Political compass

post your political compass results

Attached: Political compass.png (1258x1062, 124K)

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What the fuck does this mean? That I don't fit in anywhere?

Attached: enlightened.jpg (478x424, 30K)

200 IQ radical centrist


Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)

Just a little more

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peak normie


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Attached: politiscales .jpg (800x1200, 184K)

why do you brainlets keep using these research sites. If you give the kikes any information they will use it against you.

god tier centrist

I explicitly rated according my personal values free from any ideology that I might, and actually do, believe in.

Mine has round edges

Now go hang your self, antifa Hippie

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>if I believe it, it's real!
okay larpy

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I'm pretty right-wing

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Seeing a lot of faggotey in this thread...

Where is this on the chart, Jow Forums?

Attached: IMG_20190531_124021_959.jpg (604x469, 62K)

Hello Sargon
Pretty based
Kill yourself open borders anarkiddie
Absolutely based
Too far right
Too far Right
Too far right
Too far right

>Too far right
Nah, free markets makes the economy great

Vote for me Niggers

Attached: Untitled.png (585x571, 23K)

I don't know why I am a centrist but I think kikes should be kicked out to Israel and niggers to Africa. Muslims have to be eliminated.

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)

They're shite and too globalist.

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Cuck, probably voted for CDU/CSU

>they're shite and too globalist
Not in a free society

Nur die AFD


Attached: 8values14_5_2019.png (800x650, 92K)

Idiot fucking LEAF, free market is better for the people. It's the corporations who are lobbying regulations so they won't face competition and could form de-facto monopoly protected by governments.

Nope. This is how Communism looks like.

More accurate.

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Heyhey, how's it going?

I got called a Fascist on the 8values test too.

Attached: polcompass.png (480x400, 17K)

>too far right
No such thing, homosex.


You people all know this "test" is based on Adorno's "Authoritarian personality" test, right?



So then I got a high score on the "Who the Jews hate" test? Fucking based!

In Sweden if you're not at the upper left corner you're automatically a nazi.

Here's my 8values test. I recommend everyone here do it since it's a lot better than the political compass.

(I'm not a fascist btw, none of these tests are perfect.)

Attached: horrible.png (800x650, 92K)

No, you are a misguided tool, who thinks willfully wrong perceptions of Conservatism are suiting for you.


Attached: 5CE5BDA4-F9C4-4F42-8CD5-EF9BFC3EEFCA.jpg (640x874, 223K)

The F-scale test, right? It's available online at this link if anyone wants to do it:

Attached: 8values.png (818x660, 84K)

This guy gets it.

nazis are right wing you stupid liberal retard

I don't know why it says I'm a commie

Attached: PoliticalCompassJuni2019.png (480x400, 17K)

Exactly! The "socio-political" question are almost identical with the F-scale test, the "economic" questions are rather newly added.

And the economic ones are even bigger bullshit. Literally questions like "We should punish companies who manipulate people" - like if anyone, even a fiscal right-winger, would be opposed to this or what?

Wtf I love l/eftypol/ now?

Attached: Screenshot_20190531-130656.jpg (1080x2240, 317K)

Based DDR?

Attached: f64.png (2000x1233, 571K)

Btw, I think there are different variants of the F-scale test. The one you posted is different from the one I had before, which also displayed questions used by Political Compass.

How are you doing my fellow Libertarians

Attached: compass.png (489x379, 10K)

>jew psychobabble
Lol. Alright Shlomo.

Gross Trotskyite

We all know why...

That's not commie, retards

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ITT: buying into the socialist meme of the political compass

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>commie leaf faggot is butthurt
Day of the Rake is coming.

we always give explanation you fucking retard

How is this lads?

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Flag checks out

Fucking normies

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i dont get this? can some one explain to me pls
i answered it genuinely

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I am happy with my result.

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tips fedora

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When i first took test my result were liberal socialist.
Then i took another but with bit more extremism.
Like instead of choosing 'agree', i chose 'strongly agree'.
Now this is muh result


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i don't know how i get stalinism

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The secret is sides don't exist, only the whole does.

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Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)

damn, the more I read and know, the more north-east on the compass I'm heading.

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Wtf happened to me... 6 months ago I was top right...

Attached: fscale.png (1000x600, 34K)