
Redpill me on the Chernobyl disaster. Who and how was it caused?

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there are no pills to drop on chernobyl , just poor management and lack of funding caused the reactor to overheat and go supernova.

>go supernova
how can RMBK go supernova, please explain it to me

It has become a really fun amusement park. That's all you need to worry about. For about 100 euro, the guide will take you right up to reactor 4.

Mossad false flag

Communists. Basically it, only redpill is stuff that came after, how (((they))) used it as an excuse to push their tech like wind for gibs.

The soveits lacked the smelting capability to make an actual pressure vessel. The RMBK was a dumbfuck design ran by dumbfuck people that were more concerned with making targets than actual science. Barely anyone died and linear-no-threshold is horseshit.

It wasn't so much problem with it's design, yes it was flawed, but soviet secrecy about it's flaws and not informing fucking operators and party members medllimg where they shouln't caused dissaster of that scale

I see you've watched the miniseries.
The RBMK reactor was imperfect and if it functioned on low energy, it had a tendency to have a sudden energy spike, which could result on instant overheating the (the KGB classified this bug as a state secret). The unskilled staff was testing (or trampling) the reactor's performance on extremely low energy, and the reactor went boom.

some dumbass left two junior technicians in charge of a nuclear reactor, the end.
it was not their fault.

It's the result of Communist ambition that always involves threats/violence as motivation for it's workers and lack of respect for global safety. This attitude is still present in current day Russia/China in case you haven't noticed.

well as far as I know series is correct in most cases

fun fact the communist were very protective and worried about radiation exposure so much so that every person was checked monthly to see how it effected them sadly this treatment was only given in the neighboring belarus not ukraine
because fuck ukraine

Also, after the disaster stricter safety regulations were introduced, most RBMK reactor constructions were cancelled, while others were shut down in the following decades. By 2040, most RBMK reactors will most likely be a thing of the past.

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It was a rl test for radiation exposure and spread
the psyop part of it was used to install a public understanding of "safer" energy and world cooperation also giving resources such as oil and gas more importance and the investment need for new energy sources a priority

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The guy in charge was an arrogant asshole, and ran a safety test in a way that didn’t conform to established procedure in order to save water.

No kidding, this is literally why. He wanted to get brownie points for saving the Soviet Government probably a few hundreds of dollars by cutting corners on something stupid and petty like that.

He ordered the experiment to be conducted at a lower temperature to save cooling water, but then the temperature fell too fast so he ordered compensating by withdrawing the cooling rods and then bang boom roof blew off.

The design wasn’t the problem. An even more primitive design (the first civilian power plant in the USSR) had worked fine with practically no accidents since the 1950s and wasn’t closed until the 1990s.

They have them on ships now and going to have them floating in international waters off the coast of Europe.

>Who and how was it caused?
Retarded slavs designing a fucking inherently unsafe reactor then following through by running an unsafe test and killing themselves. Next it was up to the US to fund the long term fix.

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Actually correction: he ordered the control rods removed to increase the temperature, THEN ordered them put back in, but they were coated in a metal which temporarily increased the temperature and that’s when the explosion happened

>US to fund the long term fix
EU and councill of Europe

Is this pic related?

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Those are not RBMK reactors. There are numerous reactor types around the world.

>Who and how was it caused?


The design was batshit stupid. It was like throwing a twin turbo v8 on a Volkswagen unibody. A cola bottle with bottle cap as a pressure vessel? Really!?

>t. retard

>EU and councill of Europe
OK I guess I should have just said the western world in general. My point was that the Russians fucked up big time and need a bail-out

Why do we keep having this thread?

Why it blew: Very bad design.
When a reactor shuts down in an emergency, control rods made from boron are dropped between the fuel rods. These rods absorb and slow the reaction. The Chernobyl control rods were tipped with graphite, a substance that will speed up the reaction.
They were running a safety test where all the backup systems were taken offline, then they dropped in the control rods. The graphite tips caused a massive power spike.
Also , reactors are normally built within an 8m concrete containment shell; Chernobyl had no shell.

It was more that the pumps were turned off and they we're dealing with a 2 state fluid.

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The water they used to boil and create the steam was the same water they used to cool the core.
The ends of the fuel rods consisted of graphite, which gets superhot. When they initiated the command to shut it down and lower the fuel rods into the water it caused the water to superheat and only create more steam, creating too much pressure, blowing the lid off of the reactor.
It was caused by a literal design flaw.
The bigger danger however were the water tanks below the reactor which had been filled with water by firemen who had attempted to put out the core.
If the water in the core were competely gone it would start to melt down and through the concrete until it hit the water tanks, isntantly turning it into steam and causing a second, much more devastating explosion.
They sent in a team of men under the reactor to drain the tanks manually to avoid this form happening, potentially saving millions and avoiding high doses of radiation contamination across the globe.
Initially only 3% of radiation escaped from the core after the incident.

