Mad Lad

What does Jow Forums think about Stephen King's politics and writing?

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Classic case of Dunning Kruger

He’s still mad that Kubrick cock slapped him and stole the shining from him, so much cope

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The only things he ever wrote worth reading he wrote while blackout drunk and cannot remember them at all.

It#s impossible to read anything from Phtephen King and without thinking how he killed a woman while he was coked out of his mind.

I think he's a creepy ass dude who wrote about an underage girl being gangbanged in his IT novel.

I'm glad I've never read anything written by this nigger.

Pic related has always been /ourwriter/

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Imagine reading anything written by a kike

The only Stephen King that matters. This is now a white nationalism thread

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>It's impossible to watch Chernobyl without thinking of Donald Trump

It is very possible if one isn't mentally ill and/or obsessed.

Trump isn't in charge of shit you ignorant commie twat. I'm not giving up my guns, either.

Wasn't Chernobyl built in Ukraine?
Since when is USSR Russia and only Russia?
Do these people not know what a union is?
Isn't this guy a yankee?
The fuck....

Lovecraft is a meme

Ignorant american idiot.

Just look at the Gunslinger series. He wrote the first 3rd while blackout drunk, the middle 3rd when he was on/off the heavy booze and the final 3rd when he was sober.
Its not a coincidence that the books get worse and worse until the final 2 where he self inserts himself and the whole shitshow boils down to a fucking horrendously obvious ending.
Hes also a complete fucking kike puppet

What's this guy all about anyway?

Cyclopean architecture.

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He's a fucking batshit insane freak. Further and further drifting out of relevance. The sick shit he's written shows a messed up mind.
I mean the sewer scene from it? That's messed up

Just read his stuff; they're short novels, you can find them online.
He was a great writer, who was terrified by the entire world around him and translated that into horror fiction involving cosmic entities completely beyond our grasp.

I stopped reading his books back in the 80s. So boring!

Chernobyl wasn't an intelligence failure, it was an ideological failure.

Noone in the show (or the real world events) was hiding the truth because they were too stupid to understand it, they were hiding the truth because to admit failure was ideologically prohibited.

In reality it's the radical left (not surprisingly) who more closely resemble the Communist regime as depicted in the show. Loud, bombastic and incapable of accepting criticism or alternate perspectives.

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in the fourth episode they reveal the panic shut down button didn't work and actually made the problem much worse, this is central to the whole accident IRL and the story, no one knew of course as soviet technology was supposed to the best.

the people who gave their lives to try remedy the situation are eternal heroes.

Stephen King is a pedo. You only have to read 'It' to know this. It literally has the boys gang raping the girl in order to remove the innocence that the demon feeds on.

Every fucking time
God fucking damn it

>What does Jow Forums think about Stephen King's politics and writing?
i don't.
he's a very prolific writer.
but, i've never read him.
there's so many books out there that you couldn't read them all before you ran out of time and died.
his works, just like his political opinions, are objectively unimportant, so i don't bother.

His cat Niggerman was a pretty based cat

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Western misunderstandings about these things is frustrating because they dont understand that socialism isnt just bad or broken but it poisons the mind and soul of a people with shit like this.

the reason why ac-5 button did not work and might cause problems was actually known for 5 years, but the ppl who found it out were advised to redo the work and the results were top secret

He writes books for NPCs

but she agreed though, how it is a rape you nu-white knight incel?

Have Amerifats effectively stopped pretending Ukraine is a thing and isn't Russia?

On that final point I agree entirely. After watching the 4th episode I felt compelled to go and rewatch Band of Brothers for the 100th time.

If we forget the history of sacrifice made by normal men and women fighting to clean up the consequences of totalitarian ideologies (both left and right) we'll be doomed to have to make those sacrifices again.

Based Kubrick killed of the nigger

>it's impossible
no, it's not

He’s free to express his opinion on politics like anyone else, but his opinion doesn’t weigh more than the guy who delivers my pizzas.

Never cared for his writing either.

