Average Irish IQ is 88

>Previous studies have shown that the mean IQ in the Republic of Ireland is 93 in relation to 100 for Britain and the rest of central and northern Europe. New evidence is presented giving an IQ of 88.3 in Ireland and therefore confirming this estimate. It is proposed that the causes of this lower IQ lies principally in the selective emigration of those with higher IQs over the course of several generations, with a smaller contribution from the dysgenic effect of Roman Catholicism.

-Richard Lynn, university of Ulster

How will the irish ever cope with this?

>the entire scientific community has singled out Ireland to spread lies, its a conspiracy
FALSE. The science has shown that average IQ in Ireland to be 88

>brain drain, faulty sampling, muh school children
The science is indisputable, several meta analyses on the subject all point to an average irish IQ of 88, this is retained into adulthood, is heritable and not dependant on environmental factors.

>You dont understand how statistical research work!!!
Statistical research is when Ireland is smart, and the smarter they are, the more statistically researched it is
this post was made by 88 IQ gang

Face it, you are operating at around the same IQ coefficient as american blacks, you can either withdraw to the liberal camp of IQ and science denial we is all equal or you can accept the fact and move on.

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Other urls found in this thread:


ireland has 1 smart guy for every 12 morons.

In the usa it's 1 in 7. In france it's 1 in 9.

This thread again?

You can live in denial as much as you want, north irelander, I have your number here too

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>Stop speaking the truth

There's no way it's 100 in the UK. No way.

Show source or fuck off. Oh wait, you don't have one. Also, I thought the whole Finnish Mongol thing was a meme, but I met a Finnish guy recently and he genuinely looked like an Asian. The fuck's that about?

The first Irish to make to the Americas had fully functional and self-sustained towns within a few years. By 1700 they were calling themselves Native Americans and killing anyone who attempted to suggest otherwise.

Nobody with brains stays on an island with the retards,

>there is no source for Ireland's low IQ
That's an awfully low IQ post.

Every notice how a nationalist movement appear on Jow Forums the consensus cracking """memes""" appear? Go fuck yourself schlomo, transparent as fuck

Irish are now hosting Silicon Valley...

What the fuck has finland ever done again ?

Idgaf what my brothers/sisters IQ is, they are our own, so are the slavs, so are the south europeans, we are europeans and anyone trying to cause infighting is most likely a nonwhite trying to break us. Not gonna happen. Long live the european people!

This user is correct - OP is either JIDF or seething because an Irishman is fucking his GF and/or Mother. It was established in OPs duplicate thread yesterday that ((Richard Lynn)) was fired for biased & unsourceable claims, and that ((they)) hold a special distain for Ireland given how difficult it's been to gain a foothold there, and because Ireland publicly sides with Palestine.

Don't let ((them)) divide & conquer, sage goes in options.

Someone is mad to be reminded by IQ stats I see

I'll post the real one

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Do not surrender your weapons:

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Its still slavshit tier

>Richard Lynn
>university of Ulster

would not trust the ethnic loyalist in this matter though

Yep, thanks to travellers

Lynn is the son of Sydney Cross Harland (1891–1982), a botanist and Fellow of the Royal Society known for his work on cotton genetics. He was raised in Bristol by his mother and did not meet his father, who lived and worked in Trinidad and Peru, during his childhood and adolescence.[30]

Lynn was educated at Bristol Grammar School and University of Cambridge in England.[31] He has worked as lecturer in psychology at the University of Exeter and as professor of psychology at the Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin, and at Ulster University.[30]

my bad he is an englishmen with long personal story with ireland

pretty based number


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anything sub 120 is retard so its possible

I feel like shit/god with my 156 knowing that u plebs will never feel what is like to have that neurons flowing.

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Seriously - how am I supposed to evaluate IQ claims by anons on either side? I see this shit daily and it’s all conflicting and the values always change and everyone on both sides always has “proof” that the other side is JIDF/shills/seething cope fags. I thought Italy was supposed to be like 103 or some shit? Wtf

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i cant count no how bong.

why does your pic have a picture of a kid that isn't even 21? I'm a thinking your some-sorta brown kike loving nigger.