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I have said this before but the actual cause of the explosion was a three body problem cause by like other user said moron trying to save water, and other guy not communicating because junior technicians who have no idea wtf they are doing, moved the control rods out to make more power

can anyone tell me what happens when you have no control rods, no water and a nuclear core?


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Who: Incompetent Slavic monkeys
How: See above

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Socialism caused it , as always instead of meritocracy people got their posts due to politics and the retards fucked it up.

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>Who and how was it caused?

Slavic incompetence.

>The design wasn’t the problem
lol wut? The fact that a team of basically Homer Simpsons could melt it down means it was inherently unsafe and a shit design.

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JEWS happened.


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well Russia and Ukraine are in councill of Europe. Soviets army and liqidators dealt with cleaning of shit. EU started helping after USSR collapsed.
and what is wrong besides Komyuk?

It was more like the USSR cared way less about safety

If the USSR was still around they’d probably have gotten to Mars by now even if they had to kill 100 men trying and even if they couldn’t bring them back from the surface.

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The safety test itself was stupid. It had something to do with powering down the reactor in case of an invasion or something like that

>Good show is made for once
>People are talking about it
>Nuh, HBOoooh is shilling
I bet you're the faggot schizo who makes the sloppy job mossad threads.

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>they were coated in a metal which temporarily increased the temperature
Uh wouldn't that count as a design flaw

Redpill me on how you're too retarded to use google.

no, control rods do that because reasons.
I looked into fukushima aswell... (and dont believe the official story, because pointing hazmat guy, and background radiation levels in 2019.)

They turned off the safeties during a rod swap for a drill-just stupidity

to clarify they get a bit hotter before their heat absorbtion effect is properly utilised, which is why only dropping rods wont stop a meltdown, you have to get timing and cooling right too.

It was an experiment to see if turning off all the safety equipment would lead to Comrade Director Dyatlov getting a promotion. The experiment was a partial success; he wasn't promoted, but he wasn't executed either. Not good, but not terrible.

>Uh wouldn't that count as a design flaw
Yeah it was and unsafe design, but ruskies don't give 2 fucks about their people

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Russian Jews lied about how unstable RBMK reactors are and they hide the evidence oh how the graphite moderator causes an acceleration in fission reactions when the core is unstable at low power output.

It was caused by retards who decided not to follow any precautions. Also reactor itself was poorly built.

STALKER thread?

i barely post because i only have one hand, schizo

>The safety test itself was stupid. It had something to do with powering down the reactor in case of an invasion or something like that

It had nothing to do with powering down the reactor.

cool story bro.

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Didn't happen. It was faked to prevent nuclear power to overtake fossil fuels, like it should have.

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>Didn't happen.
9/10 shitpost

Read up on the Duda Woodpecker. You have to wonder if the “stories” being told aren’t cover for something else entirely.

Pill me on Fukishima? I know the Nips built a reactor on a faultline (to be fair, they live on one big fault) and then the water from somewhere inside (reservoir) spilled out? Then afterwards, everyone was fine and the background rad levels are just as they were before the accident, shortly after and even today unlike Cher’s Elephant’s Foot which is probably a portal to Hell and the camera errors are actually warnings

There was a fault in the reactor that wasnt know to the operators.
Because of soviet state top secret shenanigans this info never got to the proper people.
Then the operators did risky tests where this fault created the explosion.

Everyone was to blame in this case.

Nuclear reactors create power obviously but they need some outside sources to keep safety running. Ie cooling. Basically fuk got disconnected from the grid, combined with it being so close to the coast a lot of the inferstructure was damaged.

Once a fuel rod isn't being cooled anymore it has the propensity to go super critical which causes a chain reaction among the other fuel rods.

From everything I’m learning, it isnt that the graphite was initially a problem but that graphite heats up before it sinks and the extra heat caused a power spike via the live cores which was unable to be monitored or controlled because the safety systems were disabled

>Pill me on Fukishima?
It's a big nothing. The ocean already contains billions of tons of naturally occurring uranium, dumping a few more tons in won't hurt
>It's estimated that there is at least four billion tons of uranium in seawater, which is about 500 times the amount of uranium known to exist in land-based ores
The US during WW2 considered filtering it out to make bombs, but it was cheaper just to mine it in Canada

Ahh ok so it wasnt an actual explosion like what happened in Cher. I never much looked into that story, just assumed the earthquake tore a hole in something small

To be used as a scapegoat as to why the west should forever be dependent on fossil fuels instead of nuclear power

Well the Euro was saying something about a pointing man in a hazmat suit that really piqued my interest

i think there was a thread a while ago about fukushima and how they are keeping secret that the plant can still blow up or something.
But that plant has been visited by experts, journalists, etc... from all over the world, it would be hard to keep a secret like that when the world is looking over your back.