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thats in the film

however in reality it was known for 3 years and was not actually a secret, just the operators did not know about it due to socialist bueracratic efficiencyКонцевой_эффект#cite_ref-act_1-2

The gunslinger series is the only series that has ever made me want to smash an author in the face with a combine harvester

>a self-made billionaire who operates globally doesn't understand economics but civil servants who make less than $200k a year do
Sure thing King

Rate em.

1974- Carrie
1975 - Salem's Lot
1977 - The Shining
1978 - Night Shift (stories)
1978 - The Stand
1979 - The Dead Zone
1980 - Firestarter
1981 - Cujo
1981 - Danse Macabre (nonfiction about horror)
1981 - Roadwork
1982 - Creepshow (comic book, illustrated by Bernie Wrightson)
1982 - The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger
1982 - Different Seasons (novellas)
1983 - Christine
1983 - Pet Sematary
1983 - Cycle of the Werewolf
1984 - The Talisman (written with Peter Straub)
1985 - Skeleton Crew (stories, including "The Mist")
1985 - The Bachman Books (novel collection).
1986 - It


It’s not about the goal, it’s about the trip, hurrr durrr
Fuck I hate him for that

low IQ brainlet. Chernobyl HBO is a fictional piece. How can you handle a chernobyl perfectly? It's unprecedented and a world of shit. Seems like they handled it well. Boris Yeltsin the became president. Probably for how well he handled chernobyl. This stephen guy does not think or consider before he talks. He shits out of his mouth for a living.

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1987 - The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three
1988 - The Tommyknockers
1988 - Nightmares in the Sky (Photo book with text by King)
1988 - Dark Visions
1989 - The Dark Half
1989 - Dolan's Cadillac (limited edition)
1989 - My Pretty Pony (limited edition)
1990 - The Stand: The Complete & Uncut Edition
1990 - Four Past Midnight (stories)
1991 - Needful Things
1991 - The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands
1992 - Gerald's Game
1993 - Dolores Claiborne
1993 - Nightmares & Dreamscapes (stories)
1994 - Insomnia
1995 - Rose Madder
1995 - Umney's Last Case

>tfw the most famous man from your state
At least we have John Ford and Joshua Chamberlain

1996 - Desperation
1997 - Six Stories (stories)
1997 - The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass
1998 - Bag of Bones
1999 - Storm of the Century
1999 - The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
1999 - The New Lieutenant's Rap (limited edition)
1999 - Hearts in Atlantis
1999 - Blood and Smoke (audiobook)
2000 - Secret Windows
2000 - On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft (nonfiction autobiography)
2000 - Dreamcatcher
2001 - Black House (written with Peter Straub)
2002 - From a Buick 8
2002 - Everything's Eventual: 14 Dark Tales
2003 - The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger (revised edition)
2003 - The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla
2004 - The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah
2004 - The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower
2004 - Faithful. King and co-author Stuart O'Nan began writing their book with no inkling that the long-suffering Red Sox would finally win the World Series after an 86-year drought. It changed the ending they had planned a bit.
2005 - The Colorado Kid
2006 - The Secretary of Dreams
2006 - Cell
2006 - Lisey's Story
2007 - The Mist
2008 - Duma Key
2009 - Stephen King Goes to the Movies
2009 - The Little Sisters of Eluria (limited edition)
2009 - "Graduation Afternoon" (in PostScripts)
2009 - "Throttle" (in He is Legend)
2009 - Under the Dome: A television show based on the book ran from 2013-2015.
2009 - "A Good Marriage"
2009 - "Big Driver"
2009 - "1922"
2009 - "Fair Extension"
2010 - Full Dark, No Stars
2011 - The Chronicles of Harris Burdick
2011 - "The Dune"
2011 - 11/22/63
2012 - The Dark Tower: The Wind Through the Keyhole
2013 - Hard Listening (co-written with other authors in his author rock band)
2013 - Joyland
2013 - The Dark Man
2013 - Doctor Sleep
2014 - Revival
2014 - Big Driver
2014 - A Good Marriage
2014 - Mr. Mercedes
2015 - The Bazaar of Bad Dreams
2015 - Finders Keepers
2017 novels - End of Watch
2017 Sleeping Beauties (co-written with his son Owen King)
2018: The Outsider
2018 Elevation

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Lol all about state control and communism. This is really right wing guys!

