Why Do Whites Try to Destroy Whites?

As an ethno-nationalist, this is something I need help comprehending.

Jews wanting to destroy the White race I can 'get', at least: they view their own ethnicity as separate, superior, and adversarial to Caucasians.

But why would someone like Merkel (a German), Macron (a Frank), Soros (a Hungarian), etc. want to destroy our race? They are members of it. Neither they nor their descendants benefit from this at all. What possible motivation could they have? Is it really short-term wealth? "White guilt?" These two motives are so inconsequential compared to the genocide of one's own people they don't ring true with me.

I doubt it's that they think it will be easier to maintain their elite status at the top of the social hierarchy if society is degenerated into spics, niggers, and sandniggers, because they have to understand that in that kind of world they would be overthrown and eaten alive by the chaos that would cause; animals cannot be controlled, only exterminated.

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Merkel's real name is Kaźmierczak.

Thank you, I didn't know that. Poles are still White, though.

think again mutt

Look at how she looks. I’d go full on James Bond villain if I was cursed to be German and look like that.

Soros is a Jew who positions himself as "Hungarian" when it fits him. When he sees he can have his media cry antisemitism, he reverts back to jew.

My ancestry is mostly English, Scottish, Dutch, and Scandinavian. What is your argument for Poles no being White?

Merkel is Jewish. Her original surname is Kazmierczak, the Polish word for a synaggogue cantor. This was gemranized to Kasner, and then she took the name Merkel from her first husband.

Soros is also Jewish. Dunno about Macron but it wouldn't surprise me.

Polish Jews have Polish-sounding surnames.

Polish jew commie

...Wow. So this entire thing might just be Jews? Fucking hell.

slavs are not white. in the ethnostate there will be aryans only.

Whities dont have to be terrible. They want to do the non autistic things and you blame them? Stupid whitie

>So this entire thing might just be Jews?

2/10 effort.

Slavs have done more for Europe than fucking Europeans in the last few hundred years. Do they have more than a little Asiatic DNA? Probably. Are they better than every other ethnicity than Whites? Also yes.

I think whatever their personal motivations something I see a lot here and elsewhere is them being called stupid or brainwashed.

That's almost giving them a pass. They aren't low iq. These people know exactly what will happen as a result of their immigration policies.

Yeah people don't stumble their way into power. These traitors are very smart AND very evil. That is why I made this thread. I want to understand their motivations.

it's the american hue

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for some reason i have a spic flag, yet I'm shitposting from downtown deecee. makes sense.

She lost the election in Germany, she lost the EU elections, the CDU hates her, her appointed protege tried to remove her, both Macron and Juncker refuse to nominate her ""EU president"" Webber that only wants German hegemony and to turn the Europol into a blackmailing FBI.
Her going to the states right at this moment to reee about Drumpf is just political propaganda hoping to be able to move her lacklustre voter base in Krautistan because there are local elections in Saxony on the 1st of September and so far the AfD's about t take the lead by a large margin. That's a very problematic state for her since it's full both with literal skinheads and mentally ill Antifa.
Also there are elections in Brandenburg where she's also losing.
If she loses both she will have to resign by 2020.

hopefully she does lose. i hear germany is already 50% turk though so it might not matter

In Europe it's because the fucking ponzi scheme they call Pensions. It only works when population grows. Fucking dumb boomers basically got rich by indebting their children and grandchildren. Which in result makes those being unable to afford their own children and being wageslave cucks. So they need to import "taxpayers" i.e. niggers, which doesn't work either, because niggers DON'T WORK JOBS. They only come for welfare.
We'd have to genocide boomers, niggers, arabs, muslims and leftists. And this would reduce our numbers even more, collapsing whole economy.
It's fucking over. The damage was done the moment that ponzi scheme started.

Merkel is a kike you fucking retard

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Because your race is shit, imagine being proud in a race that wants to destroy itself. You are beyond retarded if you think you are going to convince them all to join your side.

P.S. I am actually against anti-white propaganda, but to be fair here, most of your problems wouldn't exist if your race didn't cooperated with Jews in order to bring Africans into USA.

Also, did you know that Marx was pro second amendment? Intriguing shit, isn't it? Meanwhile, Hitler banned guns in Germany, but hey, Stalin done that too, you would say, but the thing is that Stalin was a kike that hated Russians. Fuck him and his """communist""" ideology.

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>Pensions are causing immigration
>bring in niggers that collect even more welfare thus increasing pensions
It's always been about white genocide. Kikes know very well that niggers do not work.

