post your political compass results
Political compass
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What the fuck does this mean? That I don't fit in anywhere?
200 IQ radical centrist
Just a little more
peak normie
why do you brainlets keep using these research sites. If you give the kikes any information they will use it against you.
god tier centrist
I explicitly rated according my personal values free from any ideology that I might, and actually do, believe in.
Mine has round edges
Now go hang your self, antifa Hippie
>if I believe it, it's real!
okay larpy
I'm pretty right-wing
Seeing a lot of faggotey in this thread...
Where is this on the chart, Jow Forums?
Hello Sargon
Pretty based
Kill yourself open borders anarkiddie
Absolutely based
Too far right
Too far Right
Too far right
Too far right
>Too far right
Nah, free markets makes the economy great
Vote for me Niggers
I don't know why I am a centrist but I think kikes should be kicked out to Israel and niggers to Africa. Muslims have to be eliminated.
They're shite and too globalist.
Cuck, probably voted for CDU/CSU
>they're shite and too globalist
Not in a free society
Nur die AFD
Idiot fucking LEAF, free market is better for the people. It's the corporations who are lobbying regulations so they won't face competition and could form de-facto monopoly protected by governments.
Nope. This is how Communism looks like.
More accurate.
Heyhey, how's it going?
I got called a Fascist on the 8values test too.
>too far right
No such thing, homosex.
You people all know this "test" is based on Adorno's "Authoritarian personality" test, right?
So then I got a high score on the "Who the Jews hate" test? Fucking based!
In Sweden if you're not at the upper left corner you're automatically a nazi.
Here's my 8values test. I recommend everyone here do it since it's a lot better than the political compass.
(I'm not a fascist btw, none of these tests are perfect.)
No, you are a misguided tool, who thinks willfully wrong perceptions of Conservatism are suiting for you.
The F-scale test, right? It's available online at this link if anyone wants to do it:
This guy gets it.
nazis are right wing you stupid liberal retard
I don't know why it says I'm a commie
Exactly! The "socio-political" question are almost identical with the F-scale test, the "economic" questions are rather newly added.
And the economic ones are even bigger bullshit. Literally questions like "We should punish companies who manipulate people" - like if anyone, even a fiscal right-winger, would be opposed to this or what?
Wtf I love l/eftypol/ now?
Based DDR?
Btw, I think there are different variants of the F-scale test. The one you posted is different from the one I had before, which also displayed questions used by Political Compass.
How are you doing my fellow Libertarians
>jew psychobabble
Lol. Alright Shlomo.
Gross Trotskyite
We all know why...
That's not commie, retards
ITT: buying into the socialist meme of the political compass
>commie leaf faggot is butthurt
Day of the Rake is coming.
we always give explanation you fucking retard
How is this lads?
Flag checks out
Fucking normies
i dont get this? can some one explain to me pls
i answered it genuinely
I am happy with my result.
tips fedora
When i first took test my result were liberal socialist.
Then i took another but with bit more extremism.
Like instead of choosing 'agree', i chose 'strongly agree'.
Now this is muh result
i don't know how i get stalinism
The secret is sides don't exist, only the whole does.
damn, the more I read and know, the more north-east on the compass I'm heading.
Wtf happened to me... 6 months ago I was top right...