>Pill me on Fukishima? I know the Nips built a reactor on a faultline
Fukushima was not built on a fault line. Japanese reactors sit on a seismically active general area, but they're not allowed to be constructed directly on fault lines.
The accident at Fukushima was not caused by ground movement. The plant withstood the earthquake very well.
Reactors 1-3, the only reactors which were generating power at the time, all shut down when the earthquake protection system registered the first shocks.
But the nuclear fuel in a reactor does not stop producing heat once the actual fission reactions are stopped because the extremely radioactive byproducts of fission, the so-called fission products, continue to produce considerable amounts of heat (pic related).
When the tsunami hit and all emergency power systems were destroyed, the power plant lost the ability to safely evacuate the decay heat, which is the heat that is generated by the fission products after reactor shutdown, and the nuclear fuel in reactors 1-3 melted.
The rest is history, but here is a more detailed explenation of the accident if you're interested.

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it was literally caused by communism. not even memeing

in capitalist countries such as the united states, nuclear power plants are privately owned by energy companies. when there is a problem, the nuclear regulatory commission stomps all over them until they fix it

but under the soviet system, it was the USSR govt who owned and controlled all the power plants. when there was a flaw, they couldnt admit it because they had to save face and defend the global image of "perfect socialist utopia"

the workers at chernobyl believed there had never been a malfunction with the RBMK reactor design when, in fact, there had already been six

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Soviets cutting corners

It was because the tips of the control rods were graphite tipped to stop the water entering the channel the control rod sits in.
The problem was they removed the rods too far(the safety systems they disabled would have prevented this) which still allowed water into the channels, when the rods were reinserted the water was displaced causing an increase in power generation since the water acts as a moderator.

Big problem was that the chambers got flooded and a bunch of sea water was irradiated horribly.

>they were coated in a metal
They were coated in graphite. And the reactor blew when they reinserted he rods. The graphite is what caused it to finally explode.


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Don’t forget the RBMK had one other trick up it’s sleeve: it had the capability to be weaponized relatively quickly and create large amounts of material for nukes without having to develop separate reactor designs. Chernobyl essentially doubled as a nuke factory.

>who and what caused it


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Hohols are responsible for this

A hydrogen tank exploded. There was no larger disaster, no graphite, and you're just delusional.

>people in charge were of mediocre intelligence
no they weren't

pure cringe

Man! Mention the Duda Woodpecker and the topic changes to Fukushima pretty fast. Wonder why?

kazapi did it, this dirty moskali shit everywhere like o told ruskies are white pajeeets, they shit own streeet

>calls your intelligence mediocre
>thinks pripyat is in russia

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Basically, 99% of Chernoby's problems come down to a single thing.

It dint have a big lid on it.

If you make reactors with a big lid that can contain the explosion, you dont have to worry about it.

They didnt, because they wanted it to be cheap, and were doing this whole "RMBK reactors cant explode!" thing. Well, it did.

And if it had a big lid over it, like all western reactors do, it would just be just as exploded, but contained inside a big concrete/steel tupperware.

Instead, because the Russians wanted it to be cheap we will be hearing about it from the anti-nuclear lobby forever and despite, say, coal power killing 10x to 100x the amount of people Chernobyl did per year.

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He wasn't trying to find a way to cut corners. They were running tests to see what would happen in the event of an attack on the local area. Basically how would a RBMK reactor run under shit conditions.

>Who and how was it caused?
Communism and soviet technology.

It’s almost SK is of mediocre intelligence saying cringy bluepilled stuff like this


Redpill me on the Chernobyl disaster. Who and how was it caused?

> Communism.

The pure and simple, Stop thinking comrade.

There are no rational thinking communists,because then they wouldn't be communists.

And any rational thinkers have seen what happens to those who think or speak out.

So adapt this design meant for irradiating uranium to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons in to a nuclear energy plant-- yes Comrade Commissar.

Have the shittiest instruments ( that are the pride of socialism ) safety measures.--Yes Comrade Commissar

Run this highly dangerous test of an idea because our back up generators are as shitty as our equipment, the pride of socialism.
--yes Comrade Commissar


Now try and cover it up and die of radiation because the Cornerstone of Socialism and Communism is that people are disposable and the image of socialism is more important .

--- yes Comrade Commissar

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It was a disinformation campaign ran by Q

Is there a worse way to die then radiation exposure?
>be fine for a day or so, ay first the damage is too small to notice
>suddenly start feeling really shitty
>then, over the corse of days or even weeks, your eyes melt, your skin blackens and falls off
>your body is falling apart at the atomic level and you are literally falling apart in extreme never ending pain

>and then bang boom the roof blew off.
Bang boom my fucking sides blew off!

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Reactor was fine
Idiots decided to cut every safety measure to see what happened
Including blowing through 4 feet of reinforced concrete and cutting the dump valve to safe the core
Incidentally, this is how the elephant foot got loose, it went right through the hole they cut.

Reactor is fine, they ran the other 3 til 2010 in fact

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But he's right, the show's writer confirms it.

>Is there a worse way to die then radiation exposure?
No big deal user, pic related

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>tv series
kill yourself fucking basedfag