

Trump closing the west coast ports to Chinese imports would be an economic nightmare for China.

Svetlana's granddaughter is an Antifa clown in Portland Oregon.

Makes you wonder about why they tried. Like the dinar.... actual gold backed types.... as opposed to fiat, which I think has a bit of a history of not working out.

So is Stalin's.

correct lol

Fuck commies. The west is the best

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>You could feed all the hungry with that money ten times over
They’re hungry for a reason.

In a way, this makes the whole Iran-Venezuela alternative currency thing a joke. Suppose they get the Petro going. Someone other than China and Russia have to buy it in order for it to get any traction and legitimacy. Europe? Weaken the Euro just for feelings? Not a chance in hell. India? They have way to many mouths to feed to be worrying about someone that already hate and someone they regard as insane. The third world has no money to spend, and are socio-economic basket cases forever on the edge of revolution. All of that leaves one nation left-the USA.

>Being that delusional

Fuck feeding the hungry. Stop taking people's money in the first place.

Taxation is theft.

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It did really happen across the soviet union. It is something normal after two consecutive wars, you know?

You realize that (((they))) did not have the intention of communism to work, but it wass all a plan tho destabilize the already crumbling Russian Empire so it would crumble into pieces.

Well, we have the power to enforce it. Still has me ponderous as to why those "leaders" opted to even try to get off this weird global system. I have read things about Gaddafi hat benefitted his country. Why would jump off that seeming bridge. He was bayonetted up his ass. That is not a pretty or comfy way to die.

Not entirely sure about it but I think Saddam had similar plans.... you get the idea.... not sure Iraq had much to do with S11.