>imagine being such a normalfaggot that you feel superior to others based off of a jewish number which roughly correlates to what jews define as “successful”

>with a smaller contribution from the dysgenic effect of Roman Catholicism.

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>how am I supposed to evaluate IQ claims
what do you think these numbers are a measure of?
do you think the average of an entire country is really important?

Wow. The majority of Eurostan is sub 100 brainlets. No wonder you love mudslimes so much.

The race that has been used as cannon fodder and invaded since records began, the race that fought for freedom, got it and then gave the country to an indian. These people are morons?

catholics are rabbits historically, they aim to have as many useless people as possible.

How to tell an irish nationalist - its everyone elses fault! Oh beghorra, tis another potato famine

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Priests were the learned caste.

Priests were also forbidden from procreation.

What do you think is gonna happen? You'd fit in well here fucko.

Worst then slav shit tier

its balken shit tier

Lynn took an IQ test of some impoverished inner city Dubliners he's an anti Irish cuck, Irish Americans are just below Jews in highest iqs

race is useless i relate and connect to another person over 120 IQ 100x more effectively than the other low IQ "white" golems lumbering about who cant wait to tell me about their new favorite internet nigger or niggerball player.


keep coping green nigger

"If dem irish kids just had mo money fo dem programs, theyd be just like masta!"

Seethe on kike


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Possibly? I think that actual observations trump academic interpretation and extrapolation of limited and biased data. I’m not claiming this is the case - but if Jews wanted the world to think their average IQ is 130, do you honestly not think they could do that?

I’m sorry, but only an absolute autistic brainlet let’s a class of politically motivated academic hacks tell them that some inferred number coincidentally proves that we should ignore our own interests and fight for their interests instead. Everything goes this way:

>everybody inherently knows X is true
>jews: X is not true. No, actually X is the opposite of true. X couldn’t be further from the truth.
>jewish professor w/ Anglo surname: here is a number which means we should do what the Jews say

Only a brainlet can miss this obvious pattern.

Fuck off Antti

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you say Irish are dimmer but i bet you they'd rob you blind

Cant be helped

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He's clearly a Seppo can't you tell?

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>lower than Italy
i'm sorry

t. jew

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>Seriously - how am I supposed to evaluate IQ claims by anons on either side? I see this shit daily and it’s all conflicting and the values always change and everyone on both sides always has “proof” that the other side is JIDF/shills/seething cope fags. I thought Italy was supposed to be like 103 or some shit? Wtf
It's literally the first link on Google you 33 iq imbecile

If people are useless why do we need immigrants? Kike.

t. Sweden and Russia's cumrag

This thread lmao love it.

I only have one Irish grandparent so I'm not really Irish.

Goddamn, they really are potato niggers

My question is about how to evaluate conflicting and potentially biased claims, not how to use google you fucking spaghetti cunt.

Example: select populations of sub Saharan Africa have average IQ in the 60’s. Libs claim this is completely biased sampling. Libs claim the test is culturally biased. Googling some of the studies in question shows in fact that sample size used was ~10 or some shit, yet this is the official number. Is this number biased?

This may be difficult to understand with an 88 IQ, but Finnics are originally from the Urals, and if you were tolook on a map you will find that the Urals divide Europe from Asia. Form that you might possibly deduce that they have physical traits of both Caucasoid and Mongoloids.

They done a study in the 90's but it was disregarded because of the sample not representing the actual population, too many tinkers.

> ok so basically you are wrong because finnish are actually hapas ! Haha take that you dirty potatoe muncher !

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Well in Australia we all grew up with jokes about Irish like ejector seats or helicopters. But let's be serious here. These figures coming out recently showing dropping IQ in European countries are totally ignoring the racial demographics. How many people making up these "new estimates" are niggers?

Killed a bunch of commies.

I’m an Irish-descended American and I have an IQ of 129

Yet, with that 129 IQ you stil can't grasp the meaning of the bell curve.

daily reminder that there is not a single white left in the UK
just so it's absolutely clear to everyone that none of these people are White, or Catholic, or celtic, or have anything at all to do with Ireland. They're just muzzies hating on Ireland because they want the whole of Europe to be Islamic.
Remember UK flag = Muslim. Always.