Why are commiesbalways so stupid?


All shit

look how we can compare bad historical event/person to Donald Trump! This must mean that he is the same as bad historical event/person

yeah mate I could compare HBO's CHERNOBYL to Hillary Klingon's campaign but you don't see me doing that do you?

>Stephen King's politics and writing?
His writing fucking sucks, all the faggot does is go on for 6 million pages over describing everything. He jumped on the 'I hate Drumpf train' just to try to maintain relevance

theres no way to deal with it, its still smoldering you know and spewing out radiation, entire northern hemisphere shouldn't have humans on it for like 500+ years. you'd want a concrete dome coating with lead, the description of radiation being lovecraftian is accurate, there's no way to deal with it and our bodies literally have no defense against it, other than for our cells to kys themselves.

Baby Rapist Terrorist Killer!

Maybe Trump could get more accomplished if Mueller wasn't living rent free in his administration. Half of you think this is a result of him being a miga shill. Dems are not miga shills. they can be bought buy anyone.

>1986 - It
That's the one where a group of kids have a gang bang, right? What a guy.

Stephen King is dumb as fuck and has a micro penis.

I'd be angry too.

That stoner that hit him with his van knocked out all the talent he had, and took most of his common sense about opining on politics when it's likely to piss off half your audience.

The books really did severely decline in quality post accident. I'd say Dark Tower fans are most well aware of this, but there is a very clear difference in quality between pre and post accident King.

And the whole time you're drinking the poison you think you're doing the right thing. Being noble and patriotic. Until you die.

Also, everybody knows about the kid orgy at the end of IT but nobody talks about the incestuous "peter pinches" from my pretty pony.

Based and fhtagn-pilled

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Funny, toying with power without understanding it puts me in mind of dipshits that want to experiment on society.


He has an unnatural interest in the sexuality of children.

Niggerfaggot I think

he is a pedophile.

/thread and sage

This post from King is a complete fucking disaster, he lost the plot halfway through.
This faggot is so obsessed with Trump he can't even watch a fucking TV about communist Russia, most of these liberals are jumping at any metaphor they can make to help them cope with the fact their ideals are on the way out now.

Real talk: I tried to read King way before I became a Drumphtard. One was a book called Insomnia and the other was Nightmares and Dreamscapes. Appalling. The Lovecraft homage in Dreamscapes in particular was absolutely embarrassing. Insomnia was cringe. Kubrick was the best thing to ever happen to him.

Once in his early life he tried to get a job and wasn't hired. He thought it was the fault of minorities and started to really, really hate them. He also named his cat niggerman.

Yeah lets build solar panels and wind generators and inchaallah in 30 years we will actually have batteries that can make them useful, but more importantly we can all feel morally superior to stupid nukef*gs who release ebil radiation that the human body has LITERALLY NO WAY TO DEAL WITH!
Also the show chernobyl (2019) told me that the entirety of europe was SO CLOSE to being wiped out and we were THIS LUCKY that only 138 people died!

Why are mutts so obsessed with politics and why do they have to insert it into everything they do, hear or see?
Are you really that incapable of seperating information and contextualizing things properly?
It's this retarded behaviour that's caused the downfall of your society.

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Children can't consent pedobear

There was a seen in Salem's Lot(both the book and the 1979 TV series) where the Vampire's thrall - Mr. Straker - kidnaps and sacrifices a small child.

Are vampires and clowns a symbol for something?