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Jews make up most of the ruling elite. As for rich whites just remember rich != smart and everyone has a price. As for the rest of whites well women of all races are easily to manipulate and if also easy to manipulate men into acting a certain way just to have sex. Personally I rank your average Jew embraced white male as the lowest form of humanity, treachery is worse than subversion.

75 years of nonstop, cradle-to-grave brainwashing by (((Hollywood))) and (((public schools))).
Also, Soros is Jewish, my dude.

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Women (and feminized men) do not have a concept of the Tribe/Nation.

This is the single biggest red pill.


You still haven't finished taking your pills. Always look behind the curtain and never care for what you are showed.
Who decided Merkel would represent her party or Macron should make his one? Who gave her money to run and who made the news coverage?

Because they evolved from hyper territorial hyper aggressive cro magnons that only learned to innovate when it was time to kill jews (neanderthals).

Killing eachother is just practice for killing jews

>Merkel (a German)
Are you out of your fucking mind?

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Merkel is jew

Fuck off, no it isn't. Casimir is a saint's name.

Why did the US destroy Germany? You created this halfbroken monster, you thought it wouldn't turn on you?

i urge you to ponder the connection between decadence caused by high level of superficial comfort and the phenomenon of waning vitality.
or the question: could you imagine a savage man who struggles to survive against nature to feel indifferent in regards to the continuation of his people?
the fluffy pillow of civilization, the concept of citizenhood, widespread ennui and existential indifference, technological progress and intellectual enlightenment, how do these concepts relate to each other?

Neanderthals were native to Uralic regions, not the Middle East

her polish name translates to "destroyer" and "worldruler"

Nice answer. We did this a lot back in time. We fought for centuries all over the europe, until we expand our fighting zones. We should have fought and slaved the asians and mass killed them, they are like pests.
>In america
Pick one. Your country is more mixed than Brazil, stop larping as nordic.
Stop being a retarded snow nigger. I don't understand why Jow Forums don't use the Hitler Classification. Germanics: Brits, Germans, Northern Italians, Swiss, Austrians....
Nords: Swedes, Norwegians, Denmark...
Slavs: Western Russian, Poles, Czech....
Romantics: Southern Italy, French, Welsh, Portuguese, Spanish...
You know the rest.

shut up faggot. the notion that we run the world gets me choice shiksa pussy

Slavshites are in a grey area like most Americans when it comes to whiteness

>tiny powerless minority
>(((EU))) flag

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Merkel grew up in eastern Germany with commie programming and an incredibly weak woman.
She just buckles and hopes nobody actually asks her what she wants to do.

Merkel is a commie.
Macron is a Rothschild (Jew) banker
Soros is a Jew.

fuck off kike

>She just buckles
I wish I still was blue-pilled.

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Advanced civilization distorts our natural instincts ergo making people passive, less perceptive, and more altruistic.

>I have so much food at home, that homeless man must be so hungry!

>My cat is so fat lol, better leave food out for the strays around town.

>If my country was at war and I needed somewhere to go, I'd hope people gave me somewhere to stay too!

>Christians were persecuted once too, I should be more accepting.

Etc etc etc. Do this for 3 or 4 generations and your surroundings will change entirely. Blame society for making people sick. We need more time in nature to deprogram.

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>Neither they nor their descendants benefit from this at all.

Neither Merkel nor Macron have kids. They have no stake in the future. All they care about are the millions they get tossed at them by the jews for faithfully implementing their plan.

It’s Christianity. They all have a sacrificial messiah complex.

Europe''s elite are Kalergiites, they're implementing the Kalergi Plan.


I'm not optimistic as most, I think Europe fucked itself beyond repair -- it will look like Brazil in 20 years.

>What possible motivation could they have?
The players in the world government/New Order/New Atlantis game are almost all adepts in various secret societies (freemasonry, Mormons, roundtable groups such as CFR TLC Bohemian Club Skull and Bones Scroll and Key, etc,). Not coincidentally this ancient Babylonian mystery religion is the same thing as Talmudic Jewry codified back when (((they))) were in Egypt.

The goals are the abolition of all nation states, the abolition of all religion (except theirs....secular humanism), and shackling "the mob" (that's us) in a totalitarian collectivist "benevolent dictatorship".

The important thing to note is that this is a religion (many people will sacrifice anything, even their own children for their religion) and that they believe the ends justify the means. They work through Hegelian dialectic creating crisis and clashes of civilizations to synthesize changes.

Once you understand they are practicing a religion, that it is a religion, and what their end goal is this all makes sense. Many people simplify this by calling these types "crypto-Jews", which is a good enough condensation of what these types are about.

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Gas her or send her to NK with a one way ticket.