Irish are the master race

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What this video to know why they're seething: m.sendspace.com/file/oc0vtk

Oh look Ireland is a top scorer for reading, math, and science! xD

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Amazing what you can accomplish with an IQ of 88, I've read chimpanzees are really good at memorizing patterns too. Nature is crazy like that!

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OP is a fag in love with a hetero Irish dude he can never have
Kys cumdrinker

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Just typical English weaselry trying to rationalize how they are better than the irish though they only won invasions due to having 10x+ the population. Defeated the vikings with over 2.0 kdr and still trying to say are idiots like k haha

There's a theory that they came from North Africa.

It doesn't surprise me

Edward Dutton on why Ireland's IQ is low:

Some Irish were sent to North Africa to start colonies by the king of England. May be what you are alluding to.

Your ancestors having left is posited as one of the reasons that Ireland's IQ is now lower.

>dysgenic effect of Roman Catholicism
This is how you know it's bullshit

Ireland was never conquered until the early 1600s. It took the English nearly 500 years to conquer this country and it was a job started by the Normans and finished by the Tudors. The Normans conquered England in a day but they had not that much success here and eventually went native and became Gaelicized. More English men have been cannon fodder throughout history than the Irish have ever been. The English ruling class is always happy enough to cull the lower classes in war and look at them like they're subhumans. The Indian/Irish faggot was only ever voted in as MP in his constituency and was a cabinet member who was eventually given the PM job by 200 High ranking people in his own neo liberal party after the previous PM stepped down. The people depise the Indian and if we voted directly for our PM there's no way he would have been elected or even on the ballot. Do you like to shame Ireland infront of all your wee friends on Pol to distract from the fact that your own country is far more pozzed than mine? You live in a dystopian nanny state and I nor anyone else in Ireland envys that. When Sajid Javid becomes PM of Britain we'll all be having a good laugh at you then and a Union flag will be a rare sight on Pol. Javid a Muslim Paki v our half Indian Christian raised PM, its like a choice between cancer and aids but I'd rather a half Indian fag PM than a Muslim Paki.

We went from the caucus mountains to egypt and back again.

*South Africa supposedly

>The English ruling class is always happy enough to cull the lower classes in war and look at them like they're subhumans.
Why am theorizing why the importation of so many refugees -- and being supported by the English monarchy.

Can confirm, am fucking off as soon as I finish college.

USA is pretty ugly with worse population. Is there something about Ireland that is that bad

>t. muslims
first you mention the uk muslims
then they disappear and what's left are a bunch of memeflags
muslims are so dumb they literally think they won't stick out like a sore thumb while they're hating on a Catholic white country
not a single white man prefers muslims over whites or Christians

If you leave then don't return someday and cry over what Ireland has become. It's sad that so many people abandon Ireland instead of trying to make it great. The government has created the conditions that make this place unappealing to the youth and rather than fight that government and trying to change things people just turn their backs on the country.

Can I have percentage of minorities currently inhabiting Ireland before establishing my opinion?

i hope they all lament it on their deathbeds surrounded by foreign grandchildren, or alone.


Would the Irish welcome me as a native son?

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no, it's a closed group.

88 not to bad, go dab somewhere else

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But I'm a traditional Catholic

who the fuck cares? IQ test is stupid boring useles waste of time? You evar done them you are stupid faggot

I won't shed a single tear don't you worry. I never liked this place, somehow I always felt like a foreigner in my own home, especially when you come from those small ass townlands in the west.

Ireland's going to shit already anyway, there was the abortion thing last year and the marriage thing just there and we voted progressive. I cast my vote, what else can I do?

The only thing I'll miss about this place is the sea.

If your bloodline can be proven to be Irish do believe you are able to apply for an Irish visa.

What city are you specifically from? Dublin is known as the worst place for what you are describing

I can now safely assume that the reason IQ points are so low is due to massive influence of incompetent minorities

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