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>tell me what you see in the ink blott

>Stephen King discusses the intellectual merits of others

kek, that title of the vid, I call my dog Shekelstien, most people don't even ask why

I mean, he’s kind of right. Trump is a complete failure but even with an incompetent at the helm, the show Chernobyl portrays failure of the system in that country at basically every level

Kek based Kubrick

Pretty good storyteller until he doesn't know where to take the story and crashes it with no survivors. On a line-by-line basis he's a hack writer with terrible taste, but since I haven't read a lot of his later work I can't say for sure if that's improved over time. His dialogue can be retarded. I didn't hate the time travel novel he wrote about the JFK assassination. That's a fairly recent book of his that wasn't bad. Misery is probably among his best novels, I even liked the parts where the writer held hostage writes new sketches for his Misery series in an attempt to please the crazy woman holding him hostage. That book also has less of the gratuitous gore that gets tiresome fast. I recall liking Dolores Claiborne, but I was still in my teens when I read it in the 90s so I can't say for sure. I remember loving the premise of Insomnia, but it's one of those books of his that goes off the rails and becomes absolute dreck. The Shining is one of my favorite films, but the novel is garbage in comparison. Most King novels I've read are mediocre at best. His horror novels gave me some sleepless nights and cold sweats as a kid.

His politics strike me as almost stereotypically libtarded.

I think it sucks much like the shitty way every fucking moronic leftist has to segway literally everything into some lecture moment while of course advertising whatever flavour of the moment.. In this case chernobyl which has nothing to do with anything

fuck off, stephen king

Horror, cosmic horror, all kinds of horror, just read a few short stories to start you'll get the gist of it

great insight dieter, you're definitely not a retard

>When, long ago, the gods created Earth
>In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
>The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
>Yet were they too remote from humankind.
>To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
>Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
>A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
>Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

Based and Cylopianpilled

one of his best that had real impact on future sci/fi horror was "at the mountains of madness"

He wasn't terrified of the world around him, he simply had disdain for it. If he was scared of anything it was the nightmares and night terrors he would endure, that and the various deaths he had to face throughout his life and his dreadful relationship with his mother is probably what drove him to be a horror writer.


King believes there are forces of good and evil, but they can only work through avatar/proxy. He unironically feels he is some knight for the forces of good by swinging his twitter sword against the orange man. He got high on his own supply.

>1982 - Different Seasons (novellas)
This has the story the movie Stand by Me is based on. Stand by Me will always be one of my favorite films, but the story is not on par. The collection also has Shawshank Redemption which is a pretty good story from what I remember and was of course turned into the famous movie. It also has Apt Pupil, the story where a teenager finds out a German immigrant in the neighborhood is a former Nazi and forces him to wear an SS costume etc. Different Seasons was one of the first books in English I bought with my pocket money back in the day.

That is just plain retarded, period. Can't believe I enjoyed reading his books. Who would have known, liberals are truly messed up in the head acting like a bunch of spoiled brads. It is like seeing those fags "coming out of the closet" types. They know something is wrong, but they can't comprehend, go with the flow, because the other retards applaud.

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>high-five'ing that your son has severe mental illness
God that webm fucking kills me every time.
Are parents celebrating their trans-kids actually just suffering from Münchhausen-by-proxy syndrome?

Can't you see them struggling.

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When you're 15 years old, you might appreciate Stephen King. When you're 25, you understand the shit writer he is.

Only an idiot doesn't read Solzhenitsyn and research what happened in Chernobyl and make the connection.
Socialist idealogues in Russia were so concerned with "the fascist international bourgeoisie" that they didn't want it to get out that their reactor was flawed. Took no action or ineffective action to dampen the disaster.
Stephen King dupport literally the same idealogues, intersectionality in the demoncrap party is an extension of this marxist thinking.
Want another meltdown? Go socialist in the US.

Stephen King is literally "fisher price my first horror writer"

his stuff is ok entry level, but he's so fucking insufferable that I wish that truck that hit him finished the job.

Guy N Smith, Graham Masterson, the Lovecraft Circle, Thomas Monteleone, Rick Hautala, Ronald Kelly etc. were way better

Show is great

That fucking car didn’t hit him hard enough to be quite honest.

Like that's a fucking stretch.
Ie: watching a dunkirk seeing the battles is a direct comparison to how the Jews are fighting the world

See it makes you look dumb to stretch so far.

A dark and twisted person